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-   -   So Kevin got banned for a week huh? (https://www.rx7club.com/comments-suggestions-archive-222/so-kevin-got-banned-week-huh-734071/)

Icemark 02-27-08 11:19 PM

Originally Posted by kontakt (Post 7919471)
They might have to board a plane? ;)

Sorry hard to type on my handheld.

That's why I made the analogy to at worst the board becoming a ls1 powered rx7club.com where the only actual detraction people can find is that it lost it's soul, but some people are ok with that. It'll get a new one, the problem is... it will get an IB one, and people are afraid of that.
I think that Kevins issues would have happened regardless of if the board was sold a year ago or not. He just is not happy here- and it is not the "soul" of the board, he (much like several other members) has a problem with newbies and dumb questions (which you are going to get no matter what- it is the internet after all), and he has a problem with authority.

Some people get over it, Ted for example went through a similar phase, but grew past it. It is part of being of a online community and new members.

kontakt 02-27-08 11:22 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7919515)
Sorry hard to type on my handheld.

I think that Kevins issues would have happened regardless of if the board was sold a year ago or not. He just is not happy here- and it is not the "soul" of the board, he (much like several other members) has a problem with newbies and dumb questions (which you are going to get no mater what- it is the internet after all), and he has a problem with authority.

Some people get over it, Ted for example went through a similar phase, but grew past it. It is part of being of a online community and new members.

I'm not talking about Kevin here. I'm just also not about to make a thread titled "IB Vendor Policy's affect on the used parts market"

phoenix7 02-27-08 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7919463)
Same place it always has been:


Hasn't changed, and the link has been posted on countless pages here as well as other forum pages... and I think even Kevins, unless he has taken down all the links for the things I helped him with in the past.

And I guess you have not read any of the pages here if you are asking for the reason for Kevins ban for a week, as it was covered quite a few times in this thread.

ok, good. Right where it belongs, on YOUR SITE. Is he a jerk for pulling what took him weeks to compile and posted for free and then pulling it because he was banned for not paying for something he doesn't believe is a fair charge for a free service.

I know the reasons given, I guess I was asking for a real answer.

Thanks for that indirect plug. I don't have a problem with authority. I have a problem with those who abuse it and blindly enforce it. I've stood up to police lieutenants because they were wrong and they apologized. It does not mean I disrespect police or i lack respect for authority. Know your role and don't over do it. It's simple. What do you even care, this is your hobby.

Icemark 02-27-08 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by phoenix7 (Post 7919524)
ok, good. Right where it belongs, on YOUR SITE. Is he a jerk for pulling what took him weeks to compile and posted for free and then pulling it because he was banned for not paying for something he doesn't believe is a fair charge for a free service.

He pulled it weeks before his temp ban. He pulled it when he was told that he is a dealer and dealers can not sell in the classifieds without paying to be a vendor. I guess you could say that he pulled it because he got a warning.

You don't see me pulling pages because people think I am an asshole here. You don't see Ted pulling pages from his site that help people because he gets warnings about being nice to newbies.

But Kevin pulled it, because he felt he wanted to hurt the rotary community... because he thought he was above the rules. Plain and simple.

I know the reasons given, I guess I was asking for a real answer. Mainly because it doesn't look like IB needs money. It's not like he's taking business away from anyone. Money can't be the reason that rotaryresurrection (a person who has contributed a plethora of free information and random parts).
I guess I'm a conspiracy nut.
Kevin was banned for a week for starting a thread selling parts in the classifieds section. He was also told that (as pr normal mod policy) that if he attempted to circumvent the ban by creating additional screen names, he would get additional weeks for each name he tried to use. Luckily for all of us, it appears to me that he has not attempted to circumvent his 7 day ban. His ban was only after a two page thread in the mods section discussing this and his actions, and if there were reasons we shouldn't ban him. Nobody gets banned without some oversite (well except for spammers).

phoenix7 02-27-08 11:33 PM

Moderators should change their titles to Enforcers.

1: one who arbitrates
2: one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion: as a: the presiding officer of a Presbyterian governing body b: the nonpartisan presiding officer of a town meeting c: the chairman of a discussion group

I haven't seen anyone being arbitrary for a while.

phoenix7 02-27-08 11:41 PM

look, basically, it just seems unfair to penalize him for those reasons when he's contributed much more to the forum over the years. This wasn't a problem 3 years ago, it wasn't a problem a year ago. It's a problem now. What do you expect from people?

So we can't be ourselves.
SOME can't sell like RR does because they need to pay almost as much as they'd make.
We can't complain to anyone because nobody cares.

basically you want people to pump information into this place and then do everything within you vague guidelines with penalties for those who don't write in a manner you like and THEN they have to pay you to help each other out? Seriously, what's wrong with this picture?

this doesn't seen wrong to you mark?

It's not about the authority you volunteer to enforce on others. It's about the penalization of a member that HAS ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTED to the ROTARY COMMUNITY. You say that RETed grew out of his phase but I think he, much like me, realized that he needs the info in this place as much as the next guy and it's worth putting up with BS.

jarred 02-27-08 11:52 PM

Well I've read the entire thread and I'm moving to the less communist site...no hard feelings ya'll!

Icemark 02-27-08 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by phoenix7 (Post 7919593)
look, basically, it just seems unfair to penalize him for those reasons when he's contributed much more to the forum over the years. This wasn't a problem 3 years ago, it wasn't a problem a year ago. It's a problem now. What do you expect from people?

So we can't be ourselves.
SOME can't sell like RR does because hey need to pay almost as much as they'd make.
We can't complain to anyone because nobody cares.

basically you want people to pump information into this place and then do anything within you vague guidelines with penalties for those who don't write in a manner you like and THEN they have to pay you to help each other out?

this doesn't seen wrong to you mark?

Doesn't seem vague to me... If you are a dealer, you can't sell in Classifieds. What is vague about that? If you buy 4 RX-7s just so you can part them out and make the money off of helpless members here (often claiming that you are a service to the community... but) in reality you are a dealer.

What is vague about that?

What was sad was when the rules were not being enforced, and then you had those spammers and scammers, taking members money. When that was the case, we got a lot more members complaining and saying that the site is going down hill. Now there are just a few that were taking advantage of the lack of supervision, that are complaining. Funny I can't think of the last PM I got about some scammer since the enforcement started. Doc and the other classified mods should have a major pat on the back for that.

It's not about the authority you volunteer to enforce on others. It's about the penalization of a member that HAS ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTED to the ROTARY COMMUNITY.
Actually he should have gotten a much longer penalty due to his blatant slap in the face actions... but the mod staff decided to cut him a little slack and just slap his hand for a week, instead of a much longer or perm ban because of his contributions in the past.

phoenix7 02-28-08 12:12 AM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7919648)
Doesn't seem vague to me... If you are a dealer, you can't sell in Classifieds. What is vague about that? If you buy 4 RX-7s just so you can part them out and make the money off of helpless members here (often claiming that you are a service to the community... but) in reality you are a dealer.

What is vague about that?

What was sad was when the rules were not being enforced, and then you had those spammers and scammers, taking members money. When that was the case, we got a lot more members complaining and saying that the site is going down hill. Now there are just a few that were taking advantage of the lack of supervision, that are complaining. Funny I can't think of the last PM I got about some scammer since the enforcement started.

So if I understand right. You started charging money and that's better because the scammers are gone? Couldn't you do it without charging anyone and still achieve the same goal? Plus, I've never been scammed in the 6 years I've been here! Ive bought trannies, DS, wheels, fuel pumps, injectors and the countless other BS over the years. Using our head and knowing when good is TOO good is the key, not charging people to make SOME money. Truthfully, you don't get paid so I don't expect you to be on constant watch of the for sale sections for scammers but, under that same token, you don't get paid anything yet you enforce these rules blindly, as if your own pockets are in danger. It all goes back to the value of the information posted. Is the plethora of information that has been posted worth nothing? It seems wrong to me.

- No Dealers in the classified sections. A dealer is defined as anyone who is selling more than 2 of the same product, or who repeatedly has items for sale.

^^^That's vauge. What constitutes repeatedly? More than once? thrice? That's the vague part.

You seriously don't think the majority of members here MAY fall in the DEALER CATEGORY?

Looks like this is where I bow out. Like I said many times, I have too much information to lose and not nearly enough to gain. At least it's only a 1 week ban and hopefully he can be talked into reposting the information.

DO MAKE THE DEALER SENTENCE A TAD MORE DETAILED to make sure it doesn't happen again though.

jhammons01 02-28-08 12:14 AM

everybody is overlooking the un measurable intrinsic value of a member like Kevin.

Bean Counters and Customer Service reps haven't a clue how to calculate intrinsic value.

Face it, Kevin was only lashing out at the unfair treatment He's been handed.

and by unfair.....Kevin Landers....with all the hours of free time that He has given this very forum....Should be able to walk in, stick his dick in the butter and order free Cheeto's and Root beer for all his minions

And get it.

Icemark 02-28-08 12:22 AM

Originally Posted by phoenix7 (Post 7919691)
So if I understand right. You started charging money and that's better because the scammers are gone? Couldn't you do it without charging anyone and still achieve the same goal? Plus, I've never been scammed in the 6 years I've been here Ive bought trannies, DS, wheels, fuel pumps, injectors and the countless other BS I've bought over this forum. Using our head and knowing when good is TOO good is the key. Truthfully, you don't get paid so I don't expect you to be on constant watch of the for sale sections for scammers.

- No Dealers in the classified sections. A dealer is defined as anyone who is selling more than 2 of the same product, or who repeatedly has items for sale.

^^^That's vauge. What constitutes repeatedly? More than once? thrice? That's the vague part.

You seriously don't think the majority of members here MAY fall in the DEALER CATEGORY?

I think Doc or Killjoy covered it much better than me earlier in this thread. And Rrtec himself posted how the rule is enforced. Regular members have absolutely nothing to worry about, as they are not dealers.

Do you really need another example? I don't get how much clearer it could be?

But this thread was about Kevin, right? I don't think that anyone has even tried to argue that Kevin is not a dealer, which is what this thread was about.

Looks like this is where I bow out. Like I said many times, I have too much information to lose and not nearly enough to gain. At least it's only a 1 week ban and hopefully he can be talked into reposting the information.
He says he has when he realized what a slap in the face of the rotary community his actions were... but I have not been to his site to check.

DO MAKE THE DEALER SENTENCE A TAD MORE DETAILED to make sure it doesn't happen again though.
I think multiple informal and formal warnings over a several week period should be enough to inform anyone of their crossing the line before getting banned... don't you?

Icemark 02-28-08 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by jhammons01 (Post 7919705)
everybody is overlooking the un measurable intrinsic value of a member like Kevin.

Bean Counters and Customer Service reps haven't a clue how to calculate intrinsic value.

Face it, Kevin was only lashing out at the unfair treatment He's been handed.

and by unfair.....Kevin Landers....with all the hours of free time that He has given this very forum....Should be able to walk in, stick his dick in the butter and order free Cheeto's and Root beer for all his minions

And get it.

yeah, I suppose then if a teacher vandalizes the school that he should get a free pass too just because he teaches there? Or how about the teacher that verbally abuses the new kid... hey that teacher should get a free pass... right, because he helps the other 30 students?

Or how about the lawyer that helps out clients for free, he should be exempt from following the laws of the state and be able to break any law he sees fit?

That is what you are asking for.

jhammons01 02-28-08 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7919730)
I don't think that anyone has even tried to argue that Kevin is not a dealer,.

The guy is rebuilding stuff out of the back of his shed.

Regular guy that took it a step further.

Charge him $200 per month

Intrinsic value lost to the 7club? no way to calculate......

phoenix7 02-28-08 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7919736)
yeah, I suppose then if a teacher vandalizes the school that he should get a free pass too just because he teaches there?

Or how about the lawyer that helps out clients for free, he should be exempt from following the laws of the state and be able to break any law he sees fit?

That is what you are asking for.

you're using an extreme. The teacher is only asking for free parking. Like the teachers in SF. They don't make enough money and get no free parking. Is it wrong for the educators to ask for help so the little money they make doesn't go for parking?

Kevin just wants to sell random parts to make extra cash for other projects or gear or porn. Who cares!! He's not getting filthy rich off of this website, unlike IB.

jhammons01 02-28-08 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by DriftN7 (Post 7918099)
Well a couple of weeks ago I bought a tII engine from a kid well actually I traded my guitar stuff and gave him some cash. Anyways one of the rotors were thrashed, 2 apex seals broken, and both s5 rotors ruined. :wallbash:
You never know what your going to get, I wish people could just be honest, he said all I needed was a gasket kit and it was good to go.

We had a really honest engine builder....but he got banned for selling things in the for sale section...sorry, don't know what to tell you

intrinsic value

Serious business

I love pop-up lights 02-28-08 12:46 AM

Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate...leads to the dark side - Yoda

staticguitar313 02-28-08 02:14 AM

Originally Posted by I love pop-up lights (Post 7919784)
Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate...leads to the dark side - Yoda

and for you Daniel dropping a case of corona leads to throwing up before the ball drops on new years :puke: :101384_l:

the minute those stupid adsense things popped up i was pissed, and things haven't improved, as much info as there is on this forum, having the swinging axe hanging over my head waiting for me to post something they deem unworthy on this board is an outrage. I know more than a few people from my local club that have been personally bitchslapped by IB for selling too many parts, or having mention or links to WWW.AZROTARYROCKETS.COM in their signatures, FUCK that. You dont shit on your own bread and butter.

rowtareh? 02-28-08 03:36 AM

Originally Posted by rogrx7 (Post 7917934)
Meh...I don't think you have to worry.

In reality this is all about politics. Kevin speaks his mind and is brash. His ban was to make an example for the rest of us...cause like said...other non-vendor members do the same thing... *cough* *cough* "3rd gen forum" and nothing is done o has been done.

It doesn't matter what the members want...its what the Knights of the round table want. Politics and money...thats what it is about.

Its the contribution of the members what makes this site profit...yet the members have to pony up.

Oh this is just TOO good. I could not pass it up.

Kevin Landers aka RotaryRessurection used TWO, yes TWO different accounts to continue selling on the forum AFTER he was told he could not. Did you not read a damn thing in the thread? At all?

He IS a dealer. He has a KNOWN business for fixing/diagnosing/rebuilding/etc. on any generation RX7. Is this not hard to understand, at all?

Seriously, stop trying to act funny and trying to stir the pot some more. It's pathetic, and a waste of time.

fritts 02-28-08 04:15 AM

I was kind of interested in what Kevin was selling. Take a look at this list of parts. I am sure he is making a HUGE profit on these parts..... :/ Shoot he might just be able to make enough profit to make it for a month on the board. Come on guys sells like these are they really making much money. You know how it goes you maybe sell 2/3rds of your parts and half of them are low balls anyway. I would consider this giving parts away not something that is making profits necessary to warrant being a vendor.

--91 5 spoke 15" wheels in MINT condition with not so much as a scratch on them. The center caps are faded slightly but the wheels look new. 2 have pretty good condition tires, 2 have pretty much worn out tires but you could ride on them for a few weeks. $100 plus shipping.

--s5 NA engine harness in near mint condition, all connectors present and none damaged. Easily adapted to run 89-91 TURBO engine as well in just a few minutes. $50 shipped

--89-91 alternator fits turbo or NA $30 shipped

--s5 NA 460cc fuel injectors, with grommets etc. (set of 4) $25 shipped

--s5 NA fuel rails, upper and lower $15 shipped

--NA automatic or turbo II starter $25 shipped

--s5 NA airflow meter $20 shipped

--upper, middle, lower intake manifolds (89-91 VDI) with 6pi actuators $40 plus shipping (the rods in the lower intake manifold MOVE FREELY which is quite rare)


--s5 NA throttlebody $20 shipped

--s5 NA TPS $35 shipped

--sanden a/c compressor, no lines, $20 shipped

--oil cooler, good condition with slight dents on bottom side, almost no bent fins $30 shipped

--underbelly tray (between front bumper and K-frame) in PERFECT CONDITION $30 shipped

--89-91 turbo and NA clutch fan $13 shipped OR FREE with other order

--89-91 NA pressure sensor $13 shipped OR FREE with other order

--89-95 automatic engine rear counterweight, for use with light weight flywheels $60 shipped

--automatic driveshaft $25 shipped

--3 spoke steering wheel, good to average condition, horn button does not line up properly with the rest of the wheel, the wheel itself is fine $15 shipped

--s5 NA auto gauge cluster $20 shipped

--cluster surround with electrical switches all switches untested/unwarrantied $20 shipped

--s5 NA logicon, untested/unwarrantied $15 shipped

--tilt steering column with ignition cylinder and key $20 shipped

--s5 NA ECU, n351 $20 shipped

--s5 NA fuel pump; bracket also works for s5 turbo, pump itself also works for s4 NA $15 shipped

--s5 NA single piston front brake calipers, may also fit s4 4 lug (or may not, I am unsure) $15 shipped

--s4 rear bumper cover, in primer but structurally fine $5 plus shipping

--10th anniversary turbo bronze tinted hatch and side windows $50 local pickup (or you arrange shipping)

RETed 02-28-08 05:00 AM

Originally Posted by phoenix7 (Post 7919593)
You say that RETed grew out of his phase but I think he, much like me, realized that he needs the info in this place as much as the next guy and it's worth putting up with BS.

You may be right, but that's more of an exception rather than the norm...
I'd be lucky if I get something useful out of this forum maybe 0.01% of the stuff I peruse though.
I used to use this place to kill time.
It was entertainment for me.

BTW, you guys are just rehashing an old argument that had taken place a few months ago in Suggestions / Comments.
My take on things is that the "management" is out-of-tune of what the user base wants, and it's basically tough shit if you don't agree with it.

It's funny cause I was never a big seller on here.
But, somehow I got slapped as a "vendor" - notice, my link to my website has been removed in my .sig.
How long before all references to my website gets deleted?
Now, I just deal with eBay and Craigslist - funny, someone already mentioned that.
I like the idea of requiring fees for each post in the classifieds - this would create revenue AND cut down the number of "trash" postings - ala eBay.
This didn't fly.
Oh well, so now I pay eBay fees - RX-7 Forum loses money right there.

I really don't care.
This is life.
The good thing about the internet is that "evolution" is quick.
It's only a matter of time before someone puts on a good effort to rival this place.
When it does happen, there is going to be an exodus.
Mass exodus or trickle?
That remains to be seen...
The level of common sense in the FC section has taken a dump in the recent years.
Arguing with someone who recently had their fuel injectors professionally clean and then they start to complain when they have a fuel leak between the fuel injector and the fuel rail is too much for my blood pressure...
I just recently got a slap on the wrist for typing "FAIL" too many times in a thread - never used to happen before.
In fact, I used to be a lot more belligerent before...
RX-7 Forum wins; I give up.
What it does is minimizes my time on here and gets me to work on my own website a lot more now.


$100T2 02-28-08 06:33 AM

Originally Posted by RRTEC (Post 7918955)
I made a writeup the other day about modernizing s4 tails.. So far 4,226 views that is 4226 clicks to MY THREAD Adsense pays per click via an unknown ratio.. My BLOG makes about $5 per 1000 views.. So that would be about $20 they made off my Thread... hMmmm..

Then they owe me about $1000 for the relationship advice threads.

Pay up, bitches!

rogrx7 02-28-08 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by rowtareh (Post 7920033)
Oh this is just TOO good. I could not pass it up.

Kevin Landers aka RotaryRessurection used TWO, yes TWO different accounts to continue selling on the forum AFTER he was told he could not. Did you not read a damn thing in the thread? At all?

He IS a dealer. He has a KNOWN business for fixing/diagnosing/rebuilding/etc. on any generation RX7. Is this not hard to understand, at all?

Prick...can u not read that there are other members doing the same thing and being untouched.

If you want to get technical whats wrong with having 2 accounts if one is for RR and one is for kevin. Since RR is considered a business...then we can justify that we are talking about two different entities if you want to get techinical.

This is all about the bottom dollar, not the members. Why is it so hard to see that?

Seriously, stop trying to act funny and trying to stir the pot some more. It's pathetic, and a waste of time.
Whats a waste of time is u lurking me:) Bye!

kontakt 02-28-08 06:44 AM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7919648)
If you buy 4 RX-7s just so you can part them out and make the money off of helpless members here (often claiming that you are a service to the community... but) in reality you are a dealer.

How is a dealer not a service to the community?

How is parting out cars taking advantage of people? I have parts... I sell them, I get more parts cheap, I sell them again. Unless I'm price gouging noone is getting hurt. I SEVERELY fail to see your logic on this one.

People selling parts = good for the community
People selling more parts = bad for the community?

Give me a break.

rogrx7 02-28-08 06:52 AM

If you buy 4 RX7 and sell parts you are a seller...not a dealer.

A dealer is a person that sells items on behalf of a business or corp.

A person or business firm acting as a middleman to facilitate distribution of securities or goods. Typically, a dealer buys for his or her own account and sells to a customer from the dealer's inventory. Thus a dealer acts as a principal rather than as an agent. The dealer's profit or loss is the difference between the price he pays and the price he receives for the same security or goods. The same individual or company may, at different times, function as a dealer or as a broker, who buys and sells for his clients' accounts.

rowtareh? 02-28-08 07:37 AM

Originally Posted by rogrx7 (Post 7920192)
Prick...can u not read that there are other members doing the same thing and being untouched.

Please, just for shits and giggles, please point out the members of this site that are dealers or that run a business that is geared towards rotary engines.

If you want to get technical whats wrong with having 2 accounts if one is for RR and one is for kevin. Since RR is considered a business...then we can justify that we are talking about two different entities if you want to get techinical.
You just don't get it. It is the same damn thing. He used other accounts to continue selling parts after he was told not to. It was pretty much a big slap in the face to Admin/Mod that combs through the classifieds keeping everything in order as much as we can. All while, he continues to sell parts MAKING MONEY while we bust ass? HA!

This is all about the bottom dollar, not the members. Why is it so hard to see that?
No kidding it is about bottom dollar. You act like some of the Admin/Mods don't agree with the new prices?

Whats a waste of time is u lurking me:) Bye!
Nah, I don't lurk. Your post caught my attention the most. I figured I would let you know. :)

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