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vipernicus42 02-06-08 06:17 PM

I finally finished reading your whole post Jon, wow...

I want to thank everyone for stepping up to help me out. I've always loved this forum for the way its members rally to help one another when they need it.

Still no word from Scott, but if nothing else I feel a lot better now that I've gotten it off my back and shared what was going on. Doubly so after the support you guys have given me.

It won't put $1,000 back in my wallet, but it definitely gives me hope that there are some decent people left around here. Even GlewsRx, 'cause dude I know you're just doing what feels right to you and I can't fault you for that (that, and I did make a mistake posting it in the 1st gen section, no matter how "right" that mis-post felt to me at the time).

Here's hoping Scott decides to stop being a bugger and actually steps up to the plate, but we'll say that I'm not holding my breath for it.


gsl-se addict 02-06-08 06:22 PM

Best of luck to ya, Jon. Hope that you guys get it worked out. :)

MADDSLOW 02-06-08 08:23 PM

More proof that a high post count doesn't determine the integrity of a person.

glewsRx 02-06-08 08:38 PM

"Directly relevant"
this is not directly relevant to first gen rx7s, neither in a technical nor non technical capacity. That is all.
Other than that, your right, and I'm wrong.

vipernicus42 02-06-08 09:36 PM

Meh, we all have right moments, wrong moments, good days, bad days, whatever.

As long as we all agree that at some point we'll disagree, life is good.

Damn, so this thread did end up in a :grouphug:

Who do I owe the $5 for that bet? lol


Jager 02-06-08 10:40 PM

Scott is a top notch guy when I bought parts from him even though we had complications, but more of a error in communication.

Kerebrus 02-07-08 01:15 AM

Originally Posted by vipernicus42 (Post 7836661)
Meh, we all have right moments, wrong moments, good days, bad days, whatever.

As long as we all agree that at some point we'll disagree, life is good.

Damn, so this thread did end up in a :grouphug:

Who do I owe the $5 for that bet? lol


That'd be me. PM me for paypal addy. thanks bro :icon_tup:

vipernicus42 02-07-08 07:53 AM

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7837738)
Jon, I hope this gets worked out, though I think youre going to have to take additional action to get it there. Let me know if I can help with anything there.


I don't suppose you know anything about how a guy living in Canada could go about taking a guy in MO,USA to court without having to fly my ass down there eh?


vipernicus42 02-07-08 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by Jager (Post 7836991)
Scott is a top notch guy when I bought parts from him even though we had complications, but more of a error in communication.

... Did you read my post?

Maybe your interaction with him went well, but I don't think that's enough to call him a "top-notch guy".

I'm glad your deal with him went well, maybe you could poke him into fixing the "error in communication" here?


ScrappyDoo 02-07-08 08:57 AM

This is exactly why the culprit is not responding. He knows that it is not very likely that you will pursue this any further than these threads. If this was local Jon I would have helped you out. You can actually sue locally by arguing that Ontario is the convenient forum but even after a victory you would have significant impediments actually trying to enforce a Canadian ruling in the US. It is hard enough collecting within your own jurisdiction. That said I think that the US states are more active in laying criminal charges in these situations, which maybe done by speaking to the local US authorities. But you'd have to speak to somebody familiar with US procedure.(not me unfortunately but probably worth a few long distance calls to find out) Anyhow good luck.

Sterling 02-07-08 09:01 AM

Yes, yes... -That's what it was, Jon; -An "error in communication", that's all.
Calm down. It's only a thousand dollars or so. What are you getting so upset over? I just don't get it. :rolleyes:

Jager 02-07-08 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by vipernicus42 (Post 7837792)
... Did you read my post?

Maybe your interaction with him went well, but I don't think that's enough to call him a "top-notch guy".

I'm glad your deal with him went well, maybe you could poke him into fixing the "error in communication" here?


The issue I had with him was when I was buying a TII diff off him, he mentioned it in someone's classified and I asked him about it. He answered all my questions and put up with my flakeyness. He had lots of posts and people only had nice things to say about him then.

Anyways, I sent him $270.00 for the TII differental shipped. I told him that he could take his time on getting it sent out as long as it wasn't over a week or so. After I few weeks I inquired if any progess has been made. He told me he hurt his back and shit like that. Then the next day asked me for an extra $85. I didn't want him to possibly hold my differental hostage so I immediatly put a paypal claim on and froze his money on all $355.00 that I sent him. I sent him an PM explaining why I did it. He said he had me confused with the another person and paypal'd me my money back ($85). I then received my differential about 4 days later in good shape.

In my experience with him he seemed to be slightly out of it for a while, but otherwise everything went well other then that communication lapse.

I'm sorry that it happened it to you. I did sent Scott out a PM about this and I hope he remedies his shit or at least pays you some now and the rest later.

That was my experience with Scott. Good luck,


Latin270 02-07-08 11:08 AM

I once knew a guy who got addicted to pain killers and began stealing to fund his addiction. Not saying this is the case here. I just wonder what would make a trusted member do something so shitty!

Rx-7Doctor 02-07-08 04:29 PM

Editing and post removal done at thread starters request.

I have closed the thread pending contact from Trochoid.

Rx-7Doctor 02-07-08 04:31 PM

Closed, we do not need 2 threads on this subject.

I will probably merge the 2 together.

Rx-7Doctor 02-07-08 04:40 PM

Thread has been reopened for Trochoid to respond in.

The only members that are to post at this time are Trochoid and Jon please.

I am going to ask all members to please refrain from posting any comments at this time. Lets have trochoid and Jon work this out.
Thank you,


vipernicus42 02-07-08 10:09 PM

Then all I'm going to say is that I'm still waiting for SOME kind of response... ANY kind of response from trochoid.

Preferably one saying he has sold the van and there's a grand waiting in my paypal account, but I'm not holding my breath.


dj55b 02-07-08 10:54 PM

Sorry to bug in .. but would I be able to respond too as I'm somewhat in the same boat? Thanks

trochoid 02-08-08 01:52 AM

I'm going to keep this brief

Yes, I owe Jon the money as he has stated, no arguement or denial. He will get paid when I can get my finances in better shape than they are at present or have been for some time. It most likely won't be on his preferred timetable, but it will be taken care of.

I don't care to go into my personal situation or life, but since early summer I've spent 1/3 to 1/2 of my time on the couch due to my back. The meds aren't cutting it anymore and I have no insurance. This has severely limited my ability to even work in the shop, let alone outside of my home. As such income has been left to selling parts on the forum for the last few months and that hasn't even kept up with living expenses.

Sam's story is a bit different than Jon's. I asked him months ago to provide me with figures on his total expenses and what he has paid me. The numbers he posted are the first I've even seen of them and his math is bad. His posting in this thread is the first time he's made any effort to get back to me to resolve our disagreement. The message he posted from me came from the last MSN discussion we had that was 3-4 months ago. He has not replied back to me since I sent that to him. It would have been better if he had contunued making an effort to work our disagreement but but he chose to stop for some reason, I didn't.

As far as the rest of the sales/work that I've done with forum members, all have been completed with one pending. I've had no complaints about the work or parts, except the occasionally the slow shipping or work in the shop taking longer than expected.

I wish to thank the forum memebers for keeping an open mind until I posted and being quite civil about the entire matter. Hopefully when I can resolve things with both Jon and Sam this can be put behind all of us and be a mere footnote reminder that everyone has setbacks in life that they need to deal with.

rowtareh? 02-08-08 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by rx7doctor (Post 7839892)
Thread has been reopened for Trochoid to respond in.

The only members that are to post at this time are Trochoid and Jon please.

I am going to ask all members to please refrain from posting any comments at this time. Lets have trochoid and Jon work this out.
Thank you,


You guys can't read.

I know you are just giving positive posts, but rules are rules.

Rx-7Doctor 02-08-08 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by dj55b (Post 7841351)
Sorry to bug in .. but would I be able to respond too as I'm somewhat in the same boat? Thanks

Yes, you may. Sorry that I forgot about your involvement also here. Feel free to post up.


vipernicus42 02-08-08 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by trochoid (Post 7841913)


Yes, I owe Jon the money as he has stated, no arguement or denial. He will get paid when I can get my finances in better shape than they are at present or have been for some time. It most likely won't be on his preferred timetable, but it will be taken care of.


reminder that everyone has setbacks in life that they need to deal with.

Hey Scott,

Thanks for finally responding. I'd like to say that this makes me feel better, but honestly I won't feel better until the matter is resolved.

Whether or not you have back problems or setbacks in your life, the money was not yours to spend. It was not right for you to do that and I feel very wronged by what you've done. Especially with accepting the money order for the rims and spending it, that was devious, underhanded, and wrong.

I'm glad that you intend to right the wrongs, but my original warning still stands: If I don't feel that this is corrected (or at least, more than half way through being corrected) by the end of February, I will find a way to take you to court. So know that "Jon's timeline" as you put it has been extended long enough. You've been given more than enough time to START paying me back already, and I'm being very generous to let this continue another month.

So as you said, let's get this behind us. Get me some money and we'll see how it turns out. I'm sure that there are plenty of parts off that widebody that people on here would kill for if you really need to. Sometimes in life you've gotta do what you've gotta do


dj55b 02-08-08 04:14 PM

Thanks for posting Scott,

Yes I have been a little out of touch, been busy working 5 days a week, going to school 5 days a week, working on formula Car 2/3 days a week. I don't get much posting time nor much time to go on MSN to talk much. Also hence progress on my car being next to none. I was rather annoyed from the last PM that you sent me hence me not knowing how to respond properly to that. Also I was pretty sure you still didn't have any extra fundings to spare yet so no point trying to push you as much as I'm sure Jon has, and I will let him slide infront of me.

I posted up my post in this thread as more of an awarness to other members to see that Jon is not the only one in the same boat from the same seller.

As for my money owed figures I know they are not accurate hence me writing "~" and not "=".

Lastly, no where in my post have I mentioned that I you did not get back to any of my message, but like I said I wrote that post as more of an awarness, then trying to "take you on" as per say. I hope that clears a few things up about my post.


vipernicus42 02-08-08 10:28 PM

Well I'm definitely trying to "take you on" as Sam puts it.

I'm tired of forkin' around and putting up with your BS Scott. I plan to be very active in updating this thread with any positive steps you take towards resolving this, so give me something to post.


trochoid 02-11-08 12:18 AM

Van is now on eBay.


Hope that update suffices for now.

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