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tandolla 06-30-06 02:53 PM

i have no problem staying later and picking up.. i always hate leaving someplace a mess.? i dont know why but i always have to through my shit away if im at someones house i cant leave it or laying around. and i hate litering.? its wierd i just dont like make other stuff messes.

I have a question.. how many people smoke cigerettes that are going to attend.?
if no one else smokes i will make sure i dont around smoke around you guys.. ( i hate smokeing around people that dont smoke. :( )
that saving the money for the next event sounds good. BUT! who would hold onto the money.? lol not me! lol

uspmasta 06-30-06 03:33 PM

more than likeyly i will help out afterwards..... and i definately don't want to hold onto money hahah i'll prolly spend it on my car!!!!!!! J/K oh and im not a smoker.... but i don't mind since my mom still does it around me whenever i visit her so im use to it!!!! besides i might be strolling around the cars taking pictures and video taping Tim waxing my car!!!!

tandolla 06-30-06 11:06 PM

:) thanks for reminding me to bring my camera :) YES!! i forgot.. YES im soo excited to see everyone elses cars AHHH!! i cant wait.. does anyone have a time machine? j/k HA

Upgrayedd 07-01-06 04:57 PM

YES everyone bring your cameras and lots of one dollar bills to throw at me! lol If any girls wanna make out with me on camera I'm down! lol I know you'll be excited to see me in spandex.... :score: I hope to see everyone there and meet some cool people and eat some GOOD food! 3 weeks everyone! I'm skipping out on a wedding and a car show in Silverwood, Idaho for this! So you better show up or I'll introduce you to my GAT! YeayYeay :ar:

SkqqterRX7 07-01-06 05:57 PM

There has been a slight change in plans. Due to my futzing around looking for someone with a Renton address the 21st of July was taken and the next available date was August 18th. I did find someone who was willing to put his name on the contract so the site is taken care of. Sorry guys, you are going to have to wait a few more weeks. But that will give Tim more time to find the right pair of spandex, I vote for pink.

I am a smoker but also a considerate smoker and will bring butt cans. A friend of mine had a housewarming party and there were a ton of hotdogs & hamburgers left over she said I could have (I offered to buy them from her). I don't know how much will be left by August 18th but that will take care of some of the food.

If anyone knows anyone at some of the Mazda places that might be willing to donate something for prizes will you contact them or give me a contact name & number and I will call.

I am really looking forward to the BBQ. Another idea I had which someone mentioned and I expanded on is to do a 2007 calendar (with photoshop it's so easy) with a picture of someone and their car for each month and the obvious selection would be anyone wearing spandex!

I have no problem putting the money we collect above the actual expenses away. If we sell the calendars we could also put that away for the next big event.

uspmasta 07-01-06 09:28 PM

aaaahhhh man....... i already put in a request for the 21 of july... oh well i guess ima have to talk my way around this one.... oh well that calendar is a good idea but i don't wanna see dudes in spandex all the time!!!!

tandolla 07-01-06 11:52 PM

yea i would love to have a nice calender but the spandex idea.. ? my friends might think im gay HAHA ( no ofense )

i dont know if im goign to beable to make it.. i might be going to Sturgis. ( bike rally in South Dakota.) hm.. oh well ill skip it .

AHHH!! im looking forward to it.. wish my car would be nice enough to be on the calender . :( oh well ..

RX72NR 07-02-06 04:50 AM

Talk to Neil at Renton's Pinnincal Mazda, he is the parts manager, and will hook you guys up. Ask him to come to Coulon.

uspmasta 07-02-06 06:31 PM

get the hook ups on our cars!!!!!!! that would be very very ........WONDERFUL can't wait still wish it was the 21 of july but thats how things go...

tandolla 07-04-06 01:45 PM

:) yea im wishing to but oh well.. :(

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