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-   -   Anybody drive without a front license plate? (https://www.rx7club.com/nw-rx-7-forum-33/anybody-drive-without-front-license-plate-583323/)

tandolla 10-20-06 02:14 AM

i got a ticket for not having a front license plate about amonth ago, so i put it on but not that im putting a Front mount on my car i dont know what im going to do. lol

bstrange99 10-20-06 10:42 AM

I agree. I like it much better without, but I've been stopped for it before. It still doesn't look "awesome", but it does look better if you just flip the bracket.

Upgrayedd 10-20-06 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by bstrange99
but it does look better if you just flip the bracket.

I disagree. Seen id done on an FD and it just looks terrible with a front plate. Not to mention it blocks air flow to the IC

importedboi 10-21-06 01:02 AM

my school cop ask about my front plate but i told him some story then he just said put in the window where it is visible. I drive by one cop almost everyday and nothing has happened so FAR, thank god. Cant speak to soon, and I plan to leave it without a front plate.

fstfwd 10-27-06 10:22 AM

I'd just assume drive my car into a brick wall before I put a front plate on my car.

Boost Lee 10-27-06 05:44 PM

I made a rig that folds up when I'm at speed. Two separate flat pieces of aluminum about 6" long and 3/4" wide. Drilled a hole at each end. Bolted one end of each bar to the stock license plate location. Used keyrings to attach my license plate to the othe end of the bar.

At a stop it hangs perpendicular to the ground. At 15mph, it's flat up against the inside of my bumper ;D.

I was actually pulled over while moving once for no front plate. I acted surprised and asked if he was sure I didn't have a plate. He checked again and then got all confused, because he was sure there wasn't a plate there!! He apologized and let me off. If this had happened during the day and he saw my rigging, I don't know what his response would have been.

Upgrayedd 10-27-06 06:01 PM

Absolutely genius!! But not possible for me cuz the stock mounting spot is gone. Had to cut it away to fit my FMIC =) Also, I'd be afraid to do it cuz it might smack against the paint and create scratches.... Weatherstripping on the back might help a little, but still I'm too anal for that...

Boost Lee 10-27-06 08:36 PM

3 Attachment(s)
CHeck it out!!!

I'm a boost nut!!! :D

rspunk96 12-20-06 10:53 PM

thats awesome Dr. IfTeR hahaha... , and for the record i havent had a front license plate on my FC or my camaro and only been pulled over twice in the FC for it and i told each officer that id take care of it..., i hate front lic. plates they take away from the car.

95MX6 12-22-06 04:41 PM

The best method I've seen so far is to mount the licence plate to your passenger sun visor. A friend of mine did that on his STI, 4 holes and some zip ties and you're done. It's about as secure as anything else in the car in the event of an accident.

His trick was to leave the visor up but flip it down if he got pulled over.

tandolla 12-22-06 04:52 PM

i got a ticket for it once but now i am not driving with one becuase of my FMIC. .. lol

93silverbullet 12-22-06 09:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Front license plates... what are those??? :p:

RedShayla 12-22-06 09:34 PM

My 7 has the plate on the front. I have never been pulled over and I don't want to take the chance!


SAMIboarder 12-23-06 12:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
never been talked to about it for over a year....

jkstill 12-23-06 11:24 PM

No Front Plate
2 Miata's

3 RX-7's - an 88, a 91 and a 83

Never a front plate, never stopped.

Being 49 years old probably helps. ;)

tandolla 12-24-06 01:07 AM

Being 49 years old probably helps.
yupp.. :)

rspunk96 12-24-06 02:01 AM

Originally Posted by SAMIboarder
never been talked to about it for over a year....

i thought u could get a ticket for cuting the Plate or altering it? or maybe im just an idiot...which is possible lol.

that looks kinda cool tho!

1MZFE 12-29-06 01:53 PM

Here's my daily driver...there is no way to mount it...I've been pulled over once in my life and it was for speed...no WA state cops have cared... I know it's not a 7 but it relates to the topic. :D


scoin11 01-07-07 03:18 AM

the front plate law doesnt make sense. its not like a cop is going to be facing the opposite direction of traffic watching for stolen cars and stuff. it really doesnt seem to have a legitimate reason, other than just another excuse to give you a ticket. also, if a cop is on the side of the road they are gonna see the front and back of your car no matter what. so as long as you got the rear plate on (which looks better than nothing) then they shouldnt ticket you.

JamesBaud 01-07-07 01:33 PM

Except now they have cameras at intersections that snap pictures of the driver and front of the car, including plate.

Matt22 01-07-07 02:59 PM

ya I have got a ticket before becaseu of no plate, also got warned for it a few times, but its a small risk not to have one, and not a big ticket anyways, Later my friend gave me a mounting braket from a Land rover, (not sure where the hell she got it) but it put the plate off to the side more, and I liked it so i actually left it on after that.

Oh and i never got pulled over in my RX2.

Kelly Mason 01-07-07 05:55 PM

I got pulled over for not having it on... But the cop seemed more interested in the 20 cases of Rockstar in my trunk. I didn't get a ticket and he wasn't an ass, but as I was pulling away I noticed there was another cop behind him with his lights on as well.. Maybe they thought I was trafficking drugs in Rockstar cans? Woohoo

k-man 01-09-07 04:29 AM

i dont have a front plate on any of my rotary cars, front plates are tacky

Chixican 01-09-07 11:51 AM

Damn pulled from the dead... Well read this.... You'll notice that the plate has to be under 4' and 'horizontal' but to what it doesn't specify. It also has to be 'attached conspiciously' meaning the numbers and stuff are easy to see. I read up on this before attaching the plate with suction cups to my window. I got pulled over and the cop said that I had to have it on my bumper. I argued with him saying that it only has to be in the front of the car and under 4'. No ticket. I did offer to change it after I made my arguement, but he back peddled and said that I didn't have to change it but I might get pulled over again for the plate.


RCW 46.16.240
Attachment of plates to vehicles -- Violations enumerated.

The vehicle license number plates shall be attached conspicuously at the front and rear of each vehicle for which the same are issued and in such a manner that they can be plainly seen and read at all times. However, if only one license number plate is legally issued for any vehicle such plate shall be conspicuously attached to the rear of such vehicle. Each vehicle license number plate shall be placed or hung in a horizontal position at a distance of not more than four feet from the ground and shall be kept clean so as to be plainly seen and read at all times. In cases where the body construction of the vehicle is such that compliance with this section is impossible, permission to deviate therefrom may be granted by the state patrol. It shall be unlawful to display upon the front or rear of any vehicle, vehicle license number plate or plates other than those furnished by the director for such vehicle or to display upon any vehicle any vehicle license number plate or plates which have been in any manner changed, altered, disfigured or have become illegible. License plate frames may be used on vehicle license number plates only if the frames do not obscure license tabs or identifying letters or numbers on the plates and the plates can be plainly seen and read at all times. It is unlawful to use any holders, frames, or any materials that in any manner change, alter, or make the vehicle license number plates illegible. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle unless there shall be displayed thereon valid vehicle license number plates attached as herein provided.

SkqqterRX7 01-17-07 12:43 PM

Tacky or not, my new plates are going on the front and back - just got personalized plates:

MZBHVN1 on my 87 and when I get my 90 on the road it will be MZBHVN2.

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