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Old 12-16-06, 08:30 PM
Banned. I got OWNED!!!
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i agree!
Old 12-16-06, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by ska3260
I'm sorry, my intial feelings towards this matter was yes to get my money or rims. But after everything he said, I am hurt. I am hurt that one of our own fellow club members would take advantage of people like that. $200 to me right now is inmateral. I want an apology to the club posted on the forum, an apology to me, and I want him to do right to me and eriksseven and give us the money we deserve. I make $200 in 4 hours at work. It is moral to me and it should be to you too. That is why this country is built on a legal system and laws are made.
whoa, slow down there jack....

if you wish to talk about the laws, then you need to compare them to how youre acting. UNDER THE LAW, you are entitled to your money back. Under that same law, you are no more entitled to be an *** about this than he is.

If the money was not the issue, then why even start this thread?

Look, I am trying to be cool with you about this because I know what it's like to get scammed. But you need to really take a good look at how far ahead you are right now--ask rotary ressurection. Ask him about the guy that screwed him out of engine parts three years ago. Ask him about all the time and effort I have put in just to get something done to the jackass that ripped him and a dozen others off. I have tracked the guy to a half dozen other forums, some of which he has used to scam even more people. Out of all the people who get screwed, you have no reason to be complaining--look at the help and support you have gotten! Be grateful and quit while youre ahead, TRUST ME on this one. Most people that get screwed in here end up with nothing....ask me how I know....

You went from having no answers, to the guy telling you "the company is out of business so all debts are gone...", and now he finally wants to handle this. SHUT UP AND TAKE IT. You will NOT get a better deal anywhere else. No apology will fix this. Stop digging yourself a hole and take the guy's offer before he decides you are being a ***** and changes his mind.....because when he does that you wont get a damn thing. THEN, you can try to go to court all you like, and when he shows the judge that he made a bona fide attempt to resolve this and you refused, you will walk away with nothing. STOP BEING A DICK already. TAKE THE OFFER.

One more thing--stop trying to play the wounded duck here. You arent "hurt". You want revenge. Everyone can see the difference. Dont think youre kidding anyone.....he scammed you and now you want to put the screws to him in return. REVENGE WILL MAKE YOU LOSE. EVERY TIME. The goal is to resolve the issue. If you have no interest in peacefully doing so, then kindly shut your yap and move on with life. The guy made mistakes, yes, but he came forward with a real offer to try to settle this--youre a real idiot if you pass on that for the sake of revenge.

I make $200 in 4 hours at work
with that spelling and grammar?? What do you do, act as a real life crash dummy??
Old 12-17-06, 12:24 AM

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Pass the popcorn

ahem , where is the list of dissatisfied people this pos has ripped off like myself and ska

i paid for complete sunroof, tps sensor [s4], and a starter for 125 shipped or + shipping
the starter looked worse than the one on car, never used, the tps same, and instead of complete sunroof I recieved panel. that was my first paypal, rx7club transaction and it says right in Lukes ad if not satisfied w/ parts money back, i offered immediately to resolve according to his terms and nothing, he called in his cronies and tried counterattack on then newbie to forum, not life.. and he refused said he didn't have other parts was out of business! Plus I asked to have this asap and I had to keep pm'ing and emailing asking for delivery for over 3wks. yes it does hurt rxroller2 if you are ripped, i dont make 50 bucks an hour, i am the most honest person on here ever and that is how i was treated, like ska. so he choses to press this issue, i hope he files w/ police or whoever. like you said 65 aint much but it is moral/value system. i will keep responding like i did when i was ripped. and i could get a lot more members to do so. anyone defending any aspect of these actions from luke and others should be banned immediately and for good along with him. you sound very police like or legal type rxroller2 is this so?

free bump for moral character ska
Old 12-17-06, 06:34 AM
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Look guys....All Roller is trying to say it that you have gotten farther than most people ever get after being scammed. I have seen it time and time again on this forum. There are hundreds of threads where a vitim posts about being scammed and absolutly nothing happens. No one is defending Lukes actions. But the simple fact of the matter is that he is trying to make good on his mistake and that's more than most people do around here. Email him, see what he says and then make your decision as to how to proceed. And Roller is right...revenge will get you nowhere. Be thankful that he is even offering to do something about the bigger man.
Old 12-17-06, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by robrxray
Pass the popcorn

ahem , where is the list of dissatisfied people this pos has ripped off like myself and ska

i paid for complete sunroof, tps sensor [s4], and a starter for 125 shipped or + shipping
the starter looked worse than the one on car, never used, the tps same, and instead of complete sunroof I recieved panel. that was my first paypal, rx7club transaction and it says right in Lukes ad if not satisfied w/ parts money back, i offered immediately to resolve according to his terms and nothing, he called in his cronies and tried counterattack on then newbie to forum, not life.. and he refused said he didn't have other parts was out of business! Plus I asked to have this asap and I had to keep pm'ing and emailing asking for delivery for over 3wks. yes it does hurt rxroller2 if you are ripped, i dont make 50 bucks an hour, i am the most honest person on here ever and that is how i was treated, like ska. so he choses to press this issue, i hope he files w/ police or whoever. like you said 65 aint much but it is moral/value system. i will keep responding like i did when i was ripped. and i could get a lot more members to do so. anyone defending any aspect of these actions from luke and others should be banned immediately and for good along with him. you sound very police like or legal type rxroller2 is this so?

free bump for moral character ska
Let me clarify a few things here...

1--I was not trying to say that it doesnt hurt to get screwed--I simply meant that being hurt was NOT his reason for acting like a dick--revenge is. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. That is the LAST position you want to take when you're out $200 and the guy finally comes around and says "let's resolve this". Its that simple.

2--I understand far better than you seem to think about this kind of thing. Not only have I been screwed before, but I also help others in here that have been screwed, I am a licensed bail enforcement agent with lots of experience putting criminals in jail, and I know the law. A person in my position has to. But, you need to learn the most basic rule in a deal like this--just because you CAN do something, that doesnt mean it is the best alternative. Tell me, what exactly do you think ska will accomplish?? Let's get a little more into detail:

--GO TO THE COPS...he can file a report. An officer might actually investigate it, but there is no guarantee that they will even take the time to do so. But, if they do, all that luke will need to do is show them this forum, his posts, where he says "look, email me and we will settle this, I will make it right...". AT THAT POINT, the cops will agree with him and push ska to accept a deal. NO ONE WILL GO TO JAIL. Where is the satisfaction for ska in that? he can accomplish the same damn thing right now by shutting up and simply resolving this. Dont believe me?? Flip on your tv and watch any episode of cops. The police are TRAINED to help people with disputes work it out if possible instead of always taking someone to jail.

---SMALL CLAIMS COURT...ska can have his day in court. But again, luke shows the judge, "see these posts? I made efforts to resolve this and he was unwilling!" What do YOU think that attitude will look like to the judge? Quite vindictive, I believe. And after that, the MOST that ska would hope for is the same damn settlement that luke is willing to work out RIGHT NOW.

That is why I told him to **** up and take this chance. It is absolutely the best one he's gonna get. And court costs?? You can FORGET about him getting that out of luke....if luke shows the judge that he made a genuine effort to keep this out of court, then the judge will know that ska had that option and just wanted to drag luke into the mud.

3--rob, why dont you take luke up on this most recent offer yourself? Why dont you shoot him that email too? What do you stand to lose? The guy specifically said he wants anyone who has a claim to email him and he will work with you.....if you are really so bothered by this, then why arent you doing that?

4--if you think that I was defending luke, you need to learn how to read better, son. Seriously. I dont defend scammers for ****. Ask anyone who knows me in here--I put in more time and effort to catch these freaks than any three other people on the forum....and I do it for free. I have actually pushed hard enough to get some people money back from scammers. In other cases, I have tracked down the thief so the member could pursue criminal charges. If you think that I was defending the guy, think again. BUT--he DID state that he wants to make it right, and so far, not one person that lost money to him has even taken that step to find out if he is serious. If you really are hurt, and you really care about the deal here, then email him already. Do I think luke did wrong? You betcha. BUT--I also think that ska will lose if he tries to push this further. Send the guy a damn email and let's get this over with. It takes a big person to stand up and say "I was wrong and I want to fix it...", and at the very least, you need to try that route. Ska does too.
Old 12-17-06, 12:05 PM
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you guys think print-outs of forum posts will stand up in court?

small claims court is a waste of time, you got to remember it protects all parties involved, you had better have more then some print outs if you think you will win.

I have tried taking people to small claims court, you had better have a open and shut case to win, and after winning good luck getting your money anyhow.
Old 12-17-06, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Rob XX 7
you guys think print-outs of forum posts will stand up in court?

small claims court is a waste of time, you got to remember it protects all parties involved, you had better have more then some print outs if you think you will win.

I have tried taking people to small claims court, you had better have a open and shut case to win, and after winning good luck getting your money anyhow.
let me stress this one more time--I deal with the law all the time. I know the law. I HAVE TO.

You dont think that printouts will help?? Sure they will--all you need is the corresponding IP information from the forum to prove who said that point, you HAVE an open and shut case.

Anyway, your argument agianst court is nothing more than further reason why ska needs to shut up and take this do too. Otherwise, stop posting....if you dont really care about getting something done, then go away.
Old 12-17-06, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by ska3260
I'm sorry, my intial feelings towards this matter was yes to get my money or rims. But after everything he said, I am hurt. I am hurt that one of our own fellow club members would take advantage of people like that. $200 to me right now is inmateral. I want an apology to the club posted on the forum, an apology to me, and I want him to do right to me and eriksseven and give us the money we deserve. I make $200 in 4 hours at work. It is moral to me and it should be to you too. That is why this country is built on a legal system and laws are made.
Get over the "Hurt" thing, it happens everday. And yes it even happens on this forum. Luke is what he is and nothing you do or feel you could do will change that fact. Luke is the only one that can. Wanting and getting are 2 separate issues.

Getting an apology from Luke is not going to change the events that have occured.Sorry is just a word, actions are what is concrete. Getting your money back is what is right and just in this case, nothing more, nothing less.

Morality, the law, and justice are all different. There are many laws in our legal system. Some are enforced, others are not. Then there is the interpretation of the law which is awhole different thing. The fact is that rx7roller and others have taken the time to help you get what is fair. To not take this is an insult to them and then you owe them a apology for posting this whole thing up in the first place and wasting their time and effort. Just my nickels worth(inflation)
Old 12-17-06, 03:01 PM
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wow you all are on the ball....hope it ends up well...rx7roller02 glad to see you back and fighting the good cause.

Last edited by KaoticFdR1; 12-17-06 at 03:06 PM.
Old 12-17-06, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by rx7roller02
let me stress this one more time--I deal with the law all the time. I know the law. I HAVE TO.

You dont think that printouts will help?? Sure they will--all you need is the corresponding IP information from the forum to prove who said that point, you HAVE an open and shut case.

Anyway, your argument agianst court is nothing more than further reason why ska needs to shut up and take this do too. Otherwise, stop posting....if you dont really care about getting something done, then go away.

you should ease your tone, where do you get off talking to people the way you do?

You can give your input, but others give it and you tell them to go away???
Old 12-17-06, 04:43 PM
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For all you posers out there in the internet land. This is an open and shut case. I am working with luke to resolve this. However that does not mean we will meet on this agreement. I will be personally picking these "parts" or cash up if that is what it comes to. I want to see the man that pissed so many off.
Old 12-17-06, 07:19 PM
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I will be personally picking these "parts" or cash up if that is what it comes to. I want to see the man that pissed so many off.
e-thug to real-thug conversion in progress? This should be interesting. IN for video of said confrontation.
Old 12-17-06, 07:28 PM
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sorry no video I will not sign a waiver.
Old 12-17-06, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Rob XX 7
you should ease your tone, where do you get off talking to people the way you do?

You can give your input, but others give it and you tell them to go away???
Where do I get off? Simple--

I volunteer my time, effort, and even money to help the people of this forum recoup something from getting scammed. I dont ask for a cent in return. My efforts have gotten some people their money back, and others have found the guy that was trying to hide because of my work.

That said, THIS SECTION OF THE FORUM IS TO RESOLVE DISPUTES. If you have no intention of resolving things in a reasonable manner, THEN YOU SHOULD NOT POST HERE. For god's sake, the guy comes here and says he wants his money back....the seller agrees to work something out, and then the guy refuses?? WHAT THE HELL DID HE COME HERE FOR THEN??

If you are involved in this deal personally, then you are either going to be part of the solution or part of the problem. IF YOU GOT SCAMMED, and you are only interested in being part of the problem, THEN DONT WASTE THE TIME OF THE MEMBERS HERE LIKE ME THAT GO OUT OF OUR WAY TO HELP YOU. I dont think that asking or expecting someone to act in a reasonable fashion is too much to ask, why should you? Better yet, why not look at the consensus of what the other members here think, and then you can tell me if I am right or not....

Remember, this section exists for resolving disputes. It does NOT exist for wannabe e-thugs to use it for revenge. The sooner you understand that the sooner my posts will make some sense to you.
Old 12-17-06, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by KaoticFdR1
wow you all are on the ball....hope it ends up well...rx7roller02 glad to see you back and fighting the good cause.
thanks josh....
Old 12-17-06, 08:11 PM
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no here is the order of things

1) Warn people not to buy from him so they do not get scammed
2) He pulls a buch of lies out of his rectum to say he dosen't owe me crap
3) I get ticked off
4) He wants to cover up his scam in private
5) You butt you big head in thinking you are all that
6) I have a sit down with my lawyer and find this case to be an easy win (thats how us jews roll)
7) I contact a local news reporter and give them the low down
8) They show intrest in the happenings and are willing to take action to investigate if things don't end up proper.
9) Your mom calls u in for dinner
10) she unbuttons her shirt and you start sucking on her nipple.

You sir are also a Fucktard
Old 12-17-06, 09:11 PM
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hey ska--I think its time you check yourself.

Let's see what everyone thinks about your attitude and my words:

rx7roller02 glad to see you back and fighting the good cause.
The fact is that rx7roller and others have taken the time to help you get what is fair. To not take this is an insult to them and then you owe them a apology for posting this whole thing up in the first place and wasting their time and effort.
Look guys....All Roller is trying to say it that you have gotten farther than most people ever get after being scammed. I have seen it time and time again on this forum. There are hundreds of threads where a vitim posts about being scammed and absolutly nothing happens. No one is defending Lukes actions. But the simple fact of the matter is that he is trying to make good on his mistake and that's more than most people do around here. Email him, see what he says and then make your decision as to how to proceed. And Roller is right...revenge will get you nowhere. Be thankful that he is even offering to do something about the bigger man.
If it were me I'd call your bluff. After all, if you were knowledgeable enough and intent on doing this, you would never have posted here to begin with. You're just trying to look like an e-badass now that you've got a few people on your side.
--that last one was directly to ska, from one of the most knowledgeable and successful sellers in the history of this much for what you thought you knew, ska....

As for your order of things, you obviously left a lot of **** out....such as--

....when he tried to lie about not owing anything to anyone, I and several others stepped in and DEFENDED your sorry ***. That's really odd how you didnt complain one bit then that I posted...but now that I am telling you to knock it off, you gotta be a bigger ***** about it. Not surprising.

....whats to cover up??? THERE IS NOTHING TO COVER UP IN PRIVATE, you moron--THIS IS ALL ALREADY PUBLIC NOW. no amount of private anything will change that!

Look, kid, this is really simple. You came in here and posted a thread. That means, whatever replies come from that are what you get. You got a ton of help from people that does not normally happen in here. Most of the time, it becomes a case of either defending the accused or bashing them. But this was got a lot of help and suggestions from people who know more than you do on the topic. And when all is said and done, the guy agrees to do what you wanted--to resolve this. It is not my fault that you thought you needed to be a dick from then on. Yes, the guy was wrong. Yes, you were right. But then he admitted he was wrong, and you made an *** of yourself. Grow the **** up already.

The only guy that supported your bullshit act is one that is acting about the same way. How about the two of you showing a little bit of maturity and just take care of business?? The least you could have done was thank everyone for their help and say that you were choosing a different course of action, but no, you had to sound off like ya got a pair. This is a good way to really make anyone think twice about helping you the next time you ask for it....good luck with your case, junior.
Old 12-17-06, 09:13 PM
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rxroller- you can get your point across without insulting people- you sir have NO CLASS and obviously get upset when anyone else gives input that you dont like.

If you paid attention- you would see I agree with you, that he should just take what he can get. To invest time and possibly go to court is a losing thing.Next time I will just say "I AGREE WITH RXROLLER" Because me saying that court is a waste of time was not good enough to satisfy you.
Old 12-17-06, 09:14 PM
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I say we close this thread and let these 2 dickbeaters go at each other with a bat to the head until they are both content.
Old 12-17-06, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Rob XX 7
rxroller- you can get your point across without insulting people- you sir have NO CLASS and obviously get upset when anyone else gives input that you dont like.

If you paid attention- you would see I agree with you, that he should just take what he can get. To invest time and possibly go to court is a losing thing.Next time I will just say "I AGREE WITH RXROLLER" Because me saying that court is a waste of time was not good enough to satisfy you.
dude, you need help....

"input I dont like"???

Is THIS the kind of "input" you speak of??

9) Your mom calls u in for dinner
10) she unbuttons her shirt and you start sucking on her nipple.

You sir are also a Fucktard
WOW..what input.....

thanks for pointing such great words of wisdom out to me...

You then tell me that I need to tone it down--why?? Someone asks for help, and then refuses to take it. Why waste everyone's time? There are some of us that help in here out of our own volition--dont abuse that. If you dont have any interest in being mature enough to handle things properly, then dont come in here and waste my time and anyone else's that tried to help. Why is that too much for you to hear?

Tell you what---kevin is right on the money. You two can go sit in the corner and rub your weiners together all you like. There was a ton of help offered here, but since the 23 year old mechanic that supposedly makes $50 an hour thinks he knows it all, that concludes the help for you two geniuses. Even through all this bullshit, I seriously hope you guys get your $$$ back....
Old 12-18-06, 06:12 AM
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How he conducted himself has no bearing on how you speak to me.
Old 12-18-06, 06:59 AM

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I agree ^
Is this Dog bounty hunter? i thought he was in jail
very much more satisfaction than money, is watching someone exposed for what they are

ska if you are jewish congratulations. my wife is jewish and the earth has no more beautiful, intelligent people. I am catholic, neither practice. I do have a 400lb. Jewish lawyer from Long Island, New York who is a personal friend and has assisted us before in all kinds of injustices.

seems like a good ole boy network on here also. if you see the same members continuously back up the others posts.

why would i waste more time/breath for a year old dispute when it could of been resolved
civilized immediately. His choice. That is what all this comes down to. His choices.

well now it is ska and others choice to resolve in their manner. I am sure he appeciates more than you know the invaluable help that has been offered here from several people/legal types. Being a bigger man doesn't take much in this case and that is a loose term i would not associate in this thread subject.
Old 12-18-06, 08:01 AM
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Originally Posted by robrxray
Is this Dog bounty hunter?
As a matter of fact, yes....he is.
Old 12-18-06, 12:24 PM
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I think you forgot to take your medication…. Please take your meds and refocus your attention on Luke Tech.

For all of those who doubt Roller please read the threads below.
Old 12-18-06, 02:50 PM
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anyone see Dog the Bounty hunter crying like a little girl when he got locked up in Mexico over the summer?

Quick Reply: Luke_tech

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