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rowtareh? 02-28-08 04:42 PM

she was skinnier in fifth element!

djmtsu 02-28-08 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by rowtareh (Post 7920750)

You could always leave, if you don't like it.

Nobody is stopping you.

Wow, a Mod telling people to leave. Interesting tactic given the current state of affairs within this forum. 1.5 thumbs :icon_tup:

phoenix7 02-28-08 05:59 PM

I thought the same thing but arguing about it will only put you in the "shitstormer" category and then you're gone with the click of a button whenever they feel is appropriate or when they are capricious enough to use the power they have to make those that don't comply disappear. What's the point?

They're chucking this issue as another "upheaval" like the TFL exodus (good riddance for most of the retards that left for good) but that consisted of people that did not like the PG13 content here. It had nothing to do with the knowledge donations from good members, it didn't have anything to do with how unfair the forum treats those who are making a little extra cash. It was about immature adults who wanted to make this place into Sodom and Gomorrah.

This is NOT like previous problems about banning people. It's about the principle of how members are valued in a community that is often ignored by the 95% of the population. It's about how a VALUED member of the rotary community is chastized for failing to comply to regulations he, and WE believe are unfair. I used the word "VALUED" because we're not doing this because he's cool, or we like him, or he's a friend, or he tells it how it is. We're doing this because of the amount of info and traffic brought by this member is worth absolutely NOTHING because he won't bend over for IB.

spandy 02-28-08 06:29 PM

Are you fucking kidding me? Kevin?!

This place has officially become a joke.

Icemark 02-28-08 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7920722)
..As icemark said people that buy 4 FD's and part them are hurting the community..Also he claims there is a "soul" to this forum...:rlaugh:

As quite typical on this thread, you (and several others) have utterly failed to read what was posted.

kontakt was the one that said there is a soul here, I simply used his word in my reply (hence the punctuation). When did I say that parting out FD's was hurting the community? I sad that buying 4 RX's and parting them for a profit is the actions of a dealer. You are making income off parting out multiple cars. That is what a dealer does.

But then explain too me how it is you think that you are even able to comment, when you obviously have not read what has been posted and are clearly making crap up.

That is the biggest issue on this board. People making crap up. People saying Kevin is banned forever... when in reality he was banned for only a week (instead of two weeks like he should have been). People saying that IB banned or forced Kevin out. People saying that I claim there is a soul on this board, people claiming that individuals can't sell here in classifieds, people making shit up in the technical sections. ALL lies, all made up crap.

Is your life that funking sad that you have to make shit up and not even read a thread through before replying?

I guess so.

That is the biggest problem. Frankly I am going to ask at this Mod call Sunday so that people that just make shit up be banned... Then you can really have something to worry about.

and here I thought I was all done with this pathetic thread of crap.

MmSadda 02-28-08 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7922716)
Frankly I am going to ask at this Mod call Sunday so that people that just make shit up be banned... Then you can really have something to worry about.

Well, there goes the 2nd gen section! :rofl:

phoenix7 02-28-08 06:44 PM

seriously, how do you expect anyone to take the mods seriously when they post like they've posted in here? We;re supposed to give respect where it is due and MODS are losing face with each "irritated" post they make.

telling people to leave is not acceptable.

Saying you want to ban 90% of the members isn't a solution.

Who gets to reprimand the overzealous MODS that are allowed to run around waving their "internet powers" at anyone and everyone? You guys have the only guns on this forum and you've taken advantage of it long enough. Someone needs to re-evaluate why this forum is here and make sure it's laid out IN A CLEAR CONCISE MANNER so we know whether we are users without rights and should expect a ban at anytime. You volunteered to MODERATE because you spend enough time here to know how people work and in order to maintain a civil communication forum. The forum rules were created so that every member can enjoy and take ADVANTAGE of this medium. As the place grew the rules evolved and now it's not about the users anymore, it's about th business and how to make more cash off the users.

kontakt 02-28-08 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7922716)
kontakt was the one that said there is a soul here, I simply used his word in my reply (hence the punctuation). When did I say that parting out FD's was hurting the community? I sad that buying 4 RX's and parting them for a profit is the actions of a dealer. You are making income off parting out multiple cars. That is what a dealer does.

Read your own post. You said that someone parting out multiple cars (acting as a dealer) is bad for the board. Explain that to me.

That is the biggest issue on this board. People making crap up. People saying Kevin is banned forever... when clearly he was banned for a week. People saying that IB banned or forced Kevin out. People saying that I claim there is a soul on this board, people claiming that individuals can't sell here in classifieds, people making shit up in the technical sections. ALL lies, all made up crap.
You just said it's a lie that individuals can sell on the board while complaining about people creating confusion. Win.

Is your life that funking sad that you have to make shit up and not even read a thread through before replying?
Pisses me off too, I'm just posting because I have WAY too much free time. I think that I at least bring up some good points now and then and make one of the better attempts at seeing both sides.

That is the biggest problem. Frankly I am going to ask at this Mod call Sunday so that people that just make shit up be banned... Then you can really have something to worry about.
I'm sorry... I don't mean what I'm about to say, but anyone who has seen Space Ghost Coast to Coast - Flipmode will get it. "Well you're just makin all this shit up"

and here I thought I was all done with this pathetic thread of crap.
Now that's just naive.

spandy 02-28-08 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by phoenix7 (Post 7922753)
seriously, how do you expect anyone to take the mods seriously when they post like they've posted in here?

If it wasn't for the color differences and whatnot of their user names and bold lettering, I wouldn't be able to see where the regular memebers ended and the mods/admins began.

Icemark 02-28-08 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by kontakt (Post 7922759)
Read your own post. You said that someone parting out multiple cars (acting as a dealer) is bad for the board. Explain that to me.

funking a...

I posted:

Doesn't seem vague to me... If you are a dealer, you can't sell in Classifieds. What is vague about that? If you buy 4 RX-7s just so you can part them out and make the money off of helpless members here (often claiming that you are a service to the community... but) in reality you are a dealer.
Don't even see the board in there... don't see anything but defining what most people see as a dealer.

You just said it's a lie that individuals can sell on the board while complaining about people creating confusion. Win.
Huh... Got some Charlie in you? Go back and read it again.

Now that's just naive.
yep... Your right 1000% on that one.

kontakt 02-28-08 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7922791)
funking a...

I posted:

Don't even see the board in there... don't see anything but defining what most people see as a dealer.

Huh... Got some Charlie in you? Go back and read it again.

yep... Your right 1000% on that one.

Way to edit my post big man.

I'd bitch you out about never admitting your wrong even when it's tiny, little, and stupid... but you admitted to the enplane thing earlier, so it'll slide.

Oh and who's Charlie?

Seriously though... why should anyone read your posts if you're just going to change them to be whatever you want later?

Edit: also, I wasn't trying to say that you MEANT individuals couldn't sell. I'm not actually that stupid (though I can understand that assumption... most are) I was just saying that maybe you should... get this... pay attention to what you say while demanding that people pay attention to what you say.

phoenix7 02-28-08 07:02 PM

dunno who charlie is but it seems he's inside you.

kontakt 02-28-08 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by phoenix7 (Post 7922813)
dunno who charlie is but it seems he's inside you.

This comment belongs in BAW. I hope he's barebackin' me... that's how I like it.

SLOASFK 02-28-08 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7922716)
That is the biggest problem. Frankly I am going to ask at this Mod call Sunday so that people that just make shit up be banned... Then you can really have something to worry about.

and here I thought I was all done with this pathetic thread of crap.

you can't blame people for their interpretations.

And you feed in to all the drama, just like everyone else does. You're just as much to blame as any user who "makes shit up" and I honestly believe you and several other mods/admins set a poor example as to what members should act like.

Lead by example or bitch because you don't get paid.

aaron1017 02-28-08 07:09 PM

new sig!

kontakt 02-28-08 07:11 PM

^Grow the heck up twat.

Why make drama? Huh?

I bet if you were taken prisoner unfairly you'd walk along making fun of the guards clothing. You'd be beaten. Hopefully you'd talk back again and be killed.

aaron1017 02-28-08 07:14 PM


kontakt 02-28-08 07:16 PM

QQ noob. QQ

phoenix7 02-28-08 07:22 PM

whatever, just another impulsive kid. The ignore button works great in these situations.

charlies7 02-28-08 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by phoenix7 (Post 7922813)
dunno who charlie is but it seems he's inside you.

Not really bud ;)

He just doesnt like me cause I "Bitch" for a good reason.

kontakt 02-28-08 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7922925)
Not really bud ;)

He just doesnt like me cause I "Bitch" for a goo reason.

Precious... just precious. Now let me have more of that goo.

Oh wait, this still isn't BAW. :P

ilike2eatricers 02-28-08 07:44 PM

hai guiz!!!

Icemark 02-28-08 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7922925)
Not really bud ;)

He just doesnt like me cause I "Bitch" for a good reason.

Charlie... I don't dislike you... and just so it is clear, I don't dislike anybody on this board. There is not one person here that I wouldn't sit down with and buy a beer for. Jon (jhammons01) knows this after I shook his hand at 7 stock last year.

We are all members of the rotary community. Most of us have the unique rotary power vehicles, and chances are that if we didn't, we still would be into some sort of car or truck that gave us pleasure to drive.

Comrades in rides, so to speak. At very least we all appreciate performance cars.

But it does piss me off when there are people just trying to incite and stir shit up or made up crap. See that is against every mod, because as I posted earlier, mods and admins just want the community to get along. They don't want people stirring up shit, they want every one just to follow the rules that whoever created the board wanted.

There is not one mod or admin I know... here or on any other board that wants to give warnings or ban people. I know there are plenty of members that do... but usually they are not mods here or anywhere else.

So you and the buddies here will probably twist this around in some stupid way, but know that there is not hate, there is no dislike, there is no "out to get someone"...

And if you or anyone else here is at 7 stock, and has the balls to walk up to me, know that I indeed will shake your hand, be happy to talk what ever about that you want, and if you are around after dinner at the hotel, I'll drink a beer with you or anyone here with no ill feelings at all.

After all, it is just the Internet.

I love pop-up lights 02-28-08 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by staticguitar313 (Post 7919954)
and for you Daniel dropping a case of corona leads to throwing up before the ball drops on new years :puke: :101384_l:

Hey at least I stayed concious until 12.....:D

I love pop-up lights 02-28-08 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7923280)
And if you or anyone else here is at 7 stock, and has the balls to walk up to me, know that I indeed will shake your hand, be happy to talk what ever about that you want, and if you are around after dinner at the hotel, I'll drink a beer with you or anyone here with no ill feelings at all.

I would...if I could find you, or when my time isn't being occupied with being in a big ghey pile...I'll find jo0 Mark, mark my words....(bad pun, sorry :D)

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