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Manolis_D 01-07-02 05:41 PM

<jumping around on seat...>
It's monday... any news :D

manolis-wanna-haltech (a la polly wanna cracker :p )

thanx brad!

fLyiNgOuFeR 01-08-02 01:39 AM

wasabi wit the haltechs? they at yo door yet?

Brad 01-08-02 01:21 PM


Just got confirmation from Haltech...the units are shipping out today! Can't say I'm the least bit happy how this has taken so long...

But hey, better late than never!!!!


Manolis_D 01-08-02 01:52 PM


oh yea...


<drooling on keyboard>

1FastT2 01-08-02 02:00 PM

ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what I needed to hear. That just made my day, it was going like shit. Great work! Consistancy pays off. So was there alot of pulling teeth? What happened that made them change their mind? If you have to e-mail us with the details if you can't post them.

Thanks a Mil again!


Crusader_9x 01-08-02 03:41 PM

all i got to say is...

about f@#%ing time


Brad 01-08-02 05:39 PM




Okay, now who wants to take bets that UPS is gonna lose my box?!?!?!?


Oh, shit....hope I didnt jinx it.....

Manolis_D 01-08-02 05:46 PM

time to go find some f*ckin' wood brad...
*knock knock* :D

fLyiNgOuFeR 01-08-02 06:03 PM

oh yeah babby!!!!!
(oops:eek: think i just creamed my pants:( )

Bacon 01-08-02 06:09 PM

so will i be taking pics of my haltec b4 the weeks over?

any eta for us?
or are they shipping them to u ground?
thanks again brad

Crusader_9x 01-08-02 06:23 PM

well now i get to listen for the dogs to bark. watch with my luck it will come when i am at aschool and i will get one o the little slips. "please call to make appointment to meet driver"

Brad 01-08-02 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Bacon
so will i be taking pics of my haltec b4 the weeks over?

any eta for us?
or are they shipping them to u ground?
thanks again brad

Well, Len...I think I learned my lesson for giving ETA's last time. They are shipping them UPS ground. What's that normally, 3-4 days? Hopefully I'll have them Friday, ship them out 1-2 day air and you guys will have them Monday. BUT DON'T QUOTE ME. I know the mail takes a little longer these days, especially big boxes.....

We'll just have to wait and see.......

SPEED_NYC 01-08-02 09:49 PM

hey, weren't there one or two guys that you gave refunds to? are there gonna be two extra haltechs delivered to you? i'd be interested in taking one off of your hands. ( AEM is taking too long)

Brad 01-09-02 04:22 PM

Actually SPEED_NYC, I have (or hopefully will have soon :D) four extra Haltechs.

email me at bradlymjensen@hotmail.com

rx7superman 01-09-02 11:33 PM

You Da Man!!!
Hi guys !!! Brads the man!!!! Great job bro. Can't wait to get it. Also..there is a group buy for the scoot hood and feed bumper in the group buy section. Its a hell of a deal.....we need more peeps to get in on this.. The more people we get the better the deal and in Brads case, if they dont get at least 10 peeps....NO Buy!! Lets try to help him out like he helped us out with the Haltechs.....Lets do this!!!:1party:

Brad 01-09-02 11:40 PM

yeah! What he said....everyone buy into the FEED Type II Front end so I can get one!!!!

Bacon 01-11-02 04:44 PM

:stickpoke :spam:

are they here yet...heheh i can be soo anoying sometimes:D

Brad 01-11-02 05:15 PM

I need everyone to call me after 6:00 PST today, or after 5:00 pm PST tomorrow or Sun.

Don't worry it isnt bad!!!!...just want to talk to each one of you indiviually



I'll also email everyone

toomany7s 01-11-02 10:08 PM

I had to bail out of the GB.. got my refund from Brad today. Just wanted to note that Brad has been totally on the square with me, and thank him for all his hard work on everyone's behalf.

Good luck to all who are still going with the ECU.

RXTASY1 01-15-02 02:14 PM

Can I still get in on this deal? I am anticpating buying a Haltech in a couple of weeks.

Crusader_9x 01-15-02 03:30 PM

pm got boosted 7 he has a couple of extras i think. so dont quote me on that or anything:D

Brad 01-15-02 03:58 PM

Originally posted by RXTASY1
Can I still get in on this deal? I am anticpating buying a Haltech in a couple of weeks.
Unfortunately NO. In fact, I and one other person had to bow out of this GB (for what will remain to be unspoken reasons) just to make this whole thing work. Shit happens.

As for the rest of you, I was expecting to get them yesterday, and didnt. I am expecting them today, too...let's just keep our fingers crossed. The tracking number Haltech gave me says that they are at the Fedex receiving office in Kent, WA which is about 10-15 miles from my house. If they aren't delivered today I will go down to the office and see if I can pick them up.

Brad 01-16-02 02:29 PM

Finally.....(most) of the units are in. They shipped them to me in seperate boxes rather than one or two big boxes. This works out good for me cause now all I have to do is slap a new label on these son of a bitches and send them out. Only prob is this, I've got a little bit of a hookup at the post office to get these sent out really cheap...but I have to send them all out at the same time. I got 6 yesterday, hopefully the other 4 will get here today. You guys should definitely have them by Tuesday or Wednesday (since Monday is a holiday).


1FastT2 01-16-02 02:39 PM

If its not too much of a prolbem send mine 1 day air COD for the shipping costs, if not don't worry about it. I guess im just getting a little excited to get this damn engine done.

Thanks for all the hard work you put towards this!

87turboII 01-16-02 02:44 PM

If you could send mine 1-day air too that would be great. I really want to get started on it on friday since i will have a long weekend. Thanks again for all the hard work!!

Rotary93 01-16-02 07:55 PM

Can I get in on this group buy? I need one for a FD.....Let me know.

98lude 01-19-02 05:12 AM

thanx brad... I have been away on holiday, and won't be back till next monday... hopefully, the box would have arrived by then.

thanx a lot. =)

Bacon 01-19-02 02:50 PM

any update? are they all in yet?
have any shipped yet?

Brad 01-20-02 11:18 AM

Sorry guys! I keep forgetting to post here. They are in the mail!

Crusader_9x 01-22-02 01:02 PM

well it happened, i was in my car warming it up aboiut to leave for school and my dad walks up to my car with a box that says haltech on the side. i am in class right now reading the manual. i cant wait till i can get out of class and look at the rest of it. i only had time to grab the manual cus i was late for class as it was. watch with my luck the proffesor is gonna come take it away from me

Rotary93 01-22-02 01:04 PM

let me know if there are any left or if someone changed there mind about getting one.....

rx7superman 01-22-02 03:01 PM

OOHHH YYAAAA!!! Just came in the mail today. Brad is tha man!!! Its just so beautifull, I even like the box, LOL. Its time now.....to smoke all other cars out there who dare challenge the 7!!! HEHE Thanx Brad!!:1party:

1FastT2 01-22-02 04:04 PM

I got mine!

fLyiNgOuFeR 01-22-02 05:34 PM

i didn't get mine yet!:(

Bacon 01-22-02 05:50 PM

me neither...stupid slow mail....owell not like i have a engine yet:D

fLyiNgOuFeR 01-22-02 06:15 PM

just got mine ryte now!!!!!!:eek: :D :) ;) :cool:

87turboII 01-22-02 07:42 PM

I got mine too!!!!!:D

shaqhammer 01-24-02 01:53 PM

count me in!!:bigeyes:

20B10AE 01-24-02 05:59 PM

Boostd7. . .

how many Haltechs are unspoken for? I had backed away from this deal in order to get a Wolf 3D instead. Well, the way it look right now, the company I ordered from still hasn't shipped it to me yet, and although I've been MORE than patient, I've reached my limit. There's only so many "not quite ready" and "It's coming, I promise" lines I can take. I might be wrong. Maybe it's something beyond their control, but the answers I've been getting are more of the "brush-off" type to get me to wait a little longer variety.

Anyway, unless I hear something TONIGHT from the dealer, I' going to cancel my order, get a refund, and get a Haltech. So, if you have any left over, try to earmark one for me for a day or so, which will allow me to find out what's going on with "my" Wolf.


kabooski 01-25-02 07:12 PM

Originally posted by NOTA944

from gotboost "Unfortunately NO. In fact, I and one other person had to bow out of this GB (for what will remain to be unspoken reasons) just to make this whole thing work. Shit happens. "

you should of trusted GotBoost in the 1st place
I been following this thread
and this guy busted his ass to get this going
and stressed out getting the units

If someone was going to rip somebody off they wouldnt keep coming back to this thread and respond to questions and post updates like he did. He could of taking the money and disappeared but he didnt.

Like I said every one that "now" sees the fruit of his labor and "now" wants to get in.
should of got in in the 1st place.....

just my 2cents.

buddah9543 01-25-02 07:16 PM

Yeah i m getting one too. Only problem is the wire transfer to australia aka HITMAN. Dam bank says something about a bank in between mine and the australian one.:mad:

rotarysc 01-25-02 07:37 PM

I still possible to get in, just started on this forum
Hey guys, I've tried to wade through this thread, but my modem is just too slow. I'm popped two NA's now on my 86' thanx to mr. Paxton supercharger. I'm at the point where it makes sense to stop goofing around and get a standalone ECU. My friend Jason just put a Haltech in his rex, now I'm wishing to do the same, so I was wondering about getting in on a Haltech? Is it too late to get in on the group buy price? THX.

ReZ311 01-31-02 02:47 AM

Let me know when you guys are doing another group buy. Perhaps this summer.

Rotary93 01-31-02 09:43 AM

Lets get another group buy going...Please....

Now is good too...

Bacon 01-31-02 10:33 AM

well guys i dont think ill be needing another haltec for a while...:D
to be honest id say www.k2rd.com has the best deal your gonna find, i mean if u read through this group buy brad contacted EVERY haltec distributor, culliver and pinapple racing were the only 2 who would do anything for their pricing, everone else basically said no way...so if u can gather up the people, majority of your foot work is alredy done, u have 3 distribuitors to try and strike a deal with..
but u can see the agrivation and the big pia running the gb is..so personally id go with k2rd
hell they even have a plug and play harnedd for the fd for all the scaredy cats out there:D

RXTASY1 02-04-02 04:24 PM

I just bought a E6K from this guy in Austrailia for $950 (includes shipping).
He is a distributor. His name is Kris.

Rotary93 02-04-02 07:15 PM

Originally posted by RXTASY1
I just bought a E6K from this guy in Austrailia for $950 (includes shipping).
He is a distributor. His name is Kris.

You bought if from the guy who posted it on the parts trader?

1FastT2 02-10-02 06:46 PM

Is there any new info on our MAP sensors?

Brad 02-10-02 07:57 PM

No, I've left messages with Culver.....but no response.

Hey, idea.....

You guys can call Culver and leave a message. Just politely say that you are one of the people that bought a Haltech with Brad, and you need your MAP sensor ASAP and you would really appreciate it if he would send them.

Culver 714-608-6174

RXTASY1 02-28-02 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Rotary93

You bought if from the guy who posted it on the parts trader?

Yep... He is a dealer in Austrailia. Very good service!
I would highly reccomend him!

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