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-   -   Selling Privileges...?!? (https://www.rx7club.com/comments-suggestions-archive-222/selling-privileges-729141/)

charlies7 02-14-08 08:49 PM

understandable, but im not here to find that information for you :)

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 7868721)

You need to provide me with an example of this.
If it is not in their signature then it is not an issue. The acceptable norm of this as an example is when a member asks in a thread in their specific forum something like this. Where can I find a replacement rear hatch support for my car?

Then a member responds with. Try rockauto.com or mazdatrix.com,etc.....

1). When a member posts in their signature their own personal site that sells or a site that offers items for sale then that is direct advertising for those sites and are not allowable unless those site are paying fees on this Club.

Rx-7Doctor 02-15-08 06:20 AM

Then don't bring it up if you can't back it up with a factual example. Their are almost 17 thousand active members on the Club. Their are 29 mods, a lot that are not that active. You do the math. Their are a lot of members that don't post very often so the chances of catching every violation is not that high for those that don't post on a regular basis.

Those that do make their presence known on a regular basis and have violations will therefore be more likely to be contacted. :)

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7868751)
understandable, but im not here to find that information for you :)

charlies7 02-15-08 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 7869746)

Those that do make their presence known on a regular basis and have violations will therefore be more likely to be contacted. :)

lol, I think I knew that already...

OK lets get back on topic about selling on here...Im curious to know

Heisenberg 02-15-08 10:12 AM

It's almost pontless to attemt to try and resolve the issue at this point. The classifieds section has been overun by a bunch of Bureaucrats. If it isn't evident by the fact that the well known sellers are being forced to make a whole other site dedicated to selling then i don't know what else is.

Unfortunatly somebody has some sort of agenda to turn this place into a money machine rather than an enthusiast fun spot. So now everyone is going to be nickel and dimed to death.

This will be my last recommendation. Why not just offer a yearly membership for members of say $20 that gives them added features like posting FS items in the classifeds period,posting pictures, having a pic in your avatar, being able to view more threads etc.... Thats how i have seen other sites do it and they change the persons color above there name. Instead of charging veteran members a ridiculus amount of money just for the classifieds, why not just charge a small amount to all long time loyal members for multiple added benifits that non payers would not get.

I have no problem supporting this place. But in all honesty the process of change around here is going all wrong.

charlies7 02-15-08 10:25 AM

Agreed, I dont mind paying 20 bucks if thats the case. I mean that is lunch money for a week for a poor college student but I dont mind paying it :)

Originally Posted by BackyardSog (Post 7870203)
It's pontless to attemt to try and resolve the issue at this point. The classifieds section has been overun by a bunch of Bureaucrats. If it isn't evident by the fact that the well known sellers are being forced to make a whole other site dedicated to selling then i don't know what else is.

Unfortunatly somebody has some sort of agenda to turn this place into a money machine rather than an enthusiast fun spot. So now everyone is going to be nickel and dimed to death.

This will be my last recommendation. Why not just offer a yearly membership for members of say $20 that gives them added features like posting FS items in the classifeds period,posting pictures, having a pic in your avatar, being able to view more threads etc.... Thats how i have seen other sites do it and they change the persons color above there name. Instead of charging veteran members a ridiculus amount of money just for the classifieds, why not just charge a small amount to all long time loyal members for multiple added benifits that non payers would not get.

I have no problem supporting this place. But in all honesty the process of change around here is going all wrong.

str8ryd 02-16-08 08:15 AM

BackyardSog: That's a great suggestion. I've never understood why this forum hasn't adopted such a simple policy?

IB is big enough and smart enough to know or atleast figure out how other forums have generated revenue. They've done so by adopting membership fee policies. Also, this is an option for added features and general members need not pay. It's entirely up to the forum member. Look at a site like "Offtopic.com". This is their policy and it seems to be VERY effective. Has this even been considered?

Re-Speed.com 02-17-08 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 7868613)
There was a mis-interpretation of the Classified sections.

Paying vendors are allowed to post for sale threads in the classified sections. The only non-allowable threads for paying vendors in the classifieds are the group buys.
So feel free to post your regular for sale threads there.

Thank you for taking the time to give input on this subject. All suggestions/recommendations are being looked at to resolve this situation.



Please explain this a bit further.

As a paying vendor I am allowed to post within the "classified" section as long as the rules are met?


Rx-7Doctor 02-17-08 11:12 PM

Yes, you are Billy.

Originally Posted by bwaits (Post 7878200)

Please explain this a bit further.

As a paying vendor I am allowed to post within the "classified" section as long as the rules are met?


Heisenberg 02-19-08 10:25 AM

So i take it this topic is just being brushed under the rug

RotaryResurrection 02-19-08 11:29 AM

Here, let me respond on their behalf...we already know what excuses are going to be given.

"This is not a one man operation, the decision making process will take a while. All we can do is wait for word from IB."

"The mods do not make policy on this forum, we just enforce it."

"The rules are clearly stated, they were there when you signed up, and even though we've all ignored them for the last few years, it's completely okay that we have decided to enforce them with an iron fist at this time. You guys are just whiners."

"If you dont like the way things are here, then go somewhere else, it is a big internet."

"We will get back to you when we have something more to report and can actually answer your questions. In the meantime though, we'll continue to ride your asses and lock certain people out of the selling areas, even though there is no option for resolution in place yet. Kinda like arresting people and not setting a trial date, but holding them in jail in the meantime."

charlies7 02-19-08 11:58 AM

^^ Hit the nail on the head, lol

However it does make sense about the rules since they cant make them, but the strict enforcement is kinda rash. :(

I am sure they will come up with something in the mean time but until that time is meant you can check out www.rotarycarclub.com. Its a great site with build up threads, tuning tips and everything above.

Im sure im not breaking the rules right doc? ;)

str8ryd 02-19-08 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 7850185)
As far as letting you guys continue to sell as you were until this gets implemented. All I can say is that I will submit your request today.
With the understanding that if I am able to get this approved that when the new sub-forum is implemented(could be tomorrow, next week,etc..) that if you are one of those that has been categorized as a frequent seller. When it is implemented that you agree to pay the fee for the sub-forum and that all of your current and future threads will be moved to the sub-forum. You will not be able to advertise in the private forum and if you elect not to pay then you will have all of your selling privileges revoked and the threads will be removed. That is the best that I can offer you on this at the time.

If this is acceptable to you at this point then I will go to bat for limited selling privileges(all businesses,gb's and vendors excluded). List your name if you would like for me to pursue this.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter,


What ever happened to this? I thought you were suppossed to get back to us...

Merciless 02-19-08 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 7884475)
Here, let me respond on their behalf...we already know what excuses are going to be given.

"This is not a one man operation, the decision making process will take a while. All we can do is wait for word from IB."

why not? they are the ones who is taking your money, all decisions goes through them...if I'm taking your money, this would have been resolved by now!!!

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 7884475)
"The mods do not make policy on this forum, we just enforce it."

to a certain extent, yes. we can change the rules if we see fit

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 7884475)
"The rules are clearly stated, they were there when you signed up, and even though we've all ignored them for the last few years, it's completely okay that we have decided to enforce them with an iron fist at this time. You guys are just whiners."

it is what it is...if something provided to you for "free", you should be happy of what you get while you still have it...also, there is no such thing is "free" in this world...

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 7884475)
"If you dont like the way things are here, then go somewhere else, it is a big internet."

another true statement, it's your freedom of choice, be somewhere where it can make you happy....

Originally Posted by RotaryResurrection (Post 7884475)

"We will get back to you when we have something more to report and can actually answer your questions. In the meantime though, we'll continue to ride your asses and lock certain people out of the selling areas, even though there is no option for resolution in place yet. Kinda like arresting people and not setting a trial date, but holding them in jail in the meantime."

if the person can make the decision doesnt, what can the subodinate do? just have to wait and see

Icemark 02-19-08 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by BackyardSog (Post 7884203)
So i take it this topic is just being brushed under the rug

No, there are multiple threads on it in the moderator section of the board. It is being discussed and looked at on almost a daily basis.

Nothing good ever happens instantly.

Frankly, I suspect that if you guys keep whining and complaining that they will just say funk them, it stays the way it is and that is that.

Instead of many of the moderator staff trying to help you guys with solution.

And then you have people like Kevin here, that seems to just want to make trouble instead of waiting for a fair and good solution to be found.

F1blueRx7 02-19-08 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7885284)
No, there are multiple threads on it in the moderator section of the board. It is being discussed and looked at on almost a daily basis.

Nothing good ever happens instantly.

Frankly, I suspect that if you guys keep whining and complaining that they will just say funk them, it stays the way it is and that is that.

Instead of many of the moderator staff trying to help you guys with solution.

And then you have people like Kevin here, that seems to just want to make trouble instead of waiting for a fair and good solution to be found.

You folks constantly refer to the rule of anyone who frequently has items for sale, yet cannot determine what frequency it is. Kevin has a valid point. If these IB folks are dragging their feet then maybe IB Management should be aware of the issue and replace the folks with people more interested in doing their job.

I'm sorry but it does NOT take months to resolve an issue as simple as this. Someone is dragging their feet/dropping the ball etc. Anyone who has a legitimate managerial job in a medium to large corporation should know this.

As to the whining and complaining statement. It's a proven fact when companies blatently burn their customers they will eat it two fold in lost profit and bad PR. Granted, Ebay might not be reeling from their recent policy change but where does IB and the Rx7club stand against Ebay?

Icemark 02-20-08 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by f1blueRx7 (Post 7885800)
You folks constantly refer to the rule of anyone who frequently has items for sale, yet cannot determine what frequency it is. Kevin has a valid point.

That has been covered countless times. I am not covering it again.

As to the whining and complaining statement. It's a proven fact when companies blatently burn their customers they will eat it two fold in lost profit and bad PR. Granted, Ebay might not be reeling from their recent policy change but where does IB and the Rx7club stand against Ebay?
Speaking not as an IB employee or even hired consultant, but merely someone on the side line, I would think that IB and RX7club would have absolutely no care about ebay at all. They don't run auction or sales sites.

If IB didn't make money before on classifieds, and they are not making money on classifieds now... how could it effect anything?

and as far as burning customers, you don't pay anything to come here. Its free. Therefore you are not a customer. No more than someone watching TV or listening to the radio is a customer of that station.

Now if you buy advertising, then you would be a customer of IB. But again, not a customer of this board.

But regardless of that, I don't see Kevin leaving... I don't see you leaving, I don't see charlies7 leaving. I see Kevin doing things that hurt the rotary community in general and in spite because of what he perceived as actions here against him, but that really was his choice. Not because anyone here forced him too, or told him he had to take down his personal web pages. He did that on his own in spite. I hope that others like yourself or charlies7 don't follow suit in also trying to hurt the rotary community, but nobody here can stop you if you make that choice.

fritts 02-20-08 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7889411)
If IB didn't make money before on classifieds, and they are not making money on classifieds now... how could it effect anything?

and as far as burning customers, you don't pay anything to come here. Its free. Therefore you are not a customer. No more than someone watching TV or listening to the radio is a customer of that station.

I think you have hit the nail on the head here. They didn't make money before and are not making money now. BUT they want to. The changes they have made were not for the benefit of the Rotary community but for business, pure and simple. They don't care about the rotary community, they are here to make money off the rotary community, otherwise they would not have bought the forum.

charlies7 02-20-08 03:48 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7889411)

But regardless of that, I don't see Kevin leaving... I don't see you leaving, I don't see charlies7 leaving. I see Kevin doing things that hurt the rotary community in general and in spite because of what he perceived as actions here against him, but that really was his choice. Not because anyone here forced him too, or told him he had to take down his personal web pages. He did that on his own in spite. I hope that others like yourself or charlies7 don't follow suit in also trying to hurt the rotary community, but nobody here can stop you if you make that choice.

Again, im being put in the category of shop owner:Wconfused :icon_tup: . Also there is no way that I could "hurt" the rotary community, this site has already done enough of that.:scared: I am actually gauging some humor out of this, I love comic relief.

F1blueRx7 02-20-08 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7889411)
That has been covered countless times. I am not covering it again.

Originally Posted by f1blueRx7 (Post 7885800)
If these IB folks are dragging their feet then maybe IB Management should be aware of the issue and replace the folks with people more interested in doing their job.

I know it's easy to read one line into it and then summarily rush to your comment but from what I've read of your posts so far IB is still mulling what indicates the difference between a frequent and infrequent seller.

My opinion doesn't matter on the issue. But I'll input my .02 here: Usually I run into a situation once a year where I feel I need to change something on my car and I end up selling 4-5 parts within a 2 month period and then you won't see me in there for quite some time. I'm afraid the new rules will put me into the frequent sellers group.

Originally Posted by Icemark (Post 7889411)
But regardless of that, I don't see Kevin leaving... I don't see you leaving, I don't see charlies7 leaving. I see Kevin doing things that hurt the rotary community in general and in spite because of what he perceived as actions here against him, but that really was his choice. Not because anyone here forced him too, or told him he had to take down his personal web pages. He did that on his own in spite. I hope that others like yourself or charlies7 don't follow suit in also trying to hurt the rotary community, but nobody here can stop you if you make that choice.

I am not out to hurt the community. This entire ordeal has not affected me (yet) aside from making it harder to find parts that I need. However, when I see the sellers out there frustrated for months without a solution I empathize with them. If I was implicated as a frequent seller I would not leave. However I would spend more time on other boards to sell my items. I would end up on the losing end of the deal. Someone has got to stop dragging their feet and pick up the ball, etc to find a solution for our frequent sellers.

RotaryResurrection 02-20-08 04:14 PM

I didn't hurt the community, nor did I remove any information from the community. I simply moved it to a more appreciative community forum. I will not be a part of bringing in members and assisting the growth and vitality of the very forum that insults me.

Mark, you are a master manipulator of words. You try to turn this around on me. For years I've dispensed good, cheap used parts to those in need when I could have sold them for 2 or 3 times as much if money was on my mind. I have helped many thousands of people with no benefit to myself.

Yet when this forum suddenly up and changes itself and slaps me in the face, and I raise my voice so as to make it known to the general masses and not be led around like a sheep, you sit here and tell me how I am being childish, acting in spite, and hurting the community.

No, it is you and your new order forum rules that are hurting the community. YOu take away all the reliable sellers, leaving scammers and stupid people who rip others off. You edit and delete others' postings without good reason. When someone makes a public comment or raises a question, you slap them down and tell them "this is the way it is, don't question my authoritah, like it or leave". Threads in the suggestion area get edited, closed, or moved to the archive where they can't be posted in any more.

This method of running a large community bears a striking resemblence to another form of government, and it never quite worked out that well either.

You say we are not customers of this forum if we don't pay as an advertiser, and that we will not be missed. What do you think makes this forum great to begin with? All the people, all the parts, all the information here, brings in other people. Advertisers pay the owner for this target audience. The bigger the audience, the more they are justified in paying. But, even though the general member does not pay, he is valuable to the forum as part of that audience. Those members who contribute much to the information or parts pool here, are largely responsible for bringing in may of the general members.

So it is no stretch of the imagination to see that some members such as myself who are consistent presences here are responsible for the success of this forum, and thus bringing in the advertisers and money. So in a way, yes, we are customers of this place, and we all have a vested interest in how it operates.

F1blueRx7 02-20-08 04:24 PM


The forum has ended it's days of free exchange and trade. They've changed models from "just enough to get by" to a "For profit enterprise".

IB isn't interested in Rx-7's. They're interested in how many people visit this site and methods by which they can profit from page hits.

I get the impression that Icemark doesn't like it anymore then you do, but he's either got to go along with the change or hang up the Mod gloves where someone else (possibly far less caring) will come along to fill the shoes.

banzaitoyota 02-20-08 07:12 PM

And yet still no response from the Email I sent to Internet Brands asking for pricing info............................................

RotaryResurrection 02-20-08 07:15 PM

In another past thread, someone that asked IB got a response of $800...we assume that was a monthly figure. That's why I havent even bothered asking recently, coupled with the reported poor response that others have gotten.

Rx-7Doctor 02-20-08 07:15 PM

You own and operate a business.

Your bitching about not being able to advertise in the classifieds for free.
Why should you be allowed as a Business to advertise for free when other businesses on this Club are paying for advertising?

Rx-7Doctor 02-20-08 07:21 PM

If you would of recontacted me concerning this then I would of sent an email on your behalf to them.

The 4 or 5 times that I have done this when members have stated that they have not received a response they were contacted.

The member that contacted me recently about this had a phone call back from IB in 15 minutes after I contacted them.

If you want pm me with your contact info and I will forward it to them.

Originally Posted by banzaitoyota (Post 7890705)
And yet still no response from the Email I sent to Internet Brands asking for pricing info............................................

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