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gonzz 08-14-07 11:38 PM

That's what i keep saying. I'm not going to let Rich and his posee fuking sit here and bash me.. I am fuking steaming.. But you know what they will get theres in due time.. I can promise that..

Originally Posted by MADDSLOW (Post 7236658)
You know, threads like this scare me... if some guy joins next month, and comes in talking shit about me, saying I sent him bogus parts or something, would everyone attack me?! This thread has turned into nothing but childish name calling and call outs, and it all started with a thread that has NO PICTURES!!!

Have any of you realized that people that weren't involved in the transaction are talking shit about people that were in it?! My posts were "what if" situations, this bashing is ridiculous, and needs to stop. Let's act like fucking human beings, not animals. I want to see some FUCKING PICTURES!!! Damn...

GoodfellaFD3S 08-14-07 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236626)
You think I care u have 10 billion posts..


You think u scare me..

Like I said 100 times.. If you have a problem with me I will be at 7 stock. Back row just like the last 10 years...I'm done talking to you..
Cali's a bit far for me. I think I'll just sit back and wait for some pics. Regardless of what happens from here on out, I think this thread has demonstrated enough about your character and ethics :icon_tup:

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236659)
The Vegas/LA crew is gonna have some real fun this year @ 7 stock..Can't wait..

Oooooooh, you and your homeys gonna roll up on some fools? Gimme a break. :icon_tdow

MADDSLOW 08-14-07 11:42 PM

lol, its not Rich's posse, I'm almost positive he is in here on his own...

FrankV702 08-14-07 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by MADDSLOW (Post 7236658)
You know, threads like this scare me... if some guy joins next month, and comes in talking shit about me, saying I sent him bogus parts or something, would everyone attack me?! This thread has turned into nothing but childish name calling and call outs, and it all started with a thread that has NO PICTURES!!!

Have any of you realized that people that weren't involved in the transaction are talking shit about people that were in it?! My posts were "what if" situations, this bashing is ridiculous, and needs to stop. Let's act like fucking human beings, not animals. I want to see some FUCKING PICTURES!!! Damn...


Oh and btw, nice FD!

gonzz 08-14-07 11:42 PM

I told you 25 million times duchebag.. I don't answer to private eyes.. You didn't even type in my miranda rights. What kinda inch high PI are you??

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7236665)
when the buyer first got ahold of him and told him of the problem, this was his reply:

--his first response to this buyer was "you never mentioned anything about insurance, and I let my buyers bring that up..."

Then, a little later into this mess, gonnz posts this:

Now, let me ask you a serious question here. I just agreed to buy a part from you. When it gets to my house, it is damaged, so I call you. IF YOU REALLY DID ASK ME ABOUT INSURANCE ON THE PHONE PRIOR TO COMPLETING THE SALE, would you then say to me:

1--"I'll call DHL, but you didnt request insurance. I leave that up to the buyer to let me know if they want it or not, and you never said anything...."

OR, would you say this:

2--hey, I dont know what to say, I offered you insurance and you decided not to take it....

That is clearly someone changing their story. If I offered you insurance and you declined, you can bet your ass that my reply to a damaged part would be "hey, I offered you the insurance, but you didnt want to pay for it..." That simply does not add up in my book. Thats what the insurance is there for, no? So, if you are offered it and refuse it, then let the chips fall where they may, at that point, the seller is really off the hook in my book, and I think most people would agree.

All this time, I have been asking gonzz to address this, I surely didnt make it up. but he would rather flex his e-physique in the mirror than handle this like an adult, so I leave it to you to come to your own conclusion about just why an honest person would have to change his tune like this.

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 11:43 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236668)
That's what i keep saying. I'm not going to let Rich and his posee fuking sit here and bash me.. I am fuking steaming.. But you know what they will get theres in due time.. I can promise that..

You're not gonna do shit to me. :rlaugh:

charlies7 08-14-07 11:45 PM

wow there has been like 75 post just today!!!!

MADDSLOW 08-14-07 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by FrankV702 (Post 7236677)
Oh and btw, nice FD!


GoodfellaFD3S 08-14-07 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236668)
That's what i keep saying. I'm not going to let Rich and his posee fuking sit here and bash me.. I am fuking steaming.. But you know what they will get theres in due time.. I can promise that..

(1) I have no 'posee.' Now you're acting paranoid with some lame conspiracy theory. Poor you.

(2) Your empty threats will get you nowhere.

(3) I'll get mine? For what? For defending my country, and being on honest and standup person and seller? Where exactly are you going with this?

GoodfellaFD3S 08-14-07 11:48 PM

Originally Posted by MADDSLOW (Post 7236674)
lol, its not Rich's posse, I'm almost positive he is in here on his own...

As always. I don't need anyone to fight my battles for me. This turned into something a whole lot more for me when 'gonzz' started attacking me after my initial inflammatory post. We don't even know his real name, or the name of his claimed rotary business. Who exactly is hiding behind the keyboard?

gonzz 08-14-07 11:49 PM

I'm not the one who fuking started the bullshit calling. You started it so don't even turn it around. I'm not going to sit back and let you fuking talk shit about me.. That will never happen.. The differance is you have no fuking proof.. Let's see it? put up or shut up... That's for everyone talking shit...

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S (Post 7236687)
(1) I have no 'posee.' Now you're acting paranoid with some lame conspiracy theory. Poor you.

(2) Your empty threats will get you nowhere.

(3) I'll get mine? For what? For defending my country, and being on honest and standup person and seller? Where exactly are you going with this?

GoodfellaFD3S 08-14-07 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by FrankV702 (Post 7236677)

I agree. I'm not going to waste any more time in this thread until the OP comes through with pics. If 'gonzz' did pack the parts 100% correctly and the OP is full of shit, I'll apologize for my initial post in this thread, and only my initial post.

charlies7 08-14-07 11:50 PM

EDIT...There has been 75 post today and for what????

This is getting way to out of hand...

Gonzz, the only person you should be PISSED about is that timothy guy...I know that everyone is bashing you but if you are right isnt proving people wrong better?
Like to ad everyone in this thread is a stand up guy :icon_tup:

rx7roller02 08-14-07 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236678)
I told you 25 million times duchebag.. I don't answer to private eyes.. You didn't even type in my miranda rights. What kinda inch high PI are you??

first off, dumbass, I never said I was a PI.

Second, you retard, POLICE OFFICERS are the ones required to read you your miranda rights, not PI's. You dont even know what youre talking about, and youre still trying to talk shit....how unsurprising....

Third, that post was not even directed at you. The fact that I quoted someone other than you at the start of it should have been a big enough clue to that. I guess next time I will simply take out a billboard or a full page ad in your local paper just so you dont miss it.

OK, here's another serious question about this transaction. If I am reading this right, you claimed that he sent you pics of a broken assembly that wasnt the one you sent him, am I right? You said that yours were painted blue and the pic showed a black one, is this correct? Seriously, put the fucking flames away, I am trying to get to the bottom of this for real.

Am I correct in that so far?

gonzz 08-14-07 11:51 PM

Paranoid for what?? WTF are you talking about....Let me know

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S (Post 7236687)
(1) I have no 'posee.' Now you're acting paranoid with some lame conspiracy theory. Poor you.

(2) Your empty threats will get you nowhere.

(3) I'll get mine? For what? For defending my country, and being on honest and standup person and seller? Where exactly are you going with this?

gonzz 08-14-07 11:53 PM

After this is all done and I laugh in your fuking face .. you can stick that apology up your ass.... You fuking pissed me off...

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S (Post 7236702)
I agree. I'm not going to waste any more time in this thread until the OP comes through with pics. If 'gonzz' did pack the parts 100% correctly and the OP is full of shit, I'll apologize for my initial post in this thread, and only my initial post.

gonzz 08-14-07 11:55 PM

Go fuk yourself.. I will never explain shit to you.. You are a fuking loser.. Don't try and be MR fuking nice guy...

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7236707)
first off, dumbass, I never said I was a PI.

Second, you retard, POLICE OFFICERS are the ones required to read you your miranda rights, not PI's. You dont even know what youre talking about, and youre still trying to talk shit....how unsurprising....

Third, that post was not even directed at you. The fact that I quoted someone other than you at the start of it should have been a big enough clue to that. I guess next time I will simply take out a billboard or a full page ad in your local paper just so you dont miss it.

OK, here's another serious question about this transaction. If I am reading this right, you claimed that he sent you pics of a broken assembly that wasnt the one you sent him, am I right? You said that yours were painted blue and the pic showed a black one, is this correct? Seriously, put the fucking flames away, I am trying to get to the bottom of this for real.

Am I correct in that so far?

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 11:58 PM

Everybody's a "fuking" loser except for you huh? I think you've got that backwards.

gonzz 08-15-07 12:03 AM

Let me tell you this.. After a few days and no pics then I'll ask you again.. Your the loser.. Get ready.. The guy has probably purchaced over a dozen spray cans of blue.. No match.... I know what he's trying to do...

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7236733)
Everybody's a "fuking" loser except for you huh? I think you've got that backwards.

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7236704)
EDIT...There has been 75 post today and for what????

This is getting way to out of hand...

Gonzz, the only person you should be PISSED about is that timothy guy...I know that everyone is bashing you but if you are right isnt proving people wrong better?
Like to ad everyone in this thread is a stand up guy :icon_tup:

Everybody wouldn't be on his case if he didn't act like he was in high school.

dbragg 08-15-07 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7235430)
So you still wanna talk shit???

what are you going to do? send your marine friends to come "get me" again? pssh. whatever. youre a joke. i cant wait until the day you get in some serious legal shit for these threats you like to make you big scarey man you.

i mean a very strong stench of lack of character, morals, idle threats, and someone who apparently hasnt mentally graduated from middle school...

i agree, the OP needs to post the damn pics.

rx7roller02 08-15-07 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236727)
Go fuk yourself.. I will never explain shit to you.. You are a fuking loser.. Don't try and be MR fuking nice guy...

I am simply trying to make sure I didnt misunderstand this whole thing. Since you arent willing to handle this like a man, I guess I will have to do it for you.....

THIS is a post from you....in which you claimed that he sent you pics of a broken assembly that was not the one you sent him....here's the link to your post just so you have no excuse or way to claim I am not being honest:


originally posted by gonzz
10. Are you trying to scam me? My assemblies are painted this house of colors blue. Look at pics of my 20B engine bay...The pics you sent me are all black assemblies? What is going on?

I don't have a pic of the assemblies I sent you but this is my engine bay color...


Waiting for your reply...
AHH, but you DO have a pic of the assemblies you sold him....AND THEY ARE BLACK. Look in your FS thread, the one he bought them from:


The pics are in this post, made by you:


The last post in the thread, made by you--


Sold to "timothyandygoh"....
This is the link which shows the color you claim the assemblies were:


This is the SECOND lie you have been caught in, gonzz. And while it doesnt replace the pics that your buyer had better post in this thread, it sure as hell shows that you are intentionally trying to discredit him FALSELY.

Why would you do that?? Why would you falsely try to discredit his claim in this thread, not once but twice? You said "I dont have any pics of the assemblies I sold you"....but you knew you posted them in the FS thread, didnt you??

I still wanna see the pics he is talking about, but In all honesty, there is definitely something wrong with your story up to this point....and it doesnt have shit to do with "what kind of car roller drives", either.....

Your thoughts, gonzz?

charlies7 08-15-07 12:08 AM

If I didnt know better this thread is starting to turn into a script for SCARFACE!!!!

How many times can the f bomb get dropped.....WOOT!

gonzz 08-15-07 12:09 AM

I will never let people talk shit about me... That's a fact.. So as long as all you guys wanna talk shit.. bring it on.. Just remember.. After this is all done I am gonna laugh at each one of you every day ... That's a promise...

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7236755)
Everybody wouldn't be on his case if he didn't act like he was in high school.

rx7roller02 08-15-07 12:09 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236753)
Let me tell you this.. After a few days and no pics then I'll ask you again.. Your the loser.. Get ready.. The guy has probably purchaced over a dozen spray cans of blue.. No match.... I know what he's trying to do...

um, dumbass, you sold him BLACK assemblies, not blue ones. Read my last post.

"I know what he's trying to do..."

You dont know shit. You dont even know what you sold this guy, either that or you know damn well you just lied out your ass to try to discredit him. I suggest you go back to your for sale thread and get re-educated on just exactly what you sold him.....

gonzz 08-15-07 12:10 AM

How did you know I'm Tony Montana...lol

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7236777)
If I didnt know better this thread is starting to turn into a script for SCARFACE!!!!

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236781)
I will never let people talk shit about me... That's a fact.. So as long as all you guys wanna talk shit.. bring it on.. Just remember.. After this is all done I am gonna laugh at each one of you every day ... That's a promise...

LOL! So what? Like I give a shit if you laugh at me. It's kind of like when somebody in a group laughs at something that's not funny, you feel like a dumbass and you're still a retard for laughing at it in the first place.

charlies7 08-15-07 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7236789)
How did you know I'm Tony Montana...lol

"How do I get a scar like this eating pussy meng" LOL the best line ever...

rx7roller02 08-15-07 12:36 AM

no answer, gonzz? You've been running around accusing this guy of trying to pull a fast one on you, with all the "blue spray cans" comments and such....nothing to say now that the truth comes out about what you really sold him?

I know why he hasnt posted any picsyet--he hasnt been on since 10 in the morning yesterday(8/14). But youve been on the whole time tonight....and he sent you pics. So, why arent you posting them? Why dont you post them and show us what he sent you?

dbragg 08-15-07 12:46 AM

why dont you take the advice everyone has been telling you EVERY time you have a deal go bad. be a man, stop acting like a kid, stop the threats and childishness. all youre doing is hurting yourself when people how you handle yourself.

FrankV702 08-15-07 01:14 AM

EDIT: I found what I was lookin for.. :)

jic 08-15-07 01:37 AM

timmy needs to post up some pics asap

John64 08-15-07 05:35 AM

Oh my god, roller and merlin. Look at this thing. You guys jump down on this guy and the original poster has just run away and your just trying to lynch a guy. The real beef is between tim and gonzz. Looks like Tim is laughing in the corner as you guys make all these claims with still no proof of any wrong doing. Drop this whole thing until Tim gets those picures of the blue "damaged" asemblies.
Oh, Rich, the forum did not appoint you the internet police, no need to go crazy and chase people down. Unless the person has requested such help. You even said that you will appologize if your wrong. Just wait for the proof next time before jumping the gun on something that you could be wrong on.

Gonzz, just don't reply to their crap anymore, they are not worth it.

Have fun guys with your internet gangsta stuff!

rx7roller02 08-15-07 08:22 AM

Originally Posted by John64 (Post 7237162)
Oh my god, roller and merlin. Look at this thing. You guys jump down on this guy and the original poster has just run away and your just trying to lynch a guy. The real beef is between tim and gonzz. Looks like Tim is laughing in the corner as you guys make all these claims with still no proof of any wrong doing. Drop this whole thing until Tim gets those picures of the blue "damaged" asemblies.
Oh, Rich, the forum did not appoint you the internet police, no need to go crazy and chase people down. Unless the person has requested such help. You even said that you will appologize if your wrong. Just wait for the proof next time before jumping the gun on something that you could be wrong on.

Gonzz, just don't reply to their crap anymore, they are not worth it.

Have fun guys with your internet gangsta stuff!

WTF is your problem??

You think I am making this shit up?

Let's recap---HE DID NOT SELL THIS GUY BLUE ASSEMBLIES. want proof? Here--this was gonzz's FS thread....look at the pics of what he sold, and then YOU tell me that they are blue....




Does that look blue to you, really? Compare it to the blue that gonzz claims they are:


Ray Charles couldnt mistake that for the blue he's claiming....so why do you two keep trying to do that?

Gonzz got pics from this guy, showing the damaged part. Immediately, he threw his hands up and cried foul....BECAUSE OF HIS OWN MISTAKE. He insisted that he sold blue housings, and the pics show the black ones. HE WAS WRONG, and it doesnt matter how many times you repeat a lie....repeating it doesnt make it any more truthful!

So, in the end, gonzz is still insisting that black parts are really blue...and youre too busy blindly following his dishonest lead to take five seconds to review the facts! As for the buyer, I dont think that he ran and hid....considering the fact that he already sent the pics we are looking for to gonzz. If he was trying to hide this, he never would have done that. If gonzz REALLY wants to see those pics posted, why isnt he posting them himself? HE HAS THEM. The buyer simply has not been on the forum since yesterday, like many people. I was not aware that was a crime. I'll tell you what I DO know, so far, looking at just the facts as they have been posted:

On two occasions, gonzz has been found being dishonest in this deal. First, when he changed his tune about offering insurance, and now with this whole "it was blue" bullshit. On the flip side, there has not been one single lie coming from the buyer that can be proven yet. Does that mean the buyer isnt lying? No. but it DOES mean that so far, gonzz is the one making the most noise, and at the same time he is the one who is being dishonest to us up to this point.

THE TRUTH NEVER NEEDS LIES TO SUBSTANTIATE IT....think about this. At the very least, it should be easy for you to understand why people like me are suspicious of gonzz right now. THE GUY IS LYING TO YOU about these "blue" parts....now, are you going to keep telling the same lie too, or are you going to be a bigger man than that yourself?

John64 08-15-07 08:40 AM

Hey smart ass, look at those pictures and you can see blue over spray on them especially the one on the left. Grow up, I caught you in a lie as you would say. You see this is your problem, now you jumped on me. I just don't understand how people like yourself make everything their problem. You have some serious issues to work out.

And buy the way, Gonzz is doing the right thing and not answering to your petty bullshit internet gangsta stuff. Who are you to answer too? 46 of your last 53 posts are about bitching on other people shit.

rx7roller02 08-15-07 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by John64 (Post 7237349)
Hey smart ass, look at those pictures and you can see blue over spray on them especially the one on the left. Grow up, I caught you in a lie as you would say. You see this is your problem, now you jumped on me. I just don't understand how people like yourself make everything their problem. You have some serious issues to work out.

And buy the way, Gonzz is doing the right thing and not answering to your petty bullshit internet gangsta stuff. Who are you to answer too? 46 of your last 53 posts are about bitching on other people shit.


Gonzz never said "there is overspray on the ones I sent you". HE SAID THEY WERE PAINTED BLUE you ass.

In either case, gonzz has pics of the parts the buyer claims are damaged. WHY DOESNT HE POST THEM AND WE CAN COMPARE THE TWO??

overspray....thats ridiculous. without gonzz posting the pics how can anyone make the claims you morons are making? And until those were posted, YOU YOURSELF werent talking about a very small bit of what you call overspray....YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE BLUE TOO! You didnt catch me in any lie. The guy said "you sold me black housings". Gonzz said "no, I sold you painted blue housings". THIS IS NOT PAINTED BLUE YOU MORON. Again, lying over and over again wont make it suddenly become truth.

As for gonzz, you clearly dont know shit about whats been going on with his actions. Funny how you dont cry like a bitch when your pal divebombs someone else's threads because he's still butt hurt from last friggin year. In either case, this thread and te rest ofthem in here ARE my business, and the business of everyone on this forum that buys parts here. I dont pretend to give a shit if that bothers you. If these topics were meant to be kept private, they would not be posted in a public thread on a public forum.

NOW, stop talking out your ass, and have gonzz post the pics he got from this buyer. Then we can compare for real. In the end, I want to see this resolved, while you two retards only gie a shit about trying to sling mud.

John64 08-15-07 09:17 AM

Wow, you realy are an ass. And you want to know why he jumped on you after your bullshit. Your asking a guy to respond to you? Who are you? I'm not talking out of my ass. So you have talked to Tim? He told you he sent pics to Gonzz? If this is true, why has'nt Tim posted the pics himself. Why don't you just calm down and wait for him to post his side since you seem to want to be the voice of this forum.

BTW, you agree there is blue overspray then! Come on your just too fired up over someone elses issue. Lets all just calm down and let the two of them figure this out.

charlies7 08-15-07 09:17 AM

Those are pictures of the assemblies without the covers. N one paints the assemblies, maybe he sent the BLUE covers with the assemblies..

John64 08-15-07 09:19 AM

I thi8nk the sale did not include the covers.

MaczPayne 08-15-07 09:31 AM

PM/E-mail sent to Timothy to post proof.

rx7roller02 08-15-07 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by John64 (Post 7237430)
Wow, you realy are an ass. And you want to know why he jumped on you after your bullshit. Your asking a guy to respond to you? Who are you? I'm not talking out of my ass. So you have talked to Tim? He told you he sent pics to Gonzz? If this is true, why has'nt Tim posted the pics himself. Why don't you just calm down and wait for him to post his side since you seem to want to be the voice of this forum.

BTW, you agree there is blue overspray then! Come on your just too fired up over someone elses issue. Lets all just calm down and let the two of them figure this out.

Why would I have had to speak to Tim to know that he sent pics to gonzz?? Especially when gonzz admitted as much?!? You sure aint the sharpest tol in the shed, are ya?

I cannot speak for someone else--tim is someone I dont know personally, and I never claimed to speak for anyone. I simply bring up relevant points that you two keep trying to ignore. What the hell does overspray have to do with the fact that both you and gonzz specifically have claimed that those parts were PAINTED BLUE?? The first time the word "overspray" even got mentioned is aftedr you had already been insisting blindly that they were painted blue like the rest of the engine bay.....where is your post that shows you can be big enough to admit your error? Oh, thats right, you didnt post that. Guess thats too much for such a tough guy as yourself to handle, huh?

Admit it--your pal gonzz insisted that the parts he sold were painted blue to match his car, and you followed his claim like it was documented fact, without a moment's hesitation. BUT HE WAS WRONG....and because he's your buddy, you refuse to address that. That makes you in the wrong as well, for claiming the same thing. You didnt know any better, you didnt have the facts, and so you blindly followed what your buddy told us.

I dont care what you have to say about me, I know I can be a rude jackass, but at least I had the sense and the respect to look for information before I just went blindly agreeing with one side or the other. You, however, didnt. Your boy gonzz said it, and that was good enough for you. hey, thats cool, we all do that with people we trust, but the fact is that he was wrong. He even accused this guy of trying to scam him BECAUSE OF HIS OWN LIE. That's shit, right there. There is no excuse for that.

Gonzz insists he is right. He wants to prove it. he cant wait to have someone else post a pic that HE ALREADY HAS IN HIS POSSESSION because he thinks it will prove him correct. Well, if YOU had evidence that someone was trying to shit on YOUR good name, why would you wait for someone else to post it when all you want to do is be done with this issue? If I was in that boat, you bet your ass I would be posting it up and then asking the other guy to explain things. But he doesnt post them....how many times have people talked about how they cant wait to see the pics, yet someone has them and cant put them up??

Oh, one more thing, give it a fucking rest about "who are you"....your pal thinks he has the right to demand that I post pics of my cars, which doesnt have shit to do with this thread. I dont think that there is a damn thing wrong with expecting him to post the evidence that he has....especially since its a lot more relevant than what the fuck I drive. So, get the hell over yourself. Who the hell am I?? I am a guy that wants to see the rest of the facts in this issue, and while you two love to bitch about the buyer, gonzz has this evidence sitting on his computer.

Seems to me that, with all the shit thats happened in this thread, any reasonable seller would have posted proof long ago of his claims, if he had it. Well, he has it. And there isnt any reasonable logical reason why he needs to repeatedly bitch that Tim hasnt posted it and how it needs to be posted, when he has it! He sure does mention quite a bit that he wants it posted....but he does nothing with the one he's got?

Come on, even you have to realize how funny that looks. It makes no sense.

rx7roller02 08-15-07 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by charlies7 (Post 7237433)
Those are pictures of the assemblies without the covers. N one paints the assemblies, maybe he sent the BLUE covers with the assemblies..

gonzz claimed that the assemblies were themselves painted blue when his engine bay was painted. Even though he claims this, his fs thread clearly shows black assemblies with a very small amount of overspray in just a couple of places. Nonetheless, the nutswingers are still insisting like gonzz is that they were painted....

PM/E-mail sent to Timothy to post proof
Macz--PM gonzz too....he keeps going on about how he cant wait until the pics are posted, but he already admitted that he received them from Tim....if he really is correct, then the pics he has would clearly show it. But he cant be bothered to post them, because he's far too busy demanding pics of what I drive.:uhh:

John64 08-15-07 12:56 PM

Youso need to give it a rest. And how is he my boy? He lives in Vegas and I live in CT. Your theresearch man you should have picked up on that. You just don't like the fact that I do not agree with you. Half the other people who posted on here feel the same way. And again, who do you think you are? No one on here has to answer to you and your agenda. Why are you not on the current post that says Merlin is a bad saller going crazy? Are you not an equal opportunity asshole? I still ask the question of, what proof so you have that Tom sent pics to Gonzz?

Let this shit die! Why do you like to demean anyone who does not agree with you. Trying to call me out is such internet muscle crap. I bet you would never pull any of this in person. Yeah I can back this up too. Go up to that picture of goodfella. I'm the guy to the left of the picture wearing the black shirt. Anytime your in the metro NY area we can talk. Otherwise just drop it.

XxMerlinxX 08-15-07 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by John64 (Post 7238058)
Youso need to give it a rest. Why should he? And how is he my boy? He lives in Vegas and I live in CT. Your theresearch man you should have picked up on that. You just don't like the fact that I do not agree with you. Half the other people who posted on here feel the same way. And again, who do you think you are? No one on here has to answer to you and your agenda. What agenda? He's just pointing out the facts so that people can't keep lying about shit. Why are you not on the current post that says Merlin is a bad saller going crazy? Probably because he's not online right now. Are you not an equal opportunity asshole? I still ask the question of, what proof so you have that Tom sent pics to Gonzz? Because Gonzz admitted that he did.

Let this shit die! Why do you like to demean anyone who does not agree with you. Trying to call me out is such internet muscle crap. I bet you would never pull any of this in person. Yeah I can back this up too. Go up to that picture of goodfella. I'm the guy to the left of the picture wearing the black shirt. Anytime your in the metro NY area we can talk. Otherwise just drop it.

This macho, "you wouldn't say that in person." shit has got to go. I think everybody would pretty much say everything that they have to anyone in real life. This isn't high school, if you get angry about something somone said and do something stupid about it, those actions come with real life consequences. This is the real world, not the playground.

John64 08-15-07 01:16 PM

Sorry this is off topic of this thread. Roll, of your 700 some odd posts, how many of them are not from trolling the good guy bad guy section or the lounge? I know you think you are helping by doing what you do and thats your choice. I commend you for sticking to your guns when you think your right. I do not on the other hand agree with the attacks on others who do not agree with you. I hope you see my logic when it comes to this.



P.S., this is an RX7 webpage, please bring something usefull to the community (maybe RX7 related). We have moderators to do the policing of the site, we do not need self appointed ones.

rx7roller02 08-15-07 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by John64 (Post 7238058)
Youso need to give it a rest. And how is he my boy? He lives in Vegas and I live in CT. Your theresearch man you should have picked up on that. You just don't like the fact that I do not agree with you. Half the other people who posted on here feel the same way. And again, who do you think you are? No one on here has to answer to you and your agenda. Why are you not on the current post that says Merlin is a bad saller going crazy? Are you not an equal opportunity asshole? I still ask the question of, what proof so you have that Tom sent pics to Gonzz?

Let this shit die! Why do you like to demean anyone who does not agree with you. Trying to call me out is such internet muscle crap. I bet you would never pull any of this in person. Yeah I can back this up too. Go up to that picture of goodfella. I'm the guy to the left of the picture wearing the black shirt. Anytime your in the metro NY area we can talk. Otherwise just drop it.

1--oh, so he aint your boy, youre just lapping at his sack for no good reason then?? I get it...

First, he lies about the insurance, and the proof came straight from his posts. You choose to ignore that blindly. Hell, you probably didnt even bother looking at it. Then, he lies about the parts being painted blue, and again, you blindly follow....even though there is absolute proof that they were not painted as he claimed. GEE, now, why would anyone think he's your boy?? Maybe its because you spend half of your time in this thread acting like you know whats up and the other half specificaly ignoring proof of wrongdoing on his part?!?:rlaugh:

2--I dont give a shit if you agree or disagree--you could at least take an honest look at the facts first, however. You know damn well what his claim was about these parts, and then you get all cock-stuck on "overspray" when you know that was never the issue or the claim. Stop avoiding the facts, take a real honest look at what he is saying and the pics in question, and try growing your own brain instead of trying so hard to ignore the obvious.

3--what proof do I have that gonzz got those pics from the buyer?? Allow me, not like I havent already covered this, but since youre stuck on his sack, maybe a refresher is in order....here is the post from gonzz where he clearly admits getting pics of the damaged parts--note how he clearly states that his were painted blue--NOT JUST A VERY LITTLE OVERSPRAY---and that the buyer sent him pics of black damaged parts:


!!!!!!! First of all tell the entire fucking story .. not the bits and pieces you want to...

1. The price was 150.00 shipped. Read the for sale thread.

2. You sent me a PM for me to call you to discuss the sale.

3. You told me on the phone you was broke and could only afford 140.00 shipped

4. I told you that the price was 150 shipped firm.

5. The box was packed correctly and don't start lying about that. I have shipped over 1000 items and buy all my packing materials in bulk..

6. I told you about insurance on the telephone and you didn't want to pay.. Was being cheap..

7. That was your option.. Don't come and blame me..

8. You also told me on the phone your front end was wrecked.

9. A few days later I see this thread...

10. Are you trying to scam me? My assemblies are painted this house of colors blue. Look at pics of my 20B engine bay...The pics you sent me are all black assemblies? What is going on?
I don't have a pic of the assemblies I sent you(even though he knows damn well that he listed those parts for sale with pics on this very forum, he suddenly doesnt have any pics) but this is my engine bay color...


Waiting for your reply...
Now, will you pay attention this time, or will that have to be posted even more times just so you can catch up?? You dont even know half of what has happened in this thread and youre gonna whine and bitch at me about what I know and how I know it?? How about a little common sense--if you give a shit enough to complain, then give a shit enough to actually read what youre complaining about. Fair enough?? I sure think so...

4--why havent I jumped on merlin's shit? Two reasons--first, because I was not on here when that thread was posted and havent finished with your retarded ass yet. Second, because gonzz is a prick that cant get over himself. Let me give you a little background on this whole deal with me and gonzz--LAST YEAR he sold someone some parts. I didnt agree with the ever-changing story that gonzz was telling and I let him know it. THAT WAS LAST YEAR. I havent dealt with him ever since....until last week. Out of the blue, in a thread that he had absolutely nothing to do with, he decides to jump in for no reason other than to personally attack me. And YOU want ME to let things go?? I already had--LAST YEAR....but apparently, he's still butt hurt over old shit. So, he thinks he has the right to post anywhere he likes, demand whatever he wants(relevant or not, doesnt matter), and insult people's dead parents....but of course, no on sees you telling him anything, right? Didnt think so.

This is what happens when you dont know half the shit youre trying to complain about. You fail at it. And thats what youre doing here. Hell, even this thread--I made a post, not to him but to someone else....READ THIS POST--SERIOUSLY--


You read that and tell me if anything in there is rude or inappropriate. THEN, read his immediate response to me:


Listen little mr.. puppet.. wanna be inch high private eye. Don't you have something better to do that troll in the good guy/bad guy section 24/7. I think you need a life.. Your a loser and always a loser... And last of all get your facts right.. What kinda car do you drive... post the pics...you probably don't even own a 7... you chump..
And you wonder why youre getting shit?? because THAT is who youre defending. Bullshit, John....pure bullshit.

Oh, and no need to get all tough guy with me, son. I grew up back there, I am no small fry myself, and I have survived more shit than you could dream of getting into. But hey, you dont see me making threats or such comments, do you?? Grow the hell up, this is the internet already. So, I get on people when I see them in the wrong. That somehow entitles you to act like you can throw down now?? Give it a fucking rest already. youre on here defending a chump that has lied in this thread, attacks people for no fucking reason at all, cant let year-old shit drop after everyone else did long ago, and wont even man up and post the proof that he knows he's got!?

Finally, just so you are aware, I have the permission of some of the mods to be in this section, helping people keep shit straight. I have spent my own time, money, and effort tracking down scammers that have gone to other states. I have gotten several people their money refunded from scammers. I do this shit for no other reason than to help fellow forum members out. And the mods know it. What I do has been approved. How bout you, tough guy? You been approved by the mods to play tough guy over teh intarweb? I spend my effort, and ask nothing in return. Hell, I have even refused money from people that I have helped! WHAT GOOD ARE YOU DOING IN THIS SECTION BY IGNORING THE OBVIOUS?

You may not like what I have to say, you may not like my methods, but the point is this--if you give the info I just gave you a good honest read, I would bet that at the very least you would then completely understand why people in this thread are suspicious of gonzz. Its that simple. you want to continue the attacking? Go for it. You want to look at this like a man and be honest? Even better. Either way, I dont need your permission or gonzz's approval to post here.

rx7roller02 08-15-07 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by John64 (Post 7238112)
Sorry this is off topic of this thread. Roll, of your 700 some odd posts, how many of them are not from trolling the good guy bad guy section or the lounge? I know you think you are helping by doing what you do and thats your choice. I commend you for sticking to your guns when you think your right. I do not on the other hand agree with the attacks on others who do not agree with you. I hope you see my logic when it comes to this.



P.S., this is an RX7 webpage, please bring something usefull to the community (maybe RX7 related). We have moderators to do the policing of the site, we do not need self appointed ones.

Bring something useful??

Who the fuck do you think you are?

Here--you can start with this asshole. been fucking people out of money for over three years....and thanks to me, some of those people actually got some of that money back. He is also now on probation for other offenses, including car theft....


While youre running around ignoring facts and acting like a tough guy, I tracked this douchebag from one car forum to another, found him ripping people off on nearly every one of them. Probe Talk, Subaru forums, Porshe Boxster forum, Toyota Celica forums, and two RX7 forums, plus autotrader and craigslist, among others. I caught this piece of shit scamming people out of thousands of dollars. and because of me, people on every one of those forums were able to be protected, including this one. I came across a guy on a Celica forum that was just about to send this prick $1500 for a turbo kit that he didnt even own--stole the pics straight from someone else's FS thread over there.

When you get done there, you can research protodermis....and this is just the start...

But yeah, I really need to "bring something useful".....fuck you very much, asshole. What good have YOU done around here? And who the hell are you to question me about what I do on this or any other forum, asshole?? MY time, MY money, MY resources go into all this. And the only thing I get in return is helping some people out and getting bitched at by others like you....

rx7goomba 08-15-07 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7238094)
This macho, "you wouldn't say that in person." shit has got to go. I think everybody would pretty much say everything that they have to anyone in real life. This isn't high school, if you get angry about something somone said and do something stupid about it, those actions come with real life consequences. This is the real world, not the playground.

Funny you mention that XxMerlinxX...since about 4 or 5 months ago you got banned for threatening people on here. I wouldnt stand up there talking down to people like your better than them. Seriously....do you have a multiple personality defect or something?

charlies7 08-15-07 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by rx7goomba (Post 7238480)
Funny you mention that XxMerlinxX...since about 4 or 5 months ago you got banned for threatening people on here. I wouldnt stand up there talking down to people like your better than them. Seriously....do you have a multiple personality defect or something?

Look whos talking:uhh:

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