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-   -   So Kevin got banned for a week huh? (https://www.rx7club.com/comments-suggestions-archive-222/so-kevin-got-banned-week-huh-734071/)

rowtareh? 02-27-08 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by RRTEC (Post 7917474)
Banning... In the past it was only used to get rid of Batman and YZF......


Originally Posted by ilike2eatricers (Post 7917475)
can chris and cello fuck said dead horse? :rlaugh:

I can haz video camera, no?

Originally Posted by RedR1 (Post 7917477)
I got some glue for ya. . . big man. . . . :op:

This is what happens when BAW invades threads.

And I love it.

Naegleria_Fowleri 02-27-08 03:57 PM

This topic is beating a dead horse. Back when YZF was banned it was because he was a bible thumper. I don't know why Batman was banned, as I only know him from TFL.

It seems to me that the entire notion behind this forum has been switched over from a wealth of knowledge to trying to bring in a wealth of profit. I don't know how Kevin has been for the past year, nor do I care. From the sounds of it he has contributed more than ample amounts of knowledge to this site to justify him trying to sell some parts for cheap on here. This entire forum has been built around the knowledge it possesses not the amount of revenue it can bring in.

Since Internet Brands takeover, and even a little while before that, this forum has been becoming more and more strict. Now that people can't even sell parts off of a car they are parting out without paying a price, it is just going down the drain that much more.

What is next? I have to pay 50 dollars to put up a targa glass top for an FB up in the for sale section because I'll be making "profit" on it? There are very few directions this place can take, one is to give us more of the freedoms back that made this place so great, or the other is for members to just use this for what it was designed for - the wealth of knowledge - and stop contributing anything else, which in turn would mean a ton less traffic.

Icemark 02-27-08 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by Normality_Glitch (Post 7917556)
This topic is beating a dead horse. Back when YZF was banned it was because he was a bible thumper. I don't know why Batman was banned, as I only know him from TFL.

It seems to me that the entire notion behind this forum has been switched over from a wealth of knowledge to trying to bring in a wealth of profit. I don't know how Kevin has been for the past year, nor do I care. From the sounds of it he has contributed more than ample amounts of knowledge to this site to justify him trying to sell some parts for cheap on here. This entire forum has been built around the knowledge it possesses not the amount of revenue it can bring in.

Since Internet Brands takeover, and even a little while before that, this forum has been becoming more and more strict. Now that people can't even sell parts off of a car they are parting out without paying a price, it is just going down the drain that much more.

What is next? I have to pay 50 dollars to put up a targa glass top for an FB up in the for sale section because I'll be making "profit" on it? There are very few directions this place can take, one is to give us more of the freedoms back that made this place so great, or the other is for members to just use this for what it was designed for - the wealth of knowledge - and stop contributing anything else, which in turn would mean a ton less traffic.

You failed to read what I posted in reply to you.

it was quite clear. Go back and read it.

See this is what gets threads closed, 3/4 go off subject, and the remaining 25% don't read the real responses.

So rather than get pissed off, and tell you the same exact thing that you didn't read/hear last time (try page 7 of this thread) I am just going to tell you to go back and read. Got some Kevin in you... don't you? He does the same thing all the time. Ignores when someone has a real answer and keeps bringing up things that have already been answered in hopes someone will change their mind and give him an answer that he does want to hear.

Dinnercoat 02-27-08 04:01 PM

I want a turbo'ed 12A ...

CasperIV 02-27-08 04:06 PM

I want rowtareh's avatar... Milla Jovovich... mmmmm....

Dinnercoat 02-27-08 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by CasperIV (Post 7917591)
I want rowtareh's avatar... Milla Jovovich... mmmmm....

Milla Jovovich babbling like a retard. Fucking HOT.

... sorry mark.

RRTEC 02-27-08 04:15 PM

Maybe someone will get all pissed and hack the site like another rotary site I know of, and all the info will be lost.... Then there would be no reason to visit it....

I personally haven't been back to the other site since it went down..

All in all this site is run by a big coorperation now.. Big Corps are evil money machines.. IB doesn't care about anything other then making this forum super profitable. The mods are just doing what they are supposed to do... But people bitching isn't going to do anything.. 100 pissed off members = nothing to them... There are so many other members that visit/click through that those of us that don't like where the forum is going (or those that choose to leave) isn't going to affect them at all.

rowtareh? 02-27-08 04:16 PM

Yet...another topic that went off due to my avatar. Sorry Mark, can't help it. I need to switch back to the stapler methinks?

Ok, just to get a better understanding....are the mods/admin to blame for the changes of the forum?

TitaniumTT 02-27-08 04:22 PM

Hey guys... Whats going on?

Originally Posted by Roen (Post 7917320)
That "poor business sense" led to the betterment of the rotary community.

Exactely. I must be a fucking IDIOT becuase I gave you some parts for free. But that must mean there are some other IDIOTS becuase they gave me some parts for free. Wow, We're a bunch of fucking retards aren't we all. :icon_no2:

Originally Posted by SLOASFK (Post 7917387)
Here's my latest queeze...

:suspect: I like them young.

I would hit that like the fist of an angry God.

Originally Posted by rowtareh (Post 7917628)
Yet...another topic that went off due to my avatar. Sorry Mark, can't help it. I need to switch back to the stapler methinks?

No - stapler = fail. Get a better pic of Mila though damnit.


Naegleria_Fowleri 02-27-08 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7917569)
You failed to read what I posted in reply to you.

it was quite clear. Go back and read it.

See this is what gets threads closed, 3/4 go off subject, and the remaining 25% don't read the real responses.

So rather than get pissed off, and tell you the same exact thing that you didn't read/hear last time (try page 7 of this thread) I am just going to tell you to go back and read. Got some Kevin in you... don't you? He does the same thing all the time. Ignores when someone has a real answer and keeps bringing up things that have already been answered in hopes someone will change their mind and give him an answer that he does want to hear.

I read it. I replied to it as well. The guy stating that he was going to get charged $1,000 dollars for parting out his car acted like it was only a one car deal, not multiple cars, and not trying to make enough profit on it to cover even a $200 charge.

If he was parting out more than one car then I missed that, and it is entirely my fault for skipping that over. The way I read his posts though definitely made me think he was only parting out one car, and that if he had parted out a car in the past it definitely wasn't happening frequently enough to make it into a job,or an extra form of income, which is what I would assume the vendor cost is meant for.

I'm not trying to start a huge fight. Someone else already did that for me. I'm just stating how I view the things going on here. Not that it bothers me much either way. I've gotten a wealth of knowledge from this site, for sure. I wouldn't even know half of what I know about the first gen rx7 if it weren't for this site. I was just hoping that I could continue learning from this site for the other two generations before feeling completely shut out from this site.

And I'm sure its well known that I try to avoid getting banned as much as possible. I try not to offend anyone here. I try to be as civil as I can be while still having fun. I rarely speak my mind on topics of this nature.

My point is simply that this is one of the best places, if not the best place, to sell rotary related parts through. With someone who doesn't own their own company based on selling parts/working on cars, they shouldn't have to be forced into paying vendor cost just because they want to sell some things through here. There are a lot of us struggling enough as is, and have to sell things just to make it by. Half of the project cars that are given up are because people can't handle the financial burden their cars are putting on them. Why punish them even more just because they will make more money parting a car out rather than just simply sell it as is?

But once again, I'm not sure if the $1,000 dollar guy does this a lot or if this is his first part out. There just needs to be more clear lines as to where it is a habitual seller, and just someone looking for a bit of extra cash because he has some extra parts he wants to get rid of.

Garoad 02-27-08 04:25 PM

What the hell is Internet Brands?

When did this happen?


CasperIV 02-27-08 04:25 PM


Dinnercoat 02-27-08 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Garoad (Post 7917666)
What the hell is Internet Brands?

When did this happen?



MmSadda 02-27-08 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by rowtareh (Post 7917628)
Yet...another topic that went off due to my avatar. Sorry Mark, can't help it. I need to switch back to the stapler methinks?

Ok, just to get a better understanding....are the mods/admin to blame for the changes of the forum?

Other than Ryan, who sold the forum, no. The forum itself hasn't changed; rather, the enforcement of pre-existing policies has changed.

RRTEC 02-27-08 04:34 PM

They make so much off click through ratios... Free Classifieds is the way it used to be. I dont currently own an Rx-7.. I go to the local meets, I post in the tech section, and do little projects that are educational. I sell leftover stuff I have and frequent the lounge... If the classifieds section becomes costly to me I will just visit less frequently.. that it all.. Less click though ratio.. Less $..

I love the Free classifieds, If they change that policy. Fine.. It sucks .. but fine.

Garoad 02-27-08 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by Dinnercoat (Post 7917674)

I'm dead serious...

RRTEC 02-27-08 04:39 PM

Oh.. and i miss kevins contributions to the forum...

DrKillJoY 02-27-08 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by f1blueRx7 (Post 7917435)
You're either doing your job or you are not doing your job. Why should anyone expect praise, you're still getting your paycheck, right? Sure it's nice, but really when things go wrong it's the negative feedback you need to pay attention to because thats whats going to hurt business overall.

I don't expect praise.

However in the same regard your getting nearly unfiltered access to our customer service files if you will. You would never get to hear public and open criticism inside a traditional business like you do here. Sure maybe you could read up about it on the Internet or maybe through the BBB, but you'd have to be stupid if you think that we could allow unabashed trashing of the current staff, protocol. general management or mismanagement that may have occurred right inside our own doors.

Similarly if this were indeed a public business (which it pretty much is) this riotous mob would have been cleared out by the cops long ago. You see what I'm saying here? No one is driving away the mob, you guys just aren't fighting for it like you care. Instead of working for change, people just criticize and shit all over it and walk away. They holler (type) some obscenities, call the rules ghey or some other productive derogative term and run off like pussies. I consider this place, this website to be just an real of a place as my local town. I hang out here, I buy stuff here, I sell stuff here, I get my info here and I hang out with my Friends from all across the world here.

If you want to picket outside the store, your more than entitled to do so... in fact I'd encourage it, if it were done in a civil fashion, but when the crowd gets unruly we do have to step in and handle it accordingly.

Originally Posted by f1blueRx7 (Post 7917435)
Where is the resolution? Where are the laid out clearly defined XXX makes you a habitual seller, XXX is what you need to pay to sell habitually. It's loosely defined and not spelled out in the forum rules as accurately as the moderators make it out to be. It should be changed and made clear.

YOU should be the primary impetus of this change since is is the moderation team that doesn't understand why folks are putting up such a stink about the forum rules they've already agreed to.

These rules and definitions of habitual sellers should be boldly stickied in all forsale forums in an effort to save yourselves the time of explaining to someone why their FS thread was deleted. I've not seen this happen so I don't understand why you think this issue is dead and resolved.

Well I see this thread has turned into lounge fodder. I'm done, sucks we can't have serious conversation on the matter.

Looks like you jumped criticisms here, at first you were referring to multiple threads, but in your response you zero in on the singular topic of classified ads.

Regarding classified ads it's a well worn subject that several members of the staff have been working with and urging the powers at IB to come on-board with refocused standards and a keener eye on the role of the "shade-tree mechanic/weekend shop owner". Fact is we can only work with what we have and that's what we are doing.

The rules we are currently adhering to are posted in the announcements of each and every Classified section on the forum. The announcement looks like this:

**** MUST READ this before you buy or sell on this forum ****

I don't know how much clearer it could get than clicking on the links and reading the rules. Please let me, let you lead the way on this one. How else should be modify what has been done to make it better... waiting to hear from you.

I think you misinterpret my seriousness about the issue, as you say "sucks we can't have serious conversation on the matter", I concur with you... in fact better than that I totally agree with you.

We won't be able to have serious conversation about issues with contributors who fail to use a mature level of communication in their posts. I'm not singling out anyone on this matter but it's easy to see who is serious around here and who isn't.

rogrx7 02-27-08 04:47 PM

There is always ebay and the craigs list.

And on the craigslist u can rent-a-ho

Dinnercoat 02-27-08 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by DrKilljoy (Post 7917777)
Looks like you jumped critisims here, at first you were reffering to multiple threads, but in your response you zero in on the singular topic of classified ads.

Regarding clasified ads it's a well worn subject that several members of the staff have been working with and urging the powers at IB to come onboard with refocused standards and a keener eye on the role of the "shadetree mechanic/weekend shop owner". Fact is we can only work with what we have and that's what we are doing.

The rules we are currently adhering to are posted in the announcements of each and every Classified section on the forum. The announcement looks like this:

**** MUST READ this before you buy or sell on this forum ****

I don't know how much clearer it could get than clicking on the links and reading the rules. Please let me, let you lead the way on this one. How else should be modify what has been done to make it better... waiting to hear from you

Only problem I see with it is the vagueness:

"- No Dealers in the classified sections. A dealer is defined as anyone who is selling more than 2 of the same product, or who repeatedly has items for sale."

Once everything is figured out on the admin/IB side and detailed out I think this all will become a moot point.

Perhaps what is needed is an entirely different domain/site for classifieds. The current board software isn't really cut out for the job, its a message board plain and simple. There could be a one time or small annual fee for sellers that would cover x items posted for x amount of time, (e.g. $5/year for 50 items posted/sold in a year). It could have a more robust database backend allowing easier searches for items, as well as finding items by location for easier sale/pick up. For the big timers who sell 100s, or 1000s of items in a month/year the fees can escalate along a sliding scale, where no one is twisting their arm to post their offerings but they are charged accordingly per the volume/value they sell. Of course the questions come up like, "Is it fair to charge someone less for selling a modified FD than someone who specializing in selling turn signal lenses at $1 a pop?" And I don't know , just kind of voicing my thoughts here.

ilike2eatricers 02-27-08 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by Garoad (Post 7917666)
What the hell is Internet Brands?

When did this happen?



look at all the forums they gobbled up already

DrKillJoY 02-27-08 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by MmSadda (Post 7917676)
Other than Ryan, who sold the forum, no. The forum itself hasn't changed; rather, the enforcement of pre-existing policies has changed.

That's about the most correct thing I've read all day. :wallbash:

Dinnercoat 02-27-08 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by ilike2eatricers (Post 7917804)

look at all the forums they gobbled up already

Apparently they were initially "CarsDirect.com"

Damn you Stan, almost fooled me there. =P

Dinnercoat 02-27-08 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by DrKilljoy (Post 7917808)
That's about the most correct thing I've read all day. :wallbash:

But the problem seems to be is that many of the policies are vague so their execution is riling some people up, some more so than others mind you.

That and of course there are people who just expect to do whatever they want, when they want, how they want to, where they want.

rogrx7 02-27-08 05:02 PM


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