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gonzz 08-14-07 11:38 PM

That's what i keep saying. I'm not going to let Rich and his posee fuking sit here and bash me.. I am fuking steaming.. But you know what they will get theres in due time.. I can promise that..

Originally Posted by MADDSLOW (Post 7236658)
You know, threads like this scare me... if some guy joins next month, and comes in talking shit about me, saying I sent him bogus parts or something, would everyone attack me?! This thread has turned into nothing but childish name calling and call outs, and it all started with a thread that has NO PICTURES!!!

Have any of you realized that people that weren't involved in the transaction are talking shit about people that were in it?! My posts were "what if" situations, this bashing is ridiculous, and needs to stop. Let's act like fucking human beings, not animals. I want to see some FUCKING PICTURES!!! Damn...

GoodfellaFD3S 08-14-07 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236626)
You think I care u have 10 billion posts..


You think u scare me..

Like I said 100 times.. If you have a problem with me I will be at 7 stock. Back row just like the last 10 years...I'm done talking to you..
Cali's a bit far for me. I think I'll just sit back and wait for some pics. Regardless of what happens from here on out, I think this thread has demonstrated enough about your character and ethics :icon_tup:

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236659)
The Vegas/LA crew is gonna have some real fun this year @ 7 stock..Can't wait..

Oooooooh, you and your homeys gonna roll up on some fools? Gimme a break. :icon_tdow

MADDSLOW 08-14-07 11:42 PM

lol, its not Rich's posse, I'm almost positive he is in here on his own...

FrankV702 08-14-07 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by MADDSLOW (Post 7236658)
You know, threads like this scare me... if some guy joins next month, and comes in talking shit about me, saying I sent him bogus parts or something, would everyone attack me?! This thread has turned into nothing but childish name calling and call outs, and it all started with a thread that has NO PICTURES!!!

Have any of you realized that people that weren't involved in the transaction are talking shit about people that were in it?! My posts were "what if" situations, this bashing is ridiculous, and needs to stop. Let's act like fucking human beings, not animals. I want to see some FUCKING PICTURES!!! Damn...


Oh and btw, nice FD!

gonzz 08-14-07 11:42 PM

I told you 25 million times duchebag.. I don't answer to private eyes.. You didn't even type in my miranda rights. What kinda inch high PI are you??

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7236665)
when the buyer first got ahold of him and told him of the problem, this was his reply:

--his first response to this buyer was "you never mentioned anything about insurance, and I let my buyers bring that up..."

Then, a little later into this mess, gonnz posts this:

Now, let me ask you a serious question here. I just agreed to buy a part from you. When it gets to my house, it is damaged, so I call you. IF YOU REALLY DID ASK ME ABOUT INSURANCE ON THE PHONE PRIOR TO COMPLETING THE SALE, would you then say to me:

1--"I'll call DHL, but you didnt request insurance. I leave that up to the buyer to let me know if they want it or not, and you never said anything...."

OR, would you say this:

2--hey, I dont know what to say, I offered you insurance and you decided not to take it....

That is clearly someone changing their story. If I offered you insurance and you declined, you can bet your ass that my reply to a damaged part would be "hey, I offered you the insurance, but you didnt want to pay for it..." That simply does not add up in my book. Thats what the insurance is there for, no? So, if you are offered it and refuse it, then let the chips fall where they may, at that point, the seller is really off the hook in my book, and I think most people would agree.

All this time, I have been asking gonzz to address this, I surely didnt make it up. but he would rather flex his e-physique in the mirror than handle this like an adult, so I leave it to you to come to your own conclusion about just why an honest person would have to change his tune like this.

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 11:43 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236668)
That's what i keep saying. I'm not going to let Rich and his posee fuking sit here and bash me.. I am fuking steaming.. But you know what they will get theres in due time.. I can promise that..

You're not gonna do shit to me. :rlaugh:

charlies7 08-14-07 11:45 PM

wow there has been like 75 post just today!!!!

MADDSLOW 08-14-07 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by FrankV702 (Post 7236677)
Oh and btw, nice FD!


GoodfellaFD3S 08-14-07 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236668)
That's what i keep saying. I'm not going to let Rich and his posee fuking sit here and bash me.. I am fuking steaming.. But you know what they will get theres in due time.. I can promise that..

(1) I have no 'posee.' Now you're acting paranoid with some lame conspiracy theory. Poor you.

(2) Your empty threats will get you nowhere.

(3) I'll get mine? For what? For defending my country, and being on honest and standup person and seller? Where exactly are you going with this?

GoodfellaFD3S 08-14-07 11:48 PM

Originally Posted by MADDSLOW (Post 7236674)
lol, its not Rich's posse, I'm almost positive he is in here on his own...

As always. I don't need anyone to fight my battles for me. This turned into something a whole lot more for me when 'gonzz' started attacking me after my initial inflammatory post. We don't even know his real name, or the name of his claimed rotary business. Who exactly is hiding behind the keyboard?

gonzz 08-14-07 11:49 PM

I'm not the one who fuking started the bullshit calling. You started it so don't even turn it around. I'm not going to sit back and let you fuking talk shit about me.. That will never happen.. The differance is you have no fuking proof.. Let's see it? put up or shut up... That's for everyone talking shit...

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S (Post 7236687)
(1) I have no 'posee.' Now you're acting paranoid with some lame conspiracy theory. Poor you.

(2) Your empty threats will get you nowhere.

(3) I'll get mine? For what? For defending my country, and being on honest and standup person and seller? Where exactly are you going with this?

GoodfellaFD3S 08-14-07 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by FrankV702 (Post 7236677)

I agree. I'm not going to waste any more time in this thread until the OP comes through with pics. If 'gonzz' did pack the parts 100% correctly and the OP is full of shit, I'll apologize for my initial post in this thread, and only my initial post.

charlies7 08-14-07 11:50 PM

EDIT...There has been 75 post today and for what????

This is getting way to out of hand...

Gonzz, the only person you should be PISSED about is that timothy guy...I know that everyone is bashing you but if you are right isnt proving people wrong better?
Like to ad everyone in this thread is a stand up guy :icon_tup:

rx7roller02 08-14-07 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236678)
I told you 25 million times duchebag.. I don't answer to private eyes.. You didn't even type in my miranda rights. What kinda inch high PI are you??

first off, dumbass, I never said I was a PI.

Second, you retard, POLICE OFFICERS are the ones required to read you your miranda rights, not PI's. You dont even know what youre talking about, and youre still trying to talk shit....how unsurprising....

Third, that post was not even directed at you. The fact that I quoted someone other than you at the start of it should have been a big enough clue to that. I guess next time I will simply take out a billboard or a full page ad in your local paper just so you dont miss it.

OK, here's another serious question about this transaction. If I am reading this right, you claimed that he sent you pics of a broken assembly that wasnt the one you sent him, am I right? You said that yours were painted blue and the pic showed a black one, is this correct? Seriously, put the fucking flames away, I am trying to get to the bottom of this for real.

Am I correct in that so far?

gonzz 08-14-07 11:51 PM

Paranoid for what?? WTF are you talking about....Let me know

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S (Post 7236687)
(1) I have no 'posee.' Now you're acting paranoid with some lame conspiracy theory. Poor you.

(2) Your empty threats will get you nowhere.

(3) I'll get mine? For what? For defending my country, and being on honest and standup person and seller? Where exactly are you going with this?

gonzz 08-14-07 11:53 PM

After this is all done and I laugh in your fuking face .. you can stick that apology up your ass.... You fuking pissed me off...

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S (Post 7236702)
I agree. I'm not going to waste any more time in this thread until the OP comes through with pics. If 'gonzz' did pack the parts 100% correctly and the OP is full of shit, I'll apologize for my initial post in this thread, and only my initial post.

gonzz 08-14-07 11:55 PM

Go fuk yourself.. I will never explain shit to you.. You are a fuking loser.. Don't try and be MR fuking nice guy...

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7236707)
first off, dumbass, I never said I was a PI.

Second, you retard, POLICE OFFICERS are the ones required to read you your miranda rights, not PI's. You dont even know what youre talking about, and youre still trying to talk shit....how unsurprising....

Third, that post was not even directed at you. The fact that I quoted someone other than you at the start of it should have been a big enough clue to that. I guess next time I will simply take out a billboard or a full page ad in your local paper just so you dont miss it.

OK, here's another serious question about this transaction. If I am reading this right, you claimed that he sent you pics of a broken assembly that wasnt the one you sent him, am I right? You said that yours were painted blue and the pic showed a black one, is this correct? Seriously, put the fucking flames away, I am trying to get to the bottom of this for real.

Am I correct in that so far?

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 11:58 PM

Everybody's a "fuking" loser except for you huh? I think you've got that backwards.

gonzz 08-15-07 12:03 AM

Let me tell you this.. After a few days and no pics then I'll ask you again.. Your the loser.. Get ready.. The guy has probably purchaced over a dozen spray cans of blue.. No match.... I know what he's trying to do...

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7236733)
Everybody's a "fuking" loser except for you huh? I think you've got that backwards.

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7236704)
EDIT...There has been 75 post today and for what????

This is getting way to out of hand...

Gonzz, the only person you should be PISSED about is that timothy guy...I know that everyone is bashing you but if you are right isnt proving people wrong better?
Like to ad everyone in this thread is a stand up guy :icon_tup:

Everybody wouldn't be on his case if he didn't act like he was in high school.

dbragg 08-15-07 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7235430)
So you still wanna talk shit???

what are you going to do? send your marine friends to come "get me" again? pssh. whatever. youre a joke. i cant wait until the day you get in some serious legal shit for these threats you like to make you big scarey man you.

i mean a very strong stench of lack of character, morals, idle threats, and someone who apparently hasnt mentally graduated from middle school...

i agree, the OP needs to post the damn pics.

rx7roller02 08-15-07 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236727)
Go fuk yourself.. I will never explain shit to you.. You are a fuking loser.. Don't try and be MR fuking nice guy...

I am simply trying to make sure I didnt misunderstand this whole thing. Since you arent willing to handle this like a man, I guess I will have to do it for you.....

THIS is a post from you....in which you claimed that he sent you pics of a broken assembly that was not the one you sent him....here's the link to your post just so you have no excuse or way to claim I am not being honest:


originally posted by gonzz
10. Are you trying to scam me? My assemblies are painted this house of colors blue. Look at pics of my 20B engine bay...The pics you sent me are all black assemblies? What is going on?

I don't have a pic of the assemblies I sent you but this is my engine bay color...


Waiting for your reply...
AHH, but you DO have a pic of the assemblies you sold him....AND THEY ARE BLACK. Look in your FS thread, the one he bought them from:


The pics are in this post, made by you:


The last post in the thread, made by you--


Sold to "timothyandygoh"....
This is the link which shows the color you claim the assemblies were:


This is the SECOND lie you have been caught in, gonzz. And while it doesnt replace the pics that your buyer had better post in this thread, it sure as hell shows that you are intentionally trying to discredit him FALSELY.

Why would you do that?? Why would you falsely try to discredit his claim in this thread, not once but twice? You said "I dont have any pics of the assemblies I sold you"....but you knew you posted them in the FS thread, didnt you??

I still wanna see the pics he is talking about, but In all honesty, there is definitely something wrong with your story up to this point....and it doesnt have shit to do with "what kind of car roller drives", either.....

Your thoughts, gonzz?

charlies7 08-15-07 12:08 AM

If I didnt know better this thread is starting to turn into a script for SCARFACE!!!!

How many times can the f bomb get dropped.....WOOT!

gonzz 08-15-07 12:09 AM

I will never let people talk shit about me... That's a fact.. So as long as all you guys wanna talk shit.. bring it on.. Just remember.. After this is all done I am gonna laugh at each one of you every day ... That's a promise...

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7236755)
Everybody wouldn't be on his case if he didn't act like he was in high school.

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