Lets talk about my HKS 50mm wastegate, and springs.
Lets talk about my HKS 50mm wastegate, and springs.
I'm running a brandnew HKS 50mm racing wastegate with a brand new 10psi yellow spring. I have a purple 14.7lb spring on the shelf. When I had my car on the dyno, the yellow spring would'nt start venting until 14psi. So I figured the wastegate was binding up. I removed it, and checked it out. No binding or anything like that....but what I don't understand is why won't it vent earlier? I have maybe 100miles on it, do these springs take time to heat cycle and get weaker? Anyhelp would be helpfull. CJ
I'm running a vacuum line from the uim, to a profec B, then down to the mid section of the wastegate. The aluminum section has a fitting in it, but its vented to the atmosphere. Ari, at RP said to run it like a external wastegate, so thats the way we had it hooked up. Setup this way, it controled boost fine, but I'd just like to get it down to 10psi. 340rwhp on a mustang dyno is a little to much for daily driving. CJ
Contrary to common belief, the spring can have different psi ratings for the same colour.So a yellow spring can be rated at two different poundages.
How? because i've had two brand new hks race gates both with yellow springs but different ratings.
One was 10-14 the other 14-17 or there about.
How? because i've had two brand new hks race gates both with yellow springs but different ratings.
One was 10-14 the other 14-17 or there about.
My 10# spring in my HKS wastegate also opened about 14psi. I ended up using a spring from the standard series wastegate. Works great that way. The springs are interchangeable. Perhaps buy a 7 or 9# spring for the standard series.