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vipernicus42 03-27-08 07:39 AM

PM sent with details from my Paypal records.

God it hurts to see those numbers... The Canadian dollar wasn't as strong vs. the USD back a year ago. Right now we're about par (hovering between $0.99 and $1.01 USD to the CDN) but back then it was a good twenty cents lower.

For anyone curious, here are the official numbers:

Total paid to Scott For Work (USD) 800
Total paid to Scott For Work (CDN) 950.69

Total paid for rims (USD) 360
Total paid for rims (CDN) 432.25

Total: 1160USD ($1382.94CDN)

I didn't buy the rims from Scott, but I did pay for them, had them shipped to Scott, then he sold them and kept the money, so I think it makes sense for those numbers to count as part of what Scott owes me.


Originally Posted by rowtareh (Post 8024683)

I live near him, but I am busy with so many other things. I can try to get some information for you. My family lives in Missouri, and my Uncle has alot of connections in St.Louis Metro area, so I can ask him about a few things of what you can do.

Just send me a brief PM of the transaction. Date, amount, product, payment made with, etc. Just basic stuff, and I will see what I can do. :)


Terrh 03-29-08 08:28 PM

was he banned?

Sprockett 03-29-08 09:49 PM

^ see post 158

rowtareh? 04-01-08 02:59 AM

He was banned yes, and yes we know it does not get Jon his money, but it's showing that for future transactions we will not tolerate bad transactions through the forum.



Give me some time to get this information to my uncle. I will email him on Wednesday and hopefully get some kind of response back. :)

ForsakenRX7 04-02-08 08:07 PM

Wow, I know I'm late, but I just realized this was going on when I saw that he was banned looking back through the zg flare thread.
I hate to say it but if he's got that many personal problems you may never see your money again. Its been my experience that people who would do that don't give a shit who they hurt as its all about how their "having problems". I'm not saying he aint really having a hard time, but shit nowadays who aint ya know? I work with 4 guys who have screwed up backs. One has had surgery (didn't help). One goes to therapy. The other two just deal with it, but all of them still get off their ass and do what they gotta do.
The fact that trochoid never responded to any of this says a lot to me personally about his character. Yea he may know a lot about 7s. Big deal.
Jon I wish you the best of luck, but at some point you might have to consider cutting your losses. No point spending as much as you've already lost to try to get it back.

pjr 04-02-08 10:36 PM

Screw that... what is right is right. Go get him.

dj55b 04-10-08 07:35 AM

Just wanted to say, that Scott did contact me this morning saying that he has 400$ for me to pay off. I'm sure he has done the same to Jon, but I'll wait for him to say so himself.

gsl-se addict 04-10-08 08:30 AM

That's great to hear, Sam. I am glad to see that Scott is stepping up to try to make things right. :)

vipernicus42 04-10-08 10:48 AM

I did receive an email from Scott this morning regarding the money. It sounds good but I am going to wait until I see it in my paypal account before I acknowledge that he's "stepping up" as I've had promises many times before.

But yes, he has finally contacted me regarding this issue directly, so that is definitely progress.


dj55b 04-10-08 08:19 PM

Ya still no money in my Account yet.

vipernicus42 04-10-08 09:26 PM

Nothing at all in mine.

His email is timestamped 5:46am on April 10th.

If I don't get a paypal notice by the time I wake up tomorrow morning, he's getting a reply to his email saying he's got 48hrs to make the transfer or I submit the entire thing to the IC3. If they don't action on it within a week of that, I call his local police and try my luck with them.

His email this morning said exactly this:

Originally Posted by trochoid

Transfers are finally completed. I have $1,000 in PayPal for you. Your choice on where it's sent. Once payment is received, I expect you to honor your part of the terms and have me reinstated on the RX7club forum. Return of funds for selling the wheels will be made once the van is sold. I also have funds set aside for Sam and will be e-mailing him.


It seems to me that this may be a ploy to just buy more time, I don't know. He had my paypal, so I'm not sure why he said that it's "my choice on where it's sent" - perhaps in reference to the defunct ReSpeed idea.

In any case, he's got until the end of the weekend to hit that button. If it really is in his paypal acccount, it should take all of 30 seconds to complete the "send money"

Indeed, once the funds hit my BANK account I will respectfully request that the ban on him be lifted, though I want this thread to stay intact. It can fall off into oblivion never to be found again if he keeps his nose clean long enough. I will definitely post here if things get resolved, but my patience continues to wear thin and I'm not buying the renewed optimism - not until I see the money in my paypal.


pjr 04-11-08 07:16 AM

Maybe the funds still have to clear (I'm trying to be positive). That should take no more than 2 days in thiis era of modern ACH transactions.

dj55b 04-11-08 09:22 AM

with paypal there is no such thing as time to clear. If the money is already in one account and is sent to another, its the same time as sending an email to someone.

Glazedham42 04-11-08 09:30 AM

I believe that if the account you are paying from is not verified then there can be a wait time of at least a couple of days. So for instance if he was transferring the money from his unverified bank account, into his paypal account there could be a 2 day wait there. From that point he could send the money to other paypal members without a wait. Just a thought...

vipernicus42 04-11-08 10:40 AM

His email started with "Transfers are finally completed"

I would assume that's the transfer from his bank account into his paypal.

Either way, when I send from my paypal account it SENDS it, the other person gets an email, *then* two days later it's removed from my bank account.

If there's a wait time or not, paypal sends you a message informing you that someone is trying to send you money.

He hasn't clicked "Send Money" yet, it's as simple as that. Why he hasn't done it is not as simple a question to answer.


gsl-se addict 04-11-08 10:53 AM

Plus he said "I have $1,000 in PayPal for you." So, it sounds like he has already moved the cash from the bank to paypal. He just has to hit send and it would be instantly transferred. Even if he didn't have the money in his paypal, he could send the money as an e-check. That would take a couple of days to clear, but both parties would get an email right away saying that the money has been sent and is in the process of clearing the ACH.

Either way, if he has the money, there is no reason why that it cannot be sent now. There might only be a couple days delay to receive the money if the money was not in paypal and he used an e-check.

ForsakenRX7 04-11-08 10:57 AM

Well, at least you have sign that this may be resolved peacefully.

I think Glazedham is right. If I'm not mistaken I believe there is a limit or a wait on how much money you can send from your account.

vipernicus42 04-11-08 12:04 PM

Then shouldn't I have a follow-up email from trochoid saying "Hey, I tried to send the money but paypal has a hold on X amount..." or something to that effect?\

So far I have a promise to send money, but no confirmation of sent money or explanation why it's not here yet.

Call me impatient or whatever, but right now I have no more than I had a week ago other than a "newer" promise that actually has the dollar amount attached.

--still waiting--


Glazedham42 04-11-08 12:45 PM

Yeah, regardless of how long it takes to transfer the money into his paypal, or how much he's got in there right now, he needs to be dishing out the funds as fast as he can. With this much money involved, and as long as these guy have had to wait, he needs to be sending every dime that he can as soon as he can.

Here's to hoping that this time is the real thing guys.

64mgb 04-11-08 03:03 PM

Hey Jon - His e-mail says "Your choice on where it's sent." which leads me to believe he is waiting for some sort of direction from you...have you reponded to him?


Rx-7Doctor 04-11-08 03:29 PM

Rich, how you doing?
I am involved in this and sent an email to Scott yesterday stating that no one has received their money and asked him to contact them.

64mgb 04-11-08 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 8083249)
Rich, how you doing?
I am involved in this and sent an email to Scott yesterday stating that no one has received their money and asked him to contact them.

I should have known you'd be on top of it Doc! I'm doing well...the car has been sitting in the garage, completely stripped since October. The body guy says he's been too busy doing collision work because of our crappy weather. He thinks he can get it in by the end of the month though.

[/End Threadjack LOL]

vipernicus42 04-11-08 04:48 PM

Yes. As soon as I got the original email I sent a response telling him to send it to my normal paypal/email account (the same one I use on MSN, the same one I've sent all his payments from for every transaction) right away.

That email would have been sent just before my first post here regarding that email (04-10-08, 11:48 AM ish)


vipernicus42 04-11-08 06:02 PM

Just sent my email

Originally Posted by Email from Jon to Scott
If you really have "$1000 in PayPal" then you have until the end of the day Sunday to hit the "send" button.

Any more delays and first thing Monday morning I file my report with the IC3. A week from then, I call your local police authority. A week from then, a lawyer.

Trust me, I've had enough of this. I've had plenty of time to put together my report for the authorities with all the PMs, emails, screenshots from my paypal account, MSN conversations and posts from the forum together in one spot.

Part of me thinks that you don't care about being banned from the forum, or owing me money, or your reputation with others. From what I've seen you're just going to use delay tactics to try and fend me off until I give up or forget about it. Thankfully for me, filing reports with the IC3 and the local authorities doesn't cost me money, and unfortunately for you this has gone long enough that I'm getting to the point where I'm willing to *spend* money to have this resolved appropriately. I don't just give up. This friendly, diplomatic Canadian has given you plenty of chances already, and enough is enough.

So log into Paypal, send that money and save us both time and headache.


yetterben 04-11-08 08:22 PM

I told yah ic3 will give him at least 14months in fed heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dosnt matter if your in Istanbul's he is American!!!

Ic3 takes your report then forwards it to the local police then they forward it to the local fbi field office. I have extensive knowledge of this as i have been threw this too.

Guy got 14 months in federal lockup!!!

I hope everything works out for the best but this is a FEDERAL CRIME!!!!!!!!!!! and it will be viewed that here is why.

Cross state line's
Cross international line.
Used the internet is the biggest thing!!!!!!

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