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What will you do with your $400?

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Old 11-06-05, 02:24 AM
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I like how the O&G industry posted 100B in revenue in ONE QUARTER. Thats about 10B in profit.

You could do just about anything with 10B. But then again, they say their loosing money, so they must be. Just like insurance companies are loosing money for charging 400% MORE for insurance than they did 2 or 3 years ago.
Old 11-06-05, 11:11 AM
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Oil companies say they're losing money? Where did you hear that?
Old 11-06-05, 12:03 PM
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My 2¢,
Much of our household's $400/head will be treated as a windfall to be put towards our favoured charities - World Vision in particular - because the money will go a lot further and do a lot more to alleviate poverty and suffering overseas in the hands of an organization that focuses on community based education, healthcare, agricultural, and small scale economic development. Unicef and the Red Cross need not apply, they spend the bulk of donations on bureaucratic expenses before it gets to its intended beneficiaries.

Thanks for the cheque Ralph, but I resent the obvious vote-buying it stands for, and simple lack of a plan for our future. Far better would be to eliminate onerous healthcare premiums, which are patently unfair in that, except for the extremely poor who qualify for exemption, all Albertans pay the same regardless of how rich or poor they are. Or reduction of the flat 10% income tax, which has the illusion of fairness on the face of it, but disportionately impacts the less well off, who have little if anything left over after basic needs are looked after.

While Ralph's government here has probably been less damaging than our federal and many other provincial governments to economic development, I hardly think he deserves kudos, let alone credit for windfall oil revenue. And I find disturbing the lack of leadership and direction the provincial PC's continue to display, and really have ever since their first term under Klein. They are a ship adrift without a rudder, tossed and turned by whatever wind blows for a moment. Are the citizens restless over electricity "market-based" reforms that have led to more expensive electricity rates for all but large industrial users and more uncertainty of supply (just like everywhere else this has been tried)? Let's write some rebate cheques to the sheep and carry on as before after the election. Every once in a while, a tidbit of leadership is tossed out in the form of bashing the feds (always plays well with the sheep) or playing the endless shellgame of healthcare reform, which mostly seems to consist of making vague noises that Alberta is going to stand up the the big bad feds in some way, some day, and do some thing which may or may not go against the Canada health act. And in a ridiculous irony, many of the accusations the provincial PC's toss out against Ottawa are things they themselves display in spades - clinging to power for power's sake, a civil service that is a lapdog of the Party, lack of vision and direction for the future, and a lack of transparency in relations with lobbyists, political donations, and contracting that makes the federal government look saintly by comparison. Here in Alberta a scandal like adscam would be easy to keep hidden, as the legal mechanisms and review processes don't exist, despite being recommended by members of Ralph's own party (you know, The Party).

Ralph is well known for throwing a hissy fit when asked tough questions by the media, the public, and the opposition (such as it is here in this one-party state) or members of his own party. So mostly they don't get asked. Like the following, which may seem greedy in view of the fact the province is swimming in oil cash right now, but really just reflects the fact that this is a limited time source of income as Alberta's stocks of conventional crude are already in decline: Why is it the oil companies pay one of the lowest oil royalty rates in the world in Alberta? Is our oil so much more difficult to extract and refine and bring to market that we have to undercut Alaska's north shore and Bering Sea, Britain and Sweden's North Sea, and so on to get companies to invest here? The obvious answer is no, our low royalty rate dates to the aftermath of the NEP and 1987 price crash, when the then Getty PC's slashed royalty rates to attract development to the province - a shrewd move at the time, which led to the high deficit years, but helped rebuild the industry for when prices began to rebound it the mid-90's. Why is this still in place 20 years later? Well it is a real sweetheart deal for the (mostly American) oil companies and their execs, who praise Alberta as a great place to do business, and donate generously to the Party - but why should Albertans trade away their oil for comparatively cheap - get what we can for it, and invest the surplus to create an ongoing dividend/revenue for future generations, like Alaska for example - which sees an annual dividend cheque for citizens that shares 1/2 of the growth in principal on their investments, with the other 1/2 plowed back in to grow the principal. But that would be vision, and Ralph is all about not rocking the boat; after all, everything's coming up roses, so why look for something useful to do that might wake up the members of The Party from their sleep in the legislature benches?

So again, thanks for the cheque, no I won't be voting for the provincial PC's, just as there's not a hope in hell I will vote for the federal Liberals when the election comes, hopefully sooner than later - governments are like diapers, they should always be changed early and often, and for the same reason - leave them too long and they start overflowing with $#!+. Leave them in longer than a couple of terms, and the sense of entitlement and impunity to petty concerns of morality and fiscal responsiblity skyrocket. Don't even get me started on the other thread running on the Canadian board right now, where the sheep of Ontario seem to be pledging their undying loyalty to The Federal Party, despite it's record of corruption, graft, self-serving in the name of Canada serving, and on and on. After all, Gomery has come to the amazing conclusion that Chretien and everygody around him except his #2, in charge of the public purse and MP of the province where so much graft and corruption masceraded as patriotism are responsible ... I trust Martin more than Chretien, but not so much I would hand the keys to the henhouse back to the party of foxes...

Remember, in a democracy, we get the government we deserve...
Old 11-06-05, 12:24 PM
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Boy, at 2¢, my rate per word makes my posts a real value... I should at least get a quadruple post count for ones like that
Old 11-06-05, 12:31 PM
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And BTW, my respect and trust of the "fiscally responsible" Liberal Paul Martin went way down with the ease with which he wrote a $5.6 billion cheque to buy the votes of the NDP in the House to prop up his government ... Machiavellian, yes, good government, no.
Old 11-06-05, 04:28 PM
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$400 @ my car
Old 11-06-05, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by rx7racerca
Boy, at 2¢, my rate per word makes my posts a real value... I should at least get a quadruple post count for ones like that
...especially when said post nails it in spades. Our best strategy in the next provincial election would be to vote Alliance (Reform) and hope whoever is at the helm of that party by then has the brass ***** to take on Ottawa in a proactive stance that leaves the Federal Liberals wondering what the **** hit them between the eyes.

If (and more likely when) the fed-Libs win their next majority there will be nothing stopping them from enacting another NEP-like scenario. The purpose of course would be primarily to keep the balance of power from shifting westward and ruining their cozy arrangement.

With the current 40% of Albertans answering the point-blank and very clear question "do you want Alberta to separate from Canada and become a sovereign nation?" with a resounding YES, all it would take is for the (spoon-) fed-Libs to try another run on Alberta's economy to push this number to over 60%. With a premier who's willing to call a referendum and then act on the results Alberta's independance would be a much-welcome, long-overdue and foregone conclusion.
Old 11-06-05, 10:19 PM
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Gotta love that Belinda Stronach switch on the last vote of non-confidence. My respect (what was left of it) for the liberal party was completely distroyed right then. Belinda was voted in as a conservative, not a liberal. She completely ignored her voters when she switched parties. As for Alberta, the $400 checks could have gone to better use, but they are really more of a moral raiser for Albertians and a possible benifit for living here that will attract more people to this province in the future. This is over all great for the Albertian work force since it is in serious shortage of people. In the end, more people = stronger economy. More people also = more money to the government. Its really a smart move for the Klein government.
Old 11-06-05, 11:18 PM

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Originally Posted by Aviator 902S

With the current 40% of Albertans answering the point-blank and very clear question "do you want Alberta to separate from Canada and become a sovereign nation?" with a resounding YES, all it would take is for the (spoon-) fed-Libs to try another run on Alberta's economy to push this number to over 60%. With a premier who's willing to call a referendum and then act on the results Alberta's independance would be a much-welcome, long-overdue and foregone conclusion.

Truefully speaking we don't need over 50% for a revoultion, allyou need is per say 30-40% then a few guys with alot of bawls and not brains leading the charge, people are swept together in unity, even if 60$ of people do not support a revo, who will stop then if the other 40% start? those feds have been stealing my mone long enough, ever since they started the whole GST thing (no i was not alive to be there) but i still feel the reprocutions of the 7%, i mean i don't really care paying for it, only thing i hate is the countless amounts of money being pissed away by our "great" federal liberal.

Originally Posted by C-Murder
Gotta love that Belinda Stronach switch on the last vote of non-confidence. My respect (what was left of it) for the liberal party was completely distroyed right then. Belinda was voted in as a conservative, not a liberal. She completely ignored her voters when she switched parties. As for Alberta, the $400 checks could have gone to better use, but they are really more of a moral raiser for Albertians and a possible benifit for living here that will attract more people to this province in the future. This is over all great for the Albertian work force since it is in serious shortage of people. In the end, more people = stronger economy. More people also = more money to the government. Its really a smart move for the Klein government.
Gotta love these closet liberals that only need a good lay and some maoney to change their minds, i personally believe she is a crack house *****, who was sleeping with one of the federal liberal party memebers that is high up their. i personaly have not respect for the liberal party and their tactits, and i agree with rx7racerca i do trust paul martin more then Chretien, but then you have to look in the big sceme of things, Chretien would be the big pile of **** the cow just dropped, then beside it you have the crap the dog just took, neither pile of **** is good, but if i had a choice to clean either up, it would be teh dogs ****. not the fricking cows.

Old 11-07-05, 12:12 AM
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those feds have been stealing my mone long enough, ever since they started the whole GST thing (no i was not alive to be there) but i still feel the reprocutions of the 7%, i mean i don't really care paying for it, only thing i hate is the countless amounts of money being pissed away by our "great" federal liberal.

While it is true that the feds have been robbing us blind for almost a century, the GST was actually a Conservative creation (under Mulroney) rather than a Liberal one. The 7% GST was introduced as a replacement for the 13% manufacturer's tax that was stifling our economy and had to be ditched to keep Canada from continuing to sink.

True, the GST has increased the cost of living in Canada by 7%. Not good. But getting rid of the manufacturer's tax (combined with NAFTA) spurred our economy and encouraged foreign investment. In spite of the GST we broke even quite early in the game and are now better off on the grand scale of things.
Old 11-07-05, 01:17 PM
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At least we pay 7% and not 15%.

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