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Bacon 12-11-01 04:44 PM

any eta?...did he give you a track# yet? or are they still watin to be shipped?
im in no rush, but its something to keep me bussy till i get my engine

Brad 12-11-01 05:10 PM

Sorry, no ETA yet. I was hoping to get them this week, but doesn't look like that's going to happen. Culver hasn't even received them yet. I guess adding the extra people caused more delays than I thought.

1FastT2 12-12-01 05:24 PM

Originally posted by BadAss
I guess adding the extra people caused more delays than I thought.
God damn extra people! You guys who wanted it after the deadline should pay extra just for making the guys who paid up front wait.

Crusader_9x 12-13-01 12:25 AM

did badass change his name to got boostd7?

fLyiNgOuFeR 12-13-01 01:19 AM

why do you say that?

Crusader_9x 12-13-01 01:16 PM

huh? why did i say what? as of last time i checked online, everywhere where badass name was now there is gotboostd7. so i was just asking

Brad 12-13-01 01:22 PM

Yeah, I got my name changed. I got so much shit from people for that stupid ass name. "ooohhh, looks like we got a BADASS here." "What, you gonna beat me up now BADASS?" Or they always put the shit in quotes...yeah I was talking to "BADASS" and he said blah blah....

Sick and tired of it, so I changed to my aim name.

Manolis_D 12-15-01 10:12 PM

Hey GotBoostd7...
Any chance Santa and his eight tiny reindeer might be dropping a little box filled with transistors and a circuit board down our chimneys this year? ;)

Just wondering (nothin' else to do :) )


You can't do shit with 300HP in the rain... unless you're going around a corner :D

Felix Wankel 12-16-01 04:34 AM

Dammit as soon as I get money, the group buy is over :(

Crusader_9x 12-16-01 10:55 AM

so huh not trying to rush you or anything and i know that we ordered late and all, but when do you think the haltechs will be in?

1FastT2 12-17-01 01:10 PM

Any new news you can give us?

Brad 12-18-01 12:53 PM

I will be receiving the Haltechs this week. Once I get them I will ship them out the same day, 1-2 day air. Thanks for your patience guys, trust me...I want mine just as bad as you!!

Crusader_9x 12-18-01 06:51 PM

just wanted to say thanxs man for doing all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:D

fLyiNgOuFeR 12-18-01 06:56 PM


Brad 12-18-01 07:01 PM

No prob guys. I know how bad it sucks waiting for parts. It sucks ASS. Hang in there...it won't be tooooooooooo much longer :rolleyes:

fLyiNgOuFeR 12-20-01 05:04 PM

" i'm going to count to ten and then open my eyes and there will be a little magic box in front of me that will make me and my car invincible:hf: ready? one, two, three, five, thirteen, eight, four, sixty eight, nine, TEN!!!!!!"

fLyiNgOuFeR 12-20-01 05:05 PM

DAMN!!! it didn't work....:(

Crusader_9x 12-20-01 05:47 PM

well i could have told you that. i have tryied it a couple of times. but i have yet to hear my dogs yapping at a ups truck

Bacon 12-20-01 06:08 PM

so is santa bringin me a haltec? or is it gonna be a new years gift??

Brad 12-20-01 06:34 PM

yeah, my dog has been pretty quiet lately too......mother fockers

But anyway, I dont think your gonna get them by Christmas Len.

I feel like a total asshole, cause I told you guys this and that, and youll have them now, ooopps, wait, no now....wait, I lied, youll have them now, AND I STILL DONT EVEN HAVE THEM!!!! But, I was just relaying to you what I was told...oh well, lessons learned

This is whats going down...there are some "people" or "companies" out there that are pissed off about this group buy. There are companies (which will remain nameless) that are throwing a HUGE fit and bitching to Haltech. Saying that this killed their Haltech sales and that it totally underminds what they are trying to do and that it makes them lose money through technical support.

It is true that Haltech has a pretty strict pricing policy. It is true that the company we went with pretty much ignored the pricing policy. This is okay for him, and us, but ONLY because we said we require ZERO technical support from Culver. However, these other companies dont see it that way. They think that we are stupid putzes, and will call THEM for support, and they will give it to us at THEIR expense. You and I know this isnt the case...but it is causing problems.

I found out today that the ECU's have NOT left the warehouse in Texas yet. Haltech is thinking about denying the order that Culver put in, due to the problems it has caused among other vendors. I yelled, I screamed, I stomped my feet on the fucking ground.

One of two things is going to happen.

#1 you WILL get your ECU before Jan. 1st. I demanded this from Culver and Haltech.

#2 Haltech decides not to fill the order, and you get a 100% refund immediately. For those of you who payed $1030 by PayPal, you will even get back the $30 PayPal surcharge, out of my own pocket.

Sorry this has to go down like this, but hey...shit happens.

We will know for sure tomorrow what is going on.

rx7superman 12-20-01 06:49 PM

That sucks a big one!!!!
Well Gotboosted7....You tried. Thanx for everything..but I still hope we get this deal. If not owell, I'll have to pay full price which stinks but what can I do. .....How the hell are these companies finding out all this anyway. Are they scrounging through the net and forums looking out for group buys ...WTF?? Oh ..by the way Gotboosted, are you getting in on the scoot hood group buy? Have you seen any pics? Just wondering.....Well anyways Im just going to cross my fingers and pray for my little Haltec>:crackup:

Brad 12-20-01 07:37 PM

Well, they know about it because when I started this thing I contacted EVERY single Haltech distributor in the US looking for the best deal. And, after XX company said no, you cant do group buys, and Haltech emailed me saying "you know sonny, we have a strict pricing policy and dont really appreciate you trying to get our dealers to cut each others throats......"

I'm probably not going to buy in for the hood...I want the FEED Type II front end....

1FastT2 12-20-01 09:28 PM

Even though I do like the Haltech they are money hungry assholes acting like they are going to loose out or something. Acting like they don't make enough money already. I do still hope this goes through but if it doesnt im going to call them personally and tell them exactly how I feel, well thanks for all your effort you put towards this and hopefully we can figure something out.

PS: if its not too much to ask, i would prefer a check or money order instead of the paypal. If not dont worry about it.

Thanks again,

Crusader_9x 12-20-01 11:15 PM

would it help if we got some people off of this forum to each write a letter or something saying this and that or what. if there is anyhting that i can do to increase the chances of me getting my haltech then i am all for it. i am sure that i am not the only one either. right guys? so just let us know.
thanx agian

Brad 12-20-01 11:47 PM

Yeah, if the need arises for me to send you a refund, I'll send cashiers checks.

And I might need your guy's help with this. I'll let you know tomorrow, maybe some of you can make a phone call to MR. HALTECH.

Personally, if this doesnt go through, I am going to encourage all of you to not buy a Haltech. The new TECIII, while a little more $$$ is a better ECU. That and Im really pissed at these fuck nuts.

rx7superman 12-21-01 09:35 AM

Hey...What if????
Hi...Gotboosted7, If this thing does'nt happen do you think we could get a group buy going for the TecIII set up. Also how much does one go for? I'm not in a hurry cause I'm fixing my engine and doing other things. Just a thought. I still would like the Haltec but if worst case senario, we can't get em, how bout TecIII!!! Also, advantages/dissadvantages between Haltec and TecIII?? Thanx for your input. :bigthumb:

IgoSlow 12-21-01 04:49 PM

NO E6K!!
Man does this suck some ass. I don't understand how other companies complained that this slowed down sales. I wouldn't have bought it if this group buy didn't exist. Stupid really because not everyone buys from the same place anyway. SO how can they say it slowed down Haltech sales hahahahah. What, they didn't sell one this month so sales slowed down. Man please tell me what company complained. I would like to give them a piece of my mind. Don't tell me it was someone at rx7.com. Who else would be complaing. Their prices are high anyways.
I found eveything they sell 50-100 dollars cheaper elsewhere.

Where can i get TECH III info at and is there a group buy for that hahaha. THanks for all the hard work man. I hope everything falls through. I would hate for you to have to put 30 dollars of your own out becuase of some dumb dealers. You can send me a cashiers check for 1k if this thing doesn't fall though. I would like the ECU though. My car is setting in the garage waiting for it now. I thought we were getting it this week. Oh well...


kabooski 12-21-01 05:40 PM

dude you should of NEVER said who you was getting the units

I can't believe Haltech USA is acting this way.
what morors

what about a AEM group buy
designed by a RX7 owner..

fLyiNgOuFeR 12-21-01 05:55 PM

i heard the aem ecu's are goin to be some sik shit. i don't know of anyone that has one or heard any feedback from it but i hear good things so far. who would want to orginize the group buy. i'm pretty sure gotboosted7 has had enough shit for a lifetime dealing with assholes from haltech. lets boycott haltec and crank call them with abnoctious calls like the jerky boys. or we can mail them a big piece of cow poo-poo
i know someone on the forum lives on a farma and comes across cow dung everyday. maybe that will teach them to mess with the "R"

cafe 12-21-01 11:22 PM

Another group buy? Friend of mine have lisence

LUV94RX7 12-22-01 07:13 PM

Originally posted by kabooski what about a AEM group buyits a AMERCIAN COMPANYdesigned by a RX7 owner..
What do these cost for an FD and when will they be available???
I like the windows software prrogramming feature.


fLyiNgOuFeR 12-23-01 02:07 AM

not too much info on it yet. check http://aempower.com/ems.htm if you look under applications there is a plug and play harness for a 3rd gen. us fc owners will have to get the race version :(
dammit! why they never make any plug and play shit for our fc's.:mad: so what if there old cars and most of their owners are broke, we will save our money for some plug and play shit and buy it!

LUV94RX7 12-23-01 07:26 AM

AEM web site does not have a way to e-mail them and does not shoe the cost for an FD. Maybe I missed it. Looks like a nice product. Maybe a GB with them???


LUV94RX7 12-23-01 09:23 AM

Anyone with an FD useing the AEM product?? Are there maps available??

Ken, 57 years young
'94 white, base, pep, red leather,
mods: Street port & polished stage II, Hurley Racing seals,
XS T04e single turbo kit, Aquamist 2s water injection kit,
Pettit ss resonated MP, Pettit ss cat-back,
RP Racing fuel pump, 1200cc injectors, Profec B(10&15psi),
Centerforce clutch, under pulley kit(no air pump),
Pettit short shifter kit, boost gauge,
PFS PMC (10-psi, 15psi), LaBreck's bushings,
Evans Coolant, www.nopistons.com

1FastT2 12-23-01 10:05 AM

So is the Haltech group buy now officially off? I haven't heard the verdict for Friday? Well anyways I either need me a Haltech or my money back, sorry guys but I wont be getting into any other GB besides for a Haltach.

fLyiNgOuFeR 12-23-01 01:30 PM

so whats the 411? are we goin to be some happy racers? or we gonna mail some cow doo-doo to Mr. Haltech? did they get back to you yet GOTBOOSTED7?

IgoSlow 12-24-01 08:51 PM

has anyone heard from brad (GotBoostd7)?? It's been a while since he made his last post on this thread. He hasn't been responding to any emails I sent him and I just left a voicemail on his phone.

Brad 12-24-01 09:28 PM

I'm sending out an email now to everyone explaining the details. Sorry for the lack or response on my part. I've been on call this week, not to mention I'm a horrible last minute shopper! Merry Christmas!

1FastT2 01-02-02 06:10 AM

I know it the 2nd of the new year and I know not much could have happened since the ;ast reply but what is going to happen now? If nothing within the next week im going to have to get my money back cause I need to get my new ECU for my engine. Please let me know whats going on.

Brad 01-02-02 04:37 PM

Oh believe....something is going to happen here REAL fucking soon. If it doesn't I think I'm going to go postal. Anyone know how to get an AK-47? Maybe an M4 Carbine....yeah....

I called Culver and Haltech today. No answer for both. Maybe they're still under the table from the New Year. I'll keep trying.

Hang tight guys. This is judgement week. If we don't have any answers by Friday heads are gonna roll. Well, no not really. But I'll send you your $$$$ back.

Oh, BTW...in case any of you are worried about your money (I know vosko keeps telling Bacon he got ripped off) don't be. Ha Hung got out of the GB and got his refund in less than 4 days. You can email him at HHHaaa@allstate.com and ask for yourself.

1FastT2 01-02-02 04:55 PM

Im not at all worried about my money I am just going to be needing my ECU soon cause the project is well underway and plus im getting kinda anxious.

IgoSlow 01-02-02 04:58 PM

HE IS RIGHT, NO one is gettting ripped OFF
I received the check this weekend for 1030 dollars. deposited and used it to buy some wheels. GotBoostd7 has been more than gracious in helping us but I couldn't wait anymore for it. I just went piggy back and bought some wheels instead. He is not ripping you off. I don't even know the guy. But I do know i paid him with paypal (which would mean he got charged a surchage) and he sent me back a money order for the full amount. If anything he is losing time and money helping everyone.


thanks again GotBoostd7 for all the hard work man.

Brad 01-02-02 06:46 PM

Ah damn...new news.

Haltech is out of their offices until Jan. 7th! WTF is that anyway? Talk about a long vaca! I called them like twice earlier today and it just rang and rang and rang. Just called them again a minute ago and let it ring forever. Finally the machine picked up and was like blah blah we'll be open on Monday the 7th. DAMN!!!!

LUV94RX7 01-02-02 10:39 PM

Maybe if the Haltech GB falls apart you can get in on the AEM EMS GB. They claim to be shipping at the end of January or early February.

I'm going to get one.

Hopefully my car will be finally completed in the spring.

Ken, 57 years young
'94 white, base, pep, red leather,
mods: Hayes street port & polished stage II, Hurley 2mm racing seals, AEM EMS, XS T04e single turbo kit, SMIC (400+cu.in.), Aquamist 2s water injection kit, Pettit ss resonated MP, Pettit ss cat-back, RP Racing fuel pump, 1600cc injectors, Profec B(12&24psi), Centerforce clutch, under pulley kit(no air pump), Pettit short shifter kit, boost gauge, LaBreck's bushings, Evans Coolant

Brad 01-04-02 02:37 PM

Well, as for me personally ........

There's no way in hell I'm putting a Haltech in my car after dealing with them!

rx7passion 01-04-02 02:42 PM

wheres my check gotboostd7? im getting ripped off:mad: :asshole:

Manolis_D 01-04-02 04:03 PM

So, what's happening now?
Just out of curiosity...

I assume you'll call them on Monday, what's the goal now? -- are we still trying to get this to go through, or is this a 'cancel and get money back' phone call ? :p

I'd probably be interested in either a TEC II / III or the AEM computers if this falls apart...


Brad 01-04-02 07:42 PM

No no no. The phone call on Monday definitely WILL NOT be a bail out call. It's gonna be a "GET THESE MOTHER FUCKING (sorry for the language :) ) ECU'S TO MY GODDAMN DOOR RIGHT MOTHER FUCKING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They WILL ship them out as soon as humanly possible. If they don't, I swear on rx7passion's dead body that I will make it known to THE WORLD how SHITTY a FUCKING company HALTECH is. I will dedicate my life to ensuring they GO OUT OF BUSINESS! Well, maybe not. But I will definitely make my experiences known to the public and hopefully that will steer some potential business AWAY!

Manolis_D 01-05-02 07:08 PM

Now THAT's what i'm talking about ;)

Just got my J-Spec motor delivered yesterday... time to make some horsepower :-)


Crusader_9x 01-05-02 10:43 PM

just wanted to thank you for keeping us updatedd

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