FMIC HP Gains over Large SMIC??
FMIC HP Gains over Large SMIC??
I've heard all the debates over SMIC and FMIC, but nobody seems to mention what the actual gains are of FMIC over a large SMIC like the M2 Larger intercooler. Does anybody have a guess, or even better some hard data? I don't plan to run more than 15psi and I do autocross, so would be getting the Apexi FMIC if I got one. Thanks for any replies.
More than likely no one will be able to help you on this one. We do have some data for the M2 medium and large IC from Sport Compact Car for pressure loss and its ablility to chill the air close to ambient. But I don't think anyone has that kind of data for a fmic. IMO, it would have to chill the air to ambient or below ambient, which it can't due unless rain is hitting it to make up for the inceased piping and resulting pressure loss through the system. Not to mention the hack job on your front end to make it fit.
But until we canget some data on the fmic, then everyone's pretty much just giving an opinion.
Tim Benton
But until we canget some data on the fmic, then everyone's pretty much just giving an opinion.
Tim Benton