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-   -   So Kevin got banned for a week huh? (https://www.rx7club.com/comments-suggestions-archive-222/so-kevin-got-banned-week-huh-734071/)

MmSadda 02-28-08 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7923280)
And if you or anyone else here is at 7 stock, and has the balls to walk up to me, know that I indeed will shake your hand, be happy to talk what ever about that you want, and if you are around after dinner at the hotel, I'll drink a beer with you or anyone here with no ill feelings at all.


....you're a BAWer. That means you're morally and legally obligated to join teh pile whilst drunk at 7stock!

.....:ky: Surprise! buttsecks

phoenix7 02-28-08 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7923280)
Charlie... I don't dislike you... and just so it is clear, I don't dislike anybody on this board. There is not one person here that I wouldn't sit down with and buy a beer for. Jon (jhammons01) knows this after I shook his hand at 7 stock last year.

We are all members of the rotary community. Most of us have the unique rotary power vehicles, and chances are that if we didn't, we still would be into some sort of car or truck that gave us pleasure to drive.

Comrades in rides, so to speak. At very least we all appreciate performance cars.

But it does piss me off when there are people just trying to incite and stir shit up or made up crap. See that is against every mod, because as I posted earlier, mods and admins just want the community to get along. They don't want people stirring up shit, they want every one just to follow the rules that whoever created the board wanted.

There is not one mod or admin I know... here or on any other board that wants to give warnings or ban people. I know there are plenty of members that do... but usually they are not mods here or anywhere else.

So you and the buddies here will probably twist this around in some stupid way, but know that there is not hate, there is no dislike, there is no "out to get someone"...

And if you or anyone else here is at 7 stock, and has the balls to walk up to me, know that I indeed will shake your hand, be happy to talk what ever about that you want, and if you are around after dinner at the hotel, I'll drink a beer with you or anyone here with no ill feelings at all.

After all, it is just the Internet.

I'm the same way except I have 0 tolerance for stupid people. I don't have a problem with anyone. I've gotten into it with a couple of local people on here and I hope they come out and meet me so we can continue the discussion if desired. I'm not here to start shit with the next guy willing. I'm here to continue my rotary plans. I just think some things should be done a certain way. Searching, posting, meets, among the other things nobody does anything about.

There are a billion keyboard warriors out there and the warrior is gone when they come back to real life. I don't hold back, I might give you more breaks in case it's just a mistake, like we humans make, but if you do something stupid I'll let you know. Not to make anyone feel stupid (i know it's embarrassing, I make mistakes all the time) but so you can see and maybe try to not make the same mistake. It comes out mean sometimes but that's because I have no patience for people who repeatedly do stupid things. I realized early that I can and should learn from other's mistakes and it sucks that this virtue is almost gone from people today. blah blah, nobody cares.

In the end, you guys need to get together figure out what issues are important and be on the same page. I'll do my part and stop posting BS but I'd at least hope you all do your part and make things like this stop. If you were as adamant about reposts, and lack of self-reliance, as you are about vendor payments you'd never see me post in the manner you're accustomed to seeing.

staticguitar313 02-28-08 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7923280)
anyone else here is at 7 stock, and has the balls to walk up to me, know that I indeed will shake your hand, be happy to talk what ever about that you want, and if you are around after dinner at the hotel, I'll drink a beer with you or anyone here with no ill feelings at all.

After all, it is just the Internet.

even meee?!?!?!?!?!? :) see ya there!

Brismo7 02-29-08 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7922716)
I sad that buying 4 RX's and parting them for a profit is the actions of a dealer. You are making income off parting out multiple cars. That is what a dealer does.

My mom is starting to get old. she has had many cars over the years. Does that make her a used car salesman :Wconfused

cmanns 02-29-08 06:26 AM

I own and operate quite a few websites, so I'll throw my 2cents.

IB is just in it for the money I can garuntee you, I know people that do what IB does I've also talked to other people about it because its rather sad, with the money they have this forum should be sexy looking and load much better but of course all they care about is income.

Site online, members browsing and possibly clicking = money.

How much cash can a forum make a day? 2-3x more then someone working at mcdonalds, I took a avril lavigne forum which traffic comes from Brazil, certain days it's pulling over 70usd just from Google Adsense. The bandwidth the site uses maybe costs me 25bucks, so imagin amonth of 20-50usd a day, ;)

IB runs their own ads I have all ads blocked I refuse to see that shit but running your own ads gets a shit load more money, imagin people paying for their ad on the board, becoming a vendor, etc.

Rx7club = Gold.

It's sad to see Kevin gone, he seemed cool in the times I've spoken too him even tried to draw up a site for you guys to sell your stuff at but it just wouldn't take off, rx7club just has too much returning traffic.

I've seen sites fail due to administration, if IB doesn't start sucking some wang this site will be much smaller in about 8 months. No offense to admins like DrKillJoy you guys are cool but the truth is the truth, IB is killing this place.


jamespond24 02-29-08 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by cmanns (Post 7924395)
I own and operate quite a few websites, so I'll throw my 2cents.

IB is just in it for the money I can garuntee you, I know people that do what IB does I've also talked to other people about it because its rather sad, with the money they have this forum should be sexy looking and load much better but of course all they care about is income.

Site online, members browsing and possibly clicking = money.

How much cash can a forum make a day? 2-3x more then someone working at mcdonalds, I took a avril lavigne forum which traffic comes from Brazil, certain days it's pulling over 70usd just from Google Adsense. The bandwidth the site uses maybe costs me 25bucks, so imagin amonth of 20-50usd a day, ;)

IB runs their own ads I have all ads blocked I refuse to see that shit but running your own ads gets a shit load more money, imagin people paying for their ad on the board, becoming a vendor, etc.

Rx7club = Gold.

It's sad to see Kevin gone, he seemed cool in the times I've spoken too him even tried to draw up a site for you guys to sell your stuff at but it just wouldn't take off, rx7club just has too much returning traffic.

I've seen sites fail due to administration, if IB doesn't start sucking some wang this site will be much smaller in about 8 months. No offense to admins like DrKillJoy you guys are cool but the truth is the truth, IB is killing this place.


Sorry for a noob question but how can you get revenue from people just visiting your site?

cmanns 02-29-08 09:41 AM

jamespond24, people own websites they want clicks they advertise through google for example. If they're advertising a site that sells avril lavigne's cds for example, my site has avril lavigne written in it thus google puts those targeted ads. They pay per view/click thats a different topic though.

I may be wrong on the post I wrote above, thats just my opinion of the boards recently.

Pele 02-29-08 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by jamespond24 (Post 7924681)
Sorry for a noob question but how can you get revenue from people just visiting your site?

How does Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS or any other network get off giving you TV for free?

Or the radio stations... How do they pay their people when you don't pay for the radio?

How does GeoShitties or MySpace or Facebook pay their people? Or Yahoo Mail or Google?

Advertising revenue.

The content provider says, oh look. I see a million people look at my stuff a day. They collect surveys. Nielson does TV surveys. Internet statistics are easy to track as you can see who visits your site at what time...

You then sell advertisements to people.

A million car people come by this site. Tire Rack, Rock Auto, and others want our business. They'll pay to put their banner up at the top of this site because chances are many of us will check out their site and buy stuff...

You put McDonalds and ToysRUs commercials on during cartoons. etc... Target demographics...

Put up a car commercial during cartoons or a ToysRUs comercial during late night TV... Or put up a "Claires accessories and jewelry" advertisement here... Not too many people will use that advertisement. It wouldn't make money.

Icemark 02-29-08 09:47 AM

Originally Posted by phoenix7 (Post 7923660)
If you were as adamant about reposts, and lack of self-reliance, as you are about vendor payments you'd never see me post in the manner you're accustomed to seeing.

Damm... you didn't read this thread either... okay this is the last post I am doing in this thread... there are too many here that just don't read what is posted.

To comment on that last line... I don't care about vendor payments. I have said this in this thread and in the past on this board. I said, if it was up too me there would be no vendor fees for posting a classified ad. I personally would probably set up a vendor classifieds section if it was my board... but it is not mine... it is Ryans.

Do you understand that?

I said Kevin was banned for a week, not forever. For violating forum rules. IB had nothing to do with it. They didn't force him out, he did it too himself. It probably should have been a two week ban, but the mod staff felt that the point that Kevin has to follow the forum rules (just like every one else) would have gotten across with only a week ban.

Does everyone understand that?

I said that if you find a post offensive, report it. A repost is just fine to report. Someone abusing the classifieds?.. report it. If you don't have the balls to report a offensive post, then you shouldn't have the balls to complain about it.

Does everyone understand that?

I hope so, but something tells me I also doubt it... well I am changing the thread title to reflect part of this and maybe... just maybe we can get past the people popping back in and not reading the thread.

DrKillJoY 02-29-08 12:03 PM

Why don't we just close it and people who have something "constructive" to say can post in the other thread. After all there really is nothing left to say about the original topic.

It seems that people aren't doing enough backreading and are just posting their opinions based on whatever they've read in the last few posts.

Constructive criticism can be posted here = https://www.rx7club.com/comments-suggestions-archive-222/issues-us-mods-discuss-post-them-here-734479/

Pele 02-29-08 12:21 PM

Title edited?

ForsakenRX7 03-01-08 02:11 PM

Simply put everyone needs to start saving threads they feel are of importance. Technical info, writeups, etc. etc. and transfer them to another site. Nopistons is probably the best. And cancel your account.
This place has been circling the drain for quite some time now. Its no longer the place to come and bullshit and express yourself. Thats what used to make this place great. Dont believe me? Go back through old threads and look under usernames. I'm seeing more and more banned for dumb shit and I dont get it. Why boot your own ranks? Kevin especially!

This is a sad day for me personally.

Latin270 03-01-08 06:03 PM

Still cant get over the changes this site has gone through. The sudden enforcement of forum rules and such has me ready to pack my bags and head over to nopistons and never looking back!

JWteknix 03-01-08 06:45 PM

nopistons, where people care.

13bturbofc 03-01-08 09:06 PM

7 club=fail

phoenix7 03-01-08 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by ForsakenRX7 (Post 7928586)
Simply put everyone needs to start saving threads they feel are of importance. Technical info, writeups, etc. etc. and transfer them to another site. Nopistons is probably the best. And cancel your account.
This place has been circling the drain for quite some time now. Its no longer the place to come and bullshit and express yourself. Thats what used to make this place great. Dont believe me? Go back through old threads and look under usernames. I'm seeing more and more banned for dumb shit and I dont get it. Why boot your own ranks? Kevin especially!

This is a sad day for me personally.

funny you should say that. I've thought about this before and so far I have 67 REAL tech threads saved and ready to export if Sunday doesn't go well. It sucks but it's not like they can keep us from taking the info posted here freely. I have yet to finish reading the terms of agreement to see about our posts becoming IB property.

Hope it doesn't lead to this but I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought of this.

As awkward and nonsensical as this will seem to most: Noobs, STFU already.

680RWHP12A 03-01-08 11:52 PM

its simple really he has sold alot of parts-motors here... he has made money here..... he is a bussiness.. he should be a paying vendor like the rest of us....

no hatred here, kevin is a great guy, hell i thought he was a vendor already from all the shit he sells here(good shit that is...)

i was banned years ago, then let back on limited to what i could do and then became a vendor, since then i've never looked back.... being a vendor is a good thing and is the fair thing to do for everybody involved...

gslse-driver 03-02-08 01:04 AM

I wonder if you will still say that when the new contract rates come your way, based on what the other (potential) vendors have stated about the new quoted rates. I have a feeling the vendor section at the top of the forum will become a lot smaller as old contract rates run out and new ones are put forward. Time will tell.

rowtareh? 03-02-08 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by 680RWHP12A (Post 7930032)
its simple really he has sold alot of parts-motors here... he has made money here..... he is a bussiness.. he should be a paying vendor like the rest of us....

no hatred here, kevin is a great guy, hell i thought he was a vendor already from all the shit he sells here(good shit that is...)

i was banned years ago, then let back on limited to what i could do and then became a vendor, since then i've never looked back.... being a vendor is a good thing and is the fair thing to do for everybody involved...

I wish everybody had the same sense as you, but some people don't. Alot of things will be straightened out tomorrow.

charlies7 03-02-08 01:46 AM

Originally Posted by Latin270 (Post 7929149)
Still cant get over the changes this site has gone through. The sudden enforcement of forum rules and such has me ready to pack my bags and head over to nopistons and never looking back!

nopistons sucks man...

Icemark 03-03-08 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by 680RWHP12A (Post 7930032)
its simple really he has sold alot of parts-motors here... he has made money here..... he is a bussiness.. he should be a paying vendor like the rest of us....

no hatred here, kevin is a great guy, hell i thought he was a vendor already from all the shit he sells here(good shit that is...)

i was banned years ago, then let back on limited to what i could do and then became a vendor, since then i've never looked back.... being a vendor is a good thing and is the fair thing to do for everybody involved...

The funny thing is I talked to the guy in charge of past vendors (vendors/dealers/advertisers signed up before 2008) and group buys, and he told me that the price for Kevin was (I am not allowed to say exactly), but lets say it was less than a single tank of gas in my Toyota Pick up...because of some deal worked out in the past by Kevin. I am sure it is some sort of special just for him and I don't know the specifics or details or if there was trade work or what... but a monthy charge less than a tank of gas and he wants to bitch about that?

Rx7carl 03-03-08 02:13 PM

So let me get this straight. The years of free help, and free parts that I have provided on here, which helps keeps people here and helps make this place successful. Working for the owners (now IB) for free as a mod to make this a better place (and makes them $$$$). But I cant have my micro/boutique business' link in my sig unless I pay more than what I make a month?

I dont think so. :icon_tdow

"What the hell is this Russia?"

Well it was fun while it lasted. :sadwavey:

85rx-7gsl-se 03-03-08 02:39 PM

There is freedom at you know where. :D

Icemark 03-03-08 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Rx7carl (Post 7934846)
So let me get this straight. The years of free help, and free parts that I have provided on here, which helps keeps people here and helps make this place successful. Working for the owners (now IB) for free as a mod to make this a better place (and makes them $$$$). But I cant have my micro/boutique business' link in my sig unless I pay more than what I make a month?

I dont think so. :icon_tdow

"What the hell is this Russia?"

Well it was fun while it lasted. :sadwavey:

well, that was more forced upon us by the general membership. A few outspoken members here don't like that mods can do things they can't. Talk to Ryan... he'll work something out for you that is benifical to both.

Rx-7Doctor 03-03-08 02:44 PM

Just as it has been proposed that their should be different packages with lower rates for those vendors with a smaller advertising budget then it should be proposed that the staff of IB(mods/admin) should have reduced rates for advertising.

As they are employees of IB and most places give discounts to their staff.

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