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teamfuel 05-14-07 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by DrKilljoy (Post 6940043)
FYI: I did the drive through the desert in 2002 and was in a full upper body brace.. it's not that hot (compared to normal driving in Houston) if you keep moving :P Average temps for Phoenix (halfway throug the desert) in September are low 74° and a high of 97°. Like I said only a few (5-10) degrees higher than home. Another concern is if there IS a vehicle failure it will be the middle of the night, roadside repairs may be hampered and there most likely will be few auto parts stores around to help.

Basic driving distances to consider are:
Day one : Houston to Las Cruces - 10-11 hrs

Day two: Las Cruces to Phoenix - 5-6 hrs
or Day two: Las Cruces to LA - 10-11 hrs

Nighttime or daytime those are the variables to consider.

We can hookup anythime.. or just rap about it online... BTW - we missed ya on Saturday.

I think we should stick to the timeline I stated earlier then (start on wednesday)...

Sorry I missed saturdays meeting, I was helping a friend buy a car (a 2003 350z with only 14k miles. We got it for $19,500:icon_tup: ) I think that was the first meeting I missed in over a year!!!! That's okay, I made the scenic drive the previous weekend...

I will pm ya about details soon, I want to check some of them out first.

TitaniumTT 05-14-07 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by DrKilljoy (Post 6939891)
The nighttime driving has pros and cons neither Clay or myself have A/C and both have black on black FC's so I feel you in that regard.

As far as rolling into Irvine on Saturday morning that doesn't work very well for me.. I need time to wash down 1500 miles of bugs and dirt before taking her to the biggest car show she will ever see!

Although, I trully understand your interest in the night runs, but I'm not sure that will work for me. (Note: My S.O. is flying in to Orange County Airport on Friday night, which is another reason I need to get to Irvine on Friday afternoon).

Those are three excellent points - however, what is an S.O.??

Good call on the washing before hand. I didn't even think about that, shame on me :icon_no2: So It looks like rolling into Irvine Friday night is where it's at. That's cool, sets a timeframe at least. As far as driving times and such, to me, 10+ hours IN THE CAR is a solid day of driving, so the Houston to Las Cruces day seems like a reasonable days worth of driving for me. Las Cruces to Phoenix @ 5-6 hours seems like a half day. I feel that Las Cruces to Irvine can be done in one day. As long as we're on the road awesomly early, I don't see too many problems with the heat either. 2 days from Houston to Irvine seems like a reasonable amount.

I'd probably be meeting you guys between the I-10/I-20 merge and Las Cruces. Las Cruces appears to be ~35 hours from my starting point per Mapquest.. That's a TOUGH 2 days but then a very easy 2 to get to Irvine. I dunno.... Thoughts, anyone else pondering? A buddy from TeamFC3S may be coming down from Ontario!

Then again, if we layed up in Phoenix for a night, that wouldn't be too bad. It would add a day to the trip yes, means hotel for some, but I think my wife would appreciate me spending one night with her aunt so to me either way is a wash. Let it be known that her presence isn't garunteed yet so don't let that weigh on the decision.

So I guess what's the vote? Las Cruse -> Irvine or Las Cruces -> Phoenix overnight then off to Irvine?

TitaniumTT 05-14-07 10:33 PM

So Clay, you thought would be to leave Houston Wednesday, get into Las Cruces Wednesday night. Get to Phoenix on Thursday. Leave Phoenix Thursday and get into Irvine Friday?

Is that the way the mass is leaning?


wyallen 05-14-07 10:48 PM


What’s up with the enthusiasm for driving to 7stock this year??? Due to the limited amount of leave I have and the blown engine (GTUs)/blown turbo (TII) I wasn’t planning on going this year, but if you guys are really serious I’ll track down my wrenches.


teamfuel 05-15-07 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 6941080)
So Clay, you thought would be to leave Houston Wednesday, get into Las Cruces Wednesday night. Get to Phoenix on Thursday. Leave Phoenix Thursday and get into Irvine Friday?

Is that the way the mass is leaning?


We would get to Phoenix on thursday but leave with the phoenix crew on friday, but yeah, everything else looks right. Keith, is that what you were thinking?

It is worth it to get to LA on Friday.

TitaniumTT 05-15-07 06:23 AM

That's what I said, get to Phoenix thusday, leave with them friday. I may meet you guys in Phoenix. It would be a tough 17+ each day for two days to get to Las Cruces and then a 5-6 hour day from Las Cruces to Phoenix. I may spread it out a little more even and meet up with you guys Thursday night in Phoenix, spend the night with my wife & aunt-in-law and then meet up again Friday to make the trip to Irvine. That way it'll be 3 12 hour days to Phoenix, cost will be the same, jus a little easier on my rear.

hondahater 05-15-07 06:30 AM

I live about 5 miles from I-10 in lake charles, louisiana. It's about 1.5 hours from houston. I may go if my car is done but if it's not you guys are more than welcome to come by for a pit stop for food, drink or just a place to stretch for a bit.

gainer_reniag 05-15-07 09:44 AM

I will back from deployment in august my car is in the shop but im sure it should be done by september anyway. I in gulfport, ms so ill will make it a point to meet up with the caravan and cruise at least untill new orleans.

DrKillJoY 05-15-07 11:43 AM

TTT: S.O. = Significant other

Wyatt: Mostly because there is sufficient interest from others and I finally have a car that can make it to Sevenstock (I hope). Are you stil in NM, or did you guys move yet?

RedR1 05-15-07 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by hondahater (Post 6941790)
I live about 5 miles from I-10 in lake charles, louisiana. It's about 1.5 hours from houston. I may go if my car is done but if it's not you guys are more than welcome to come by for a pit stop for food, drink or just a place to stretch for a bit.

I will be coming from Florida. If that's a serious offer, i'd like to grab dinner or something with ya at a resturaunt or fast food place, depending on when i come on through. Just to meet and greet with a forum member that i've talked to online every so often :)

RedR1 05-15-07 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 6941063)
Those are three excellent points - however, what is an S.O.??

Senior Officer i'm guessing if he's military. Maybe his LT or senior brass is flying in for the show from over seas, and he's meeting up with him for drinks and the car meet?

hondahater 05-15-07 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by RedR1 (Post 6942514)
I will be coming from Florida. If that's a serious offer, i'd like to grab dinner or something with ya at a resturaunt or fast food place, depending on when i come on through. Just to meet and greet with a forum member that i've talked to online every so often :)

oh yeah it's a serious offer. I know that's a long ass trip from florida too cali and maybe this would be alot easier of a trip if there where a few spots inbetween that people could stop and stretch, eat, drink and maybe have access to a few tools. If you guys set it up to all come at once or in a group I can maybe get a bbq going with some burgers, sausage and beer. Just let me know.

TitaniumTT 05-15-07 02:38 PM

If there's a gather I'd probably dip wayyyy south and meet up. That's an awesome offer though thanks man!!

Ah Keith, got the S.O. part now thanks. So in jest now, is it your SO doesnt want to drive with you, or you don't the ole SO in such tight quarters for such an extended period of time??? I told my wife flat out I couldn't take 4 days of
stop tailgating
you're driving to fast
watch your mouth
Just becuase you can doesn't mean you should
Keep you hand gestures below the door
Horns should be silent
You didn't have to flip off that 6 year old
& of course
I have to pee :rlaugh:

Actually I have to confess, we drove from VA Beach to CT (~8hours) stopped for gas once, one bathroom that was so disgusting I wouldn't let her use it and she held it for 8+ hours :thumbup:

However, we are deciding how we are going to work it. Ideally now I think she'd fly to Phoenix ahead of me for a few days and I'd meet up with you guys in Phoenix on Thursday (My day 3) Spend the night with her and head out with all y'all Friday morning.

If I'm understanding this correctly, a large group is leaving Houston on Wednesday getting to Las Cruces Wednesday night. THen leave Las Cruces Thursday and becoming an even larger group in Phoenix on Thursday night.

Does that sound about right?


teamfuel 05-15-07 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 6943166)
If I'm understanding this correctly, a large group is leaving Houston on Wednesday getting to Las Cruces Wednesday night. THen leave Las Cruces Thursday and becoming an even larger group in Phoenix on Thursday night.

Does that sound about right?


sounds right to me...

RedR1 05-15-07 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 6943166)
Ah Keith, got the S.O. part now thanks. So in jest now, is it your SO doesnt want to drive with you, or you don't the ole SO in such tight quarters for such an extended period of time??? I told my wife flat out I couldn't take 4 days of
stop tailgating
you're driving to fast
watch your mouth
Just becuase you can doesn't mean you should
Keep you hand gestures below the door
Horns should be silent
You didn't have to flip off that 6 year old
& of course
I have to pee :rlaugh:

I did not factor that in. Thankfully, my car is registered in FL, and no emissions there. So a complete open exhaust. Once the wifey starts to nag, i'll downshift it to fourth gear and let the exhaust drone her out. a few extra tanks of gas is worth not hearing it all. LOL.

that or leave her in the tow vehicle, and i'll drive the FD as far as I can :P :lol: :lol: :lol:

RedR1 05-15-07 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by hondahater (Post 6943098)
oh yeah it's a serious offer. I know that's a long ass trip from florida too cali and maybe this would be alot easier of a trip if there where a few spots inbetween that people could stop and stretch, eat, drink and maybe have access to a few tools. If you guys set it up to all come at once or in a group I can maybe get a bbq going with some burgers, sausage and beer. Just let me know.

Once the time gets closer, i'll plan it all out. I really appreciate it man!

DrKillJoY 05-15-07 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 6943166)
If there's a gather I'd probably dip wayyyy south and meet up. That's an awesome offer though thanks man!!

Ah Keith, got the S.O. part now thanks. So in jest now, is it your SO doesnt want to drive with you, or you don't the ole SO in such tight quarters for such an extended period of time??? I told my wife flat out I couldn't take 4 days of...

LOL, no but I expect to hear some of that. Basicaly she can't take off 8+ days of work. She is going to leave work on Friday, fly out at night/afternoon. We will do Sevenstock and do some other things in SoCal, then drive home together.

dregg100 05-15-07 09:10 PM

titaniumTT, i cant really say how serious i am about going out their. i would love to do it, but its way too far out to say. it depends on how well the cars are running, if i have one that i trust enough to drive to CA (thats a long fucking way!!!!) so as we get closer i will know more. and taking that much time off of work. we are looking at atleast 3-4 days of driving each way right?

TitaniumTT 05-15-07 11:33 PM

Keith, that sounds like a good plan. I don't know exactely what I'm going to do about the return trip. I'm going to look into a few options. My best friend lives out in Newport Beach so I may leave the sled with him for a few weeks or months then get her in his show... I dunno, we'll see I guess. We have 4 months to figure all of this out.

Dregg - right now I think my best course if you wanted to hook up would be leave Tuesday, meet up with you Tuesday night, drive Wed & Thursday, meet up with the "whole crew" in Phoenix Thursday night and take a hual to Irvine Friday. For us to meet them on Wednesday night in Las Cruces, well that would be a haul. I'd invest heavily in Red Bull before the trip :naughty: so I don't see that happening. Right now I think I'm planning on picking up my wife in Phoenix & meeting up with these guys that Thursday night and joinging the caravan. So yes, you would have to take 3 days off from work for that.

I also plan on taking a very out of the way trip home though te flats and salt lake city, the badlands and such which would be way out of the way for you. But, you could caravan back with the crew to Houston or Dallas :ylsuper:


hondahater 05-15-07 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by RedR1 (Post 6943486)
Once the time gets closer, i'll plan it all out. I really appreciate it man!

no problem man, it's always fun helping out rotary folk :) Looks like my hbp project will be done by then but not sure if I want to take the (mostly track car) to cali, lol. See ya' when you come into town.

Sideways7 05-16-07 09:29 PM

I thought it over and decided it wouldn't be in my best interest to drive my car that far, especially though the desert. It has a very small coolant leak and failing oil control rings. While I would probably be fine, I don't want to push it.
I am still up for the trek but would have to ride shotgun. If anyone is interested I would help with gas and possibly driving.
I also have to OK it with my Boss. I seriously doubt he would have a problem with it since he always encourages me to take time off if needed, but I still need to ask. Anyway, I would like to go if someone will let me tag along.

DrKillJoY 05-16-07 11:35 PM

I am open to giving someone a ride out to Sevenstock, but you gotta find a different way home or fly home since Lori will be with me coming back

TitaniumTT 05-17-07 09:54 AM

I'm open to helping out as well but unfortunately there are a few caveates.

I may be meeting my wife in AZ for the last leg.
My best friend lives in Newport Beach so I'll be staying with him those nights
I am taking the northern route home through Las Vegas, Salt Lake City and driving through the Bad Lands so anyone who wants to ride shotgun would need to find a different way home

Is there enough interest to warrant looking into some group deals @ hotels in Las Cruces, Phoenix, & Irvine?

RedR1 05-17-07 11:42 AM

Irvine yes, but every year the event is held, the airport hilton by mazda headquarters has a 7stock rate. if it gets filled though, then we'd have to look around. . . . but i'm sure if we say we need a group rate for 7 rooms, they'd have something for us :)

teamfuel 05-17-07 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 6949851)
Is there enough interest to warrant looking into some group deals @ hotels in Las Cruces, Phoenix, & Irvine?

I am looking into this right now...I am making the exact same route (stopping in both Los Cruces and Phoenix) in July with a group of 38 people so we will be getting around 10 rooms along the way (I am in charge of that whole trip) so I am actually trying to negotiate a deal with some hotels for a good rate for both my trip and ss10....I think that will give me some more negotiating power. I will have all that nailed down within the next couple weeks and will post up the info here....

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