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-   -   BAD SELLER: Gonzz (https://www.rx7club.com/bad-fugly-members-185/bad-seller-gonzz-679321/)

gonzz 08-13-07 09:35 PM

You sure about this.. I remember reading a thread that someone was complaing about some work or tuning either from you or you buddies..

[It isn't rocket science. Hell, I also build and port motors and offer a warranty, again zero problems. But this thread isnt about me, is it?

gonzz 08-14-07 12:08 AM

Rich, you know what you can do.. Call your "partner" Steve @ Gotham and ask him about what kinda person I am.. Since you are so curious about where I am and what's my real name...You might be suprised.. He's been to my house..

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S (Post 7231819)
So where is this Gonzz character anyway? what's his real name? Also, it would be good to hear his side of the story.

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 12:36 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7233075)
Rich, you know what you can do.. Call your "partner" Steve @ Gotham and ask him about what kinda person I am.. Since you are so curious about where I am and what's my real name...You might be suprised.. He's been to my house..

I'm pretty sure we've all seen what sort of person you are.

timothyandygoh 08-14-07 01:14 AM

i jumped on UR SET of assemblies, coz i thought they were cheap.

regarding the $140 issue, that was ME bargaining, and U giving in. and AT NO POINT did u BRing UP INSURANCE.

read my OUR history threads, u said that i didn't ask for INSURANCE, and now u say i said i didn't want to pay for insurance over the phone.

I jumped on the assemblies because i thought they were cheap.

my assemblies were working fine, its the chasis of my car after my fender bender, that makes my popups' look lower due to shift in chassis.

i was anal about it, and when i saw "CHEAP" assemblies for sale, i jumped on them. why would i lie about what u shipped, coz it was IMMEDIATELY from the box?

seriously, i can take pictures and post up both, of my assemblies on my car, and UR assemblies which had broken mounts.

as everyone said, the point isn't about insurance. ITS ABOUT THE PACKAGING?!? it only NEEDED PAPER to PREVENT DAMAGE.

u did a terrible job in packaging, and i even had history stating EXACTLY how i was being reasonable in compromising. BUT U JUST IGNORED ME?

timothyandygoh 08-14-07 01:15 AM

2ndly, im selling MY OWN WORKING assembllies, coz i think i'd rather go non-popups due to all this bullshit that's happening.


i SENT u PICTURES, but u ignored me. and ur reply to me back on history in black and white, for everyone to see and read? how is that being stand up with UR reaction, with me being reasonable for ANY KIND OF COMPROMISE?

timothyandygoh 08-14-07 01:27 AM

look at the dates of the up for sale on my assemblies, and the posts of our threads?

i got ur assemblies a couple weeks ago.

if i were reasonable, to compromise ANYTHING whatsoever, and even gave u pictures, which u OBVIOUSLY IGNORED after i showed u evidence of the broken mounts, who's the one that's looking bad now?

why would i show u pics of mounts, and go a huge circle to "CON" u of ur money, if u sent me headlight assemblies like u said, BLUE ONES? WHAT BLUE ONES? i HAD ONLY ASSEMBLYS, WITH NO PLASTICS OF ANY SORT ONLY THE ASSEMBLYS.

U DOn't EVEN REMEMBER WHAT U SENT ME =.= and ur picking a fight with me.


so that the assembly's work better with the paint cranking up and down? =.='

like i said, i had a minor fender bender, and the pop ups look alittle lower than they are suppoused to be. im just anal about it, and hopped on the cheap sale asap.

just goign thru past history of words, u already contradicted urself 2 times at least. first regarding insurance, and 2ndly regarding the assemblies which u sold me in the first place. YOU DOn't EVEN REMEMBER THAT U SOLD ME THE ASSEMBLIES WITHOUT COVERS!!!

timothyandygoh 08-14-07 01:52 AM

i mean seriously, my whole fighting point is the packaging. coz insurance is ur word against my word.

u can't deny that the packaging was a crappy job right?

even in ur history. u didn't believe that METAL ASSEMBLIES would BREAK. but once i sent u pictures, WHICH U ASKED, AND I DELIVERED, u just cut me off and ignored me, even though i tried to come to a reasonable compromise.

that being said, HOW IS THAT evidence of someone trying to con u of MONEY? = /

its just sad when ur over 30, and acting so childish about ur own irresponsibilities, and changing the story to cover ur own ass.

FrankV702 08-14-07 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7233141)
I'm pretty sure we've all seen what sort of person you are.

Right! You can "see" a person thru your computer screen huh? I guess I need one of your monitors.

You dont exactly have the best reputation on the board either. Ive read on a few GGBG threads about people complaining on you because your always sticking up for "scammers". Would I be correct to assume your just like the "scammers" you stick up for?

Like I said, theres more then enough people in Vegas that trust Gonzz with parts and money 100%. THAT shows what kind of person he is.

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 02:30 AM

Originally Posted by FrankV702 (Post 7233329)
Right! You can "see" a person thru your computer screen huh? I guess I need one of your monitors.

You dont exactly have the best reputation on the board either. Ive read on a few GGBG threads about people complaining on you because your always sticking up for "scammers". Would I be correct to assume your just like the "scammers" you stick up for?

Like I said, theres more then enough people in Vegas that trust Gonzz with parts and money 100%. THAT shows what kind of person he is.

Well I'm currently using my new Dell laptop which does have a pretty nice screen on it, they've got coupons for them if you want to pick one up. As far as reputations go, mine's spotless until str8ryd posts about his horrible experience with me here in the next couple of days, so you'll have to wait until then if you want to pull that card. What I was specifically referring to, and not that you could infer that from what I posted, but if you'd like to know what I think, his attitude is pretty crappy. Things normally degrade into childish remarks after the 2nd or 3rd page. Case in point, his second post in this thread was to childishly start the name calling.

timothyandygoh 08-14-07 02:33 AM

my fd's VR fyi

timothyandygoh 08-14-07 02:35 AM

yeah, trusting, when they're seeing and paying parts face to face is one.

him screwing up, about packaging, and messing my shipment over, AND pushing the blame back to me is another?

why doesn't he go back to the part about his packaging??

thats the CRUCIAL problem right here.

timothyandygoh 08-14-07 03:05 AM

i mean, if u read and examine the evidence i have, its pretty obvious its the packaging at fault. so how isn't that his fault? he's just not being responsible and standing up for his mistake.

why would the problem be insurance, if PACKAGING was at fault? even if i bought insurance, WHICH I ASSUMED THAT HE WOULD HAVE, that would still not change the fact that the part was damaged, broken, DUE TO PACKAGING!!!!

get back to the main thing now plz frank. he's just denying that its his fault due to insurance. IM SAYING ITS THE PACKAGING!!!!!!!!!!

WOULD U want ur part SHIPped. a FULLY METALIC WHATEVER, with oNLY FOAM 1/4 full in an oversized box, with NO PAPER OR BUBBLE WRAP? CAN U even IMAGINE how taht sounds in the first place?

just think, buying a TURBO, engine, tranny WHATEVER, jsut shipped liek that. FULLY METALIC. WOULDN't THAT PART BE OWNED???

str8ryd 08-14-07 06:47 AM

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7233374)
As far as reputations go, mine's spotless until str8ryd posts about his horrible experience with me here in the next couple of days, so you'll have to wait until then if you want to pull that card.

:icon_no2: I'll get on top of that in the next few days. And I wouldn't go as far as to say it's been "spotless". I've spoken to a few well respected forum members and they seem to have the same sentiments towards you that I now do.

GoodfellaFD3S 08-14-07 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7232599)
You sure about this.. I remember reading a thread that someone was complaing about some work or tuning either from you or you buddies..

[It isn't rocket science. Hell, I also build and port motors and offer a warranty, again zero problems. But this thread isnt about me, is it?

Yup, Ihor and I performed a lot of work on an FD and when it left it had some minor driveability problems due to needing a tune. We know our capabilities and don't tune, and I told the customer he needed to go to a known rotary tuner as soon as possible.

A short amount of time passed and the customer wasnt convinced that the problem was due to tuning. Being a man who owns up to his responsibilities, I spent a sunday out on LI wrenching on his car and verifying that it was indeed a tuning issue, when I could have been spending time with my family.

Again, this thread is about you.

If you packed the parts poorly, and they got damaged in shipping, why not work out a compromise with the buyer? Whatever happened to customer service? Contrary to what you might think, I'm not here to bust your balls.......but this whole situation isn't right.

rx7roller02 08-14-07 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7232333)
Listen little mr.. puppet.. wanna be inch high private eye. Don't you have something better to do that troll in the good guy/bad guy section 24/7. I think you need a life.. Your a loser and always a loser... And last of all get your facts right.. What kinda car do you drive... post the pics...you probably don't even own a 7... you chump..

Look, moron, lets get one thing straight right now.

Look at my post. I posted FACTS from the threads involved. RELEVANT information. From both sides. And your response? BULLSHIT, nothing but insults and talking out your ass. I can play that game too, but unlike you, I am interested in the outcome of all this. I dont give a shit what you think about me, the facts are plain as day. What--you have no answer for what I said, so the best you can do is to try to insult me instead?? Youre pathetic.

What kind of car I drive?? How the hell is THAT relevant to anything in this thread, jackass? FYI, dumbass, I have had a 7 for the last five years, not that it changes anything about your behavior in this transaction, now does it? HERE'S THE DEAL, BONEHEAD--you would be smart to pay attention--I dont give a shit how many good transactions you have, the fact is that we are starting to see some bad ones pop up now. And when you start getting too big with yourself to continue handling your shit properly, WE ALL deserve to know about it. I buy parts in here too, chump, so your behavior is 100% relevant to ALL OF US who do so.

Dont like it?? Dont sell parts here. We have the right to know, as a community that buys parts from each other, how you conduct business. INSTEAD, you act like a fucking crybaby, demanding pics of what I drive and throwing insults??? This section serves the purpose of educating other members about transactions so that we all can protect ourselves and each other from less than honest sellers and buyers. It does NOT exist for you to run around with your pecker in your hand thinking youre the man and dodging the relevant points presented to you....just so you can demand that I post a pic to prove I own a 7, dipshit.

You wanna insult?? you cant hang with me. BUT--you wanna handle your shit like a man?? Thats what this is all about! Clearly, youre more interested in watching your e-weenie grow than you are about simply stating the facts like a mature adult. Either grow the hell up or piss off. I dont give a shit that you didnt like my post--it was at least truthful, unlike you. What did I make up?? The timeline? The fact that it took two months for him to post a thread? The condition of the turbo? How about how you required him to use that one shop?? DISCUSS THE ISSUE AT HAND, you retard, instead of making yoor enitre post nothing but a personal attack against me.

rx7roller02 08-14-07 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by FrankV702 (Post 7232260)
Are you sure it was two months? Im not saying your wrong or anything. I cant remember that far back though and I couldnt find the FS thread where he had the turbo kit for sale. I know I was going to buy that turbo kit and it was from a friend of Gonzz. He was tryin to sell it for him for the reason stated. Here In Vegas Gonzz is the go to guy for our rotaries. You want something, he'll get it. You need work done, he'll do it. Anyone here in Vegas will defintly trust him with there cars and there money.

yes, I am sure. Here is a timeline--

1/2/07--gonzz posts in the thread that the turbo kit is sold....here is that thread:


2/3/07--toms93fd posts that negative thread about the turbo kit sale.....here is that post:


Look at the dates. That's two months. Look at the info tom posted about having the turbo rebuilt. There is no reason whatsoever that the remedy to this issue should be done at the convenience of the person who initially lied and caused this sale to go bad. That turbo should have been sent to greddy to be rebuilt without any kind of argument. But they wanted to pick a shop and mandate that tom send it there, with no warranty? sorry, thats crap. Especially when greddy's price was comparable to theirs....

MaczPayne 08-14-07 09:04 AM

Timothy, do you have pictures of the package as it arrived? I think some evidence is in order.

rx7roller02 08-14-07 09:11 AM

by the way, why arent you telling all the people who support you about your other pathetic bullshit lately? Why arent you telling them how you divebomb threads now, where I post, where you are not anywhere even involved...just to post a personal attack about me? GROW THE FUCK UP, douchebag....

And while youre at it, you can explain this:

Originally Posted by gonzz
I'll call DHL but you didn't request insurance. I let it up to the buyer to ask for it because it affects shipping cost..Will wait for pics..
Right there, you say "you leave it up to the buyer to ask about it". BUT--you also claimed this, in the same transaction:

I told you about insurance on the telephone and you didn't want to pay.. Was being cheap..
nice lie you got there....so, which is it? you "leave it up to the buyer to ask about insurance"....or you "asked him about insurance and he declined...."???? they both cannot be true, pal. face facts--if you really did ask him about it on the phone before the sale, you would not have said that to him when he told you he had a broken part--you would have said "hey, I offered you insurance and you chose not to take it..."

and you KNOW IT too....

Now look--everyone that supports you, thats fine. but they need to take a good honest look at that information themselves and be honest about what it shows. good reputation or not, you LIED to this guy, and you just lied to all of us in the process about your actions. It is time for you to grow up, put aside the posts with nothing but personal attacks, and handle your issue like the good seller you keep saying you are!

Sprockett 08-14-07 09:24 AM

Just my 2 cents. If you get a package and its contents have been improperly packed, then stop everything you are doing and get a camera. Take pictures of it on your front doorstep. hell, these days I'd do that (with timestamps) for every package I got from someone on this forum from the time it showed up, showing opening the package, and then the contents.
I bought a desk from Staples online (a cheap "assembly required" piece) and when it showed up I had to grab my camera. The box was in such bad shape that pieces were falling out onto my doorstep. I had to file a claim with Staples, and they weren't really willing to help out until I sent them the pictures:





I am just illustrating that having a camera handy when a package arrives can be a lifesaver. I got a brand new desk out of the deal, when I probably wouldn't have gotten anything without the proof of damage.

MaczPayne 08-14-07 09:44 AM

Yep. I always take pictures of the packages as they arrive. It's a cheap investment in security.

Juiceh 08-14-07 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by timothyandygoh (Post 7233240)
seriously, i can take pictures and post up both, of my assemblies on my car, and UR assemblies which had broken mounts.

Please do.

Having a camera around when opening a package is always a good idea.

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by str8ryd (Post 7233563)
:icon_no2: I'll get on top of that in the next few days. And I wouldn't go as far as to say it's been "spotless". I've spoken to a few well respected forum members and they seem to have the same sentiments towards you that I now do.

And I wouldn't call your transaction horrible either. I've also spoken to some well respected forum members and they seem to think the same way I do. Sooo... get on that negative feedback chief, roast me alive for the shipping mistake that UPS made. :icon_tup:

MADDSLOW 08-14-07 03:36 PM

I tend to notice a lot of people calling others out to make negative feedback threads about them... whats up with this?!

dbragg 08-14-07 05:04 PM

so people know how these people do business. so they know to deal with them at their own risk

XxMerlinxX 08-14-07 05:12 PM

I think he means, like me telling str8ryd to go ahead and post his negative feedback. In my case, I honestly don't care because it's ridiculous, so he can go ahead and post whatever he feels he needs to.

gonzz 08-14-07 05:19 PM

Your the fuking duche.. mrs inch high private eye.. wanna be ganster detective.. get a fuking life... No one on this forum likes you.. Can't you get it through your little thin fucking skull.. All you are is a good guy/bad guy fuking leach.. you probably look like elmer fud.. You never answered me to post pics of your 7.. Oh that's right you drive a fuking bicycle... lol.. go change your training wheels...

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7233783)
by the way, why arent you telling all the people who support you about your other pathetic bullshit lately? Why arent you telling them how you divebomb threads now, where I post, where you are not anywhere even involved...just to post a personal attack about me? GROW THE FUCK UP, douchebag....

And while youre at it, you can explain this:

Right there, you say "you leave it up to the buyer to ask about it". BUT--you also claimed this, in the same transaction:

nice lie you got there....so, which is it? you "leave it up to the buyer to ask about insurance"....or you "asked him about insurance and he declined...."???? they both cannot be true, pal. face facts--if you really did ask him about it on the phone before the sale, you would not have said that to him when he told you he had a broken part--you would have said "hey, I offered you insurance and you chose not to take it..."

and you KNOW IT too....

Now look--everyone that supports you, thats fine. but they need to take a good honest look at that information themselves and be honest about what it shows. good reputation or not, you LIED to this guy, and you just lied to all of us in the process about your actions. It is time for you to grow up, put aside the posts with nothing but personal attacks, and handle your issue like the good seller you keep saying you are!

gonzz 08-14-07 05:23 PM

I gave you the option and you denied because you was to cheap to add it. Don't come in here and try to bullshit me. Show me the pictures of my blue assemblies.. And i will tell you one more thing. The house of colors blue that was used was mixed specically for this FD. It was mixed by a vegas body shop. So let's see the fuking pictures .. Try and scam me know.. You think I'm fuking stupid sending me pictures of a set of black assemblies? Post the pics... Where are they? You trying to cover your fuking tracks.. Face it you will never produce the pics...

Originally Posted by timothyandygoh (Post 7233240)
i jumped on UR SET of assemblies, coz i thought they were cheap.

regarding the $140 issue, that was ME bargaining, and U giving in. and AT NO POINT did u BRing UP INSURANCE.

read my OUR history threads, u said that i didn't ask for INSURANCE, and now u say i said i didn't want to pay for insurance over the phone.

I jumped on the assemblies because i thought they were cheap.

my assemblies were working fine, its the chasis of my car after my fender bender, that makes my popups' look lower due to shift in chassis.

i was anal about it, and when i saw "CHEAP" assemblies for sale, i jumped on them. why would i lie about what u shipped, coz it was IMMEDIATELY from the box?

seriously, i can take pictures and post up both, of my assemblies on my car, and UR assemblies which had broken mounts.

as everyone said, the point isn't about insurance. ITS ABOUT THE PACKAGING?!? it only NEEDED PAPER to PREVENT DAMAGE.

u did a terrible job in packaging, and i even had history stating EXACTLY how i was being reasonable in compromising. BUT U JUST IGNORED ME?

gonzz 08-14-07 05:25 PM

Take this shit to you own thread...

Originally Posted by XxMerlinxX (Post 7234950)
And I wouldn't call your transaction horrible either. I've also spoken to some well respected forum members and they seem to think the same way I do. Sooo... get on that negative feedback chief, roast me alive for the shipping mistake that UPS made. :icon_tup:

gonzz 08-14-07 05:28 PM

I packed your box and the other assemblies i had the same way. No issues from the other guy.. Fuking start telling the truth.. I'm gonna prove you are lying.. Post pics of the complete broken asenbly ... I'm waiting..

other set of assemblies... https://www.rx7club.com/good-members-184/gonzz-%3D-good-seller-679649/

Originally Posted by timothyandygoh (Post 7233240)
i jumped on UR SET of assemblies, coz i thought they were cheap.

regarding the $140 issue, that was ME bargaining, and U giving in. and AT NO POINT did u BRing UP INSURANCE.

read my OUR history threads, u said that i didn't ask for INSURANCE, and now u say i said i didn't want to pay for insurance over the phone.

I jumped on the assemblies because i thought they were cheap.

my assemblies were working fine, its the chasis of my car after my fender bender, that makes my popups' look lower due to shift in chassis.

i was anal about it, and when i saw "CHEAP" assemblies for sale, i jumped on them. why would i lie about what u shipped, coz it was IMMEDIATELY from the box?

seriously, i can take pictures and post up both, of my assemblies on my car, and UR assemblies which had broken mounts.

as everyone said, the point isn't about insurance. ITS ABOUT THE PACKAGING?!? it only NEEDED PAPER to PREVENT DAMAGE.

u did a terrible job in packaging, and i even had history stating EXACTLY how i was being reasonable in compromising. BUT U JUST IGNORED ME?

gonzz 08-14-07 05:35 PM

Are you fuking serious.. Now i broke them and shipped them that way.. Give me a fucking break...You think i really need money that bad.. You are too fuking funny.. And the others on this thread are just as bad as you. I still can't believe some people on the thread.. Do you even have a clue?..

Originally Posted by timothyandygoh (Post 7229943)
hell, im suspecting he even probably broke these and put em up for sale with pictures of his own good ones.

the broken big parts are in the box, but there are bits of the mount, that probably crumbled off WHICH I DON't!

gonzz 08-14-07 05:38 PM

Post the pictures of the damaged assemblies i sent you. end of story. Post them or shut the FUCK up

Originally Posted by timothyandygoh (Post 7233409)
i mean, if u read and examine the evidence i have, its pretty obvious its the packaging at fault. so how isn't that his fault? he's just not being responsible and standing up for his mistake.

why would the problem be insurance, if PACKAGING was at fault? even if i bought insurance, WHICH I ASSUMED THAT HE WOULD HAVE, that would still not change the fact that the part was damaged, broken, DUE TO PACKAGING!!!!

get back to the main thing now plz frank. he's just denying that its his fault due to insurance. IM SAYING ITS THE PACKAGING!!!!!!!!!!

WOULD U want ur part SHIPped. a FULLY METALIC WHATEVER, with oNLY FOAM 1/4 full in an oversized box, with NO PAPER OR BUBBLE WRAP? CAN U even IMAGINE how taht sounds in the first place?

just think, buying a TURBO, engine, tranny WHATEVER, jsut shipped liek that. FULLY METALIC. WOULDN't THAT PART BE OWNED???

gonzz 08-14-07 05:40 PM

Any more wanna be inch high private eyes wanna say some shit... Just tell me @ 7stock face to face.. I hate this hiding behind a computer stuff..

gonzz 08-14-07 05:41 PM

That's not the story i was told. I was told you or a worker screwed him so hard.. but after someone told the story on the forum you tried to defend.. a little to late i would think...

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S (Post 7233618)
Yup, Ihor and I performed a lot of work on an FD and when it left it had some minor driveability problems due to needing a tune. We know our capabilities and don't tune, and I told the customer he needed to go to a known rotary tuner as soon as possible.

A short amount of time passed and the customer wasnt convinced that the problem was due to tuning. Being a man who owns up to his responsibilities, I spent a sunday out on LI wrenching on his car and verifying that it was indeed a tuning issue, when I could have been spending time with my family.

Again, this thread is about you.

If you packed the parts poorly, and they got damaged in shipping, why not work out a compromise with the buyer? Whatever happened to customer service? Contrary to what you might think, I'm not here to bust your balls.......but this whole situation isn't right.

gonzz 08-14-07 05:44 PM

So you still wanna talk shit???

Originally Posted by aws140 (Post 7235315)
so people know how these people do business. so they know to deal with them at their own risk

rx7roller02 08-14-07 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7235366)
Your the fuking duche.. mrs inch high private eye.. wanna be ganster detective.. get a fuking life... No one on this forum likes you.. Can't you get it through your little thin fucking skull.. All you are is a good guy/bad guy fuking leach.. you probably look like elmer fud.. You never answered me to post pics of your 7.. Oh that's right you drive a fuking bicycle... lol.. go change your training wheels...

1--so, I'm just a wannabe, right? Apparently, this "wannabe" was good enough to catch you lying, so much for your expert assessment. Why didnt you address the lie? What--my ride is suddenly more important to you than taking care of a customer you just got caught lying to?? What the hell is your malfunction, dude?

Ah, yes, my car....cars, to be exact. Pics of them have been posted on this forum before. but then again, look how cool you are--my car is all of a sudden your favorite topic, BECAUSE YOUR ASS IS PAINTED INTO A CORNER AND YOU CANNOT ADDRESS YOUR LIE.....YOU KNOW YOU GOT CAUGHT.

here's a tip, dumbass--this thread is about you. About your selling practices. About a customer of yours that trusted you with his money and you fucking lied to him. Stop worrying about the several different cars of mine and start handling your shit like a man. you wanna whine like a bitch about what I drive?? Go post up a thread somewhere else, in the appropriate section. This is about you, dickhead. Get the hell with it or get gone.

2--wow, all I am is a leach, how so? because I help people and ask for nothing in return? You should go talk to the several people on this forum who got fucked by scammers, and then thanks to my time, effort, and money, got their $$$ back, or located someone who was trying to hide. WOW, no one likes me....thats why, when a mod misunderstood a thread in this section and tried to ban me for it, thats why dozens of people spoke out and called for me to be unbanned?? Thats why the mods listened too, right--because no one here likes me? :uhh:

NEWS FLASH--youre a complete tool. And a liar to boot. And when faced with your garbage, when you cannot possibly address it because you have no relevant comeback, you resort to personal attacks and baseless bullshit. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE--you telling the truth?? DEFEND YOUR ACTIONS instead of attacking someone who just pointed out your dishonesty!!! DONT BITCH AT ME--I wasnt the one who lied. All I did was catch it and post it for everyone else to make up their own minds. YOU are the asshole that lied, so why get all butt hurt at ME? If you had simply told the truth, this would never have taken place!

So.....WHY DID YOU LIE? You made the two claims and statements, no? You DID tell this buyer that you leave it up to the buyer to ASK ABOUT INSURANCE, didnt you? And then you changed your tune....and claimed you DIDNT wait for him to ask about it....but that you offered it and he declined! You did say THAT, didnt you?

ADDRESS THE ISSUE you retard, dont try to distract from the facts by thinking you have any business wondering what I drive! I could only own a friggin tricycle, it doesnt make a shit worth of difference when it comes to this topic.

3--finally, here's another tip for you. If you want people to think youre a mature, stand-up guy, THEN FUCKING TRY ACTING LIKE ONE. You have posted the absolute most childish, ridiculous shit in this thread, when people like me are seriously trying to get to the bottom of this. When people consult the posts already made, and bring up relevant points, why cant you address them?? If youre really this good guy, reliable seller, trustworthy, like you want everyone to believe, why cant you address the points?

And then, there is your pathetic thread hijacking, when I am posting to the relevant person about relevant points, you think you have any business jumping right in for the sole purpose of stirring up shit? It isnt like you can even try to claim you had a legitimate purpose with that shit, so dont even bother trying.

Grow up, son....and fast. You claim you run with the big dogs, but from the look of things, youre still pissing like a puppy. ADDRESS THE POINTS OR STFU, tough guy

rx7roller02 08-14-07 06:29 PM

I gave you the option and you denied because you was to cheap to add it
Then where did I pull your words from when you told this buyer that you leave it up to them to inquire about insurance? Both statements came from you.....and both cannot be true at the same time....so which is it??

gonzz 08-14-07 06:41 PM

You just proved my point exactly... You back to riding that Huffy...

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7235580)
Then where did I pull your words from when you told this buyer that you leave it up to them to inquire about insurance? Both statements came from you.....and both cannot be true at the same time....so which is it??

gonzz 08-14-07 06:42 PM

You are a fuking duche bag.. END OF STORY.. You sit in here lurching every day.. You don't even own a car or a 7.. you fuking Fag...

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7235570)
1--so, I'm just a wannabe, right? Apparently, this "wannabe" was good enough to catch you lying, so much for your expert assessment. Why didnt you address the lie? What--my ride is suddenly more important to you than taking care of a customer you just got caught lying to?? What the hell is your malfunction, dude?

Ah, yes, my car....cars, to be exact. Pics of them have been posted on this forum before. but then again, look how cool you are--my car is all of a sudden your favorite topic, BECAUSE YOUR ASS IS PAINTED INTO A CORNER AND YOU CANNOT ADDRESS YOUR LIE.....YOU KNOW YOU GOT CAUGHT.

here's a tip, dumbass--this thread is about you. About your selling practices. About a customer of yours that trusted you with his money and you fucking lied to him. Stop worrying about the several different cars of mine and start handling your shit like a man. you wanna whine like a bitch about what I drive?? Go post up a thread somewhere else, in the appropriate section. This is about you, dickhead. Get the hell with it or get gone.

2--wow, all I am is a leach, how so? because I help people and ask for nothing in return? You should go talk to the several people on this forum who got fucked by scammers, and then thanks to my time, effort, and money, got their $$$ back, or located someone who was trying to hide. WOW, no one likes me....thats why, when a mod misunderstood a thread in this section and tried to ban me for it, thats why dozens of people spoke out and called for me to be unbanned?? Thats why the mods listened too, right--because no one here likes me? :uhh:

NEWS FLASH--youre a complete tool. And a liar to boot. And when faced with your garbage, when you cannot possibly address it because you have no relevant comeback, you resort to personal attacks and baseless bullshit. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE--you telling the truth?? DEFEND YOUR ACTIONS instead of attacking someone who just pointed out your dishonesty!!! DONT BITCH AT ME--I wasnt the one who lied. All I did was catch it and post it for everyone else to make up their own minds. YOU are the asshole that lied, so why get all butt hurt at ME? If you had simply told the truth, this would never have taken place!

So.....WHY DID YOU LIE? You made the two claims and statements, no? You DID tell this buyer that you leave it up to the buyer to ASK ABOUT INSURANCE, didnt you? And then you changed your tune....and claimed you DIDNT wait for him to ask about it....but that you offered it and he declined! You did say THAT, didnt you?

ADDRESS THE ISSUE you retard, dont try to distract from the facts by thinking you have any business wondering what I drive! I could only own a friggin tricycle, it doesnt make a shit worth of difference when it comes to this topic.

3--finally, here's another tip for you. If you want people to think youre a mature, stand-up guy, THEN FUCKING TRY ACTING LIKE ONE. You have posted the absolute most childish, ridiculous shit in this thread, when people like me are seriously trying to get to the bottom of this. When people consult the posts already made, and bring up relevant points, why cant you address them?? If youre really this good guy, reliable seller, trustworthy, like you want everyone to believe, why cant you address the points?

And then, there is your pathetic thread hijacking, when I am posting to the relevant person about relevant points, you think you have any business jumping right in for the sole purpose of stirring up shit? It isnt like you can even try to claim you had a legitimate purpose with that shit, so dont even bother trying.

Grow up, son....and fast. You claim you run with the big dogs, but from the look of things, youre still pissing like a puppy. ADDRESS THE POINTS OR STFU, tough guy

gonzz 08-14-07 06:46 PM

rx7roller02: I just found a picture of you and you dad.... You sit behind a computer all day and post on 150 car forums.. And the best part is you only own a HUFFY...You fuking NERD!!!



gonzz 08-14-07 06:53 PM

Did you see me pack the boxes or see them when they were delivered.. If not then don't "ASSUME". you guys sit behind a PC and talk and talk shit without even knowing the facts.. Do you need to raise your post count that bad?

Originally Posted by GoodfellaFD3S (Post 7230103)

Packing parts like this is totally unacceptable.

Gonzz, grab your balls to remind yourself you're a man, and do the right thing. You fucked up, now take care of the situation.

rx7roller02 08-14-07 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7235381)
Take this shit to you own thread...

And you have reason or place to complain, WHY, exactly??

DId you keep it in your own thread when you used someone else's legitimate GGBG thread to kick off an unprovoked personal attack?? DIdnt think so....so, this is how you are, its cool for you, but anyone else need to steer clear, because you say so??

Dude, you really need to wake the hell up and come back to reality

gonzz 08-14-07 06:56 PM

I'll tell you DAD that next time I see him...

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7235655)
And you have reason or place to complain, WHY, exactly??

DId you keep it in your own thread when you used someone else's legitimate GGBG thread to kick off an unprovoked personal attack?? DIdnt think so....so, this is how you are, its cool for you, but anyone else need to steer clear, because you say so??

Dude, you really need to wake the hell up and come back to reality

rx7roller02 08-14-07 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7235607)
You just proved my point exactly... You back to riding that Huffy...

Why dont you address your statements? Why are you still whining and crying about me? IS THIS THE BEST WAY YOU HAVE TO HANDLE A LEGITIMATE CUSTOMER COMPLAINT??

rx7roller02 08-14-07 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by gonzz (Post 7235665)
I'll tell you DAD that next time I see him...

My dad's dead you stupid fuck

gonzz 08-14-07 07:03 PM

I can still tell him... I told him not to ride that HUFFY....

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7235679)
My dad's dead you stupid fuck

rx7roller02 08-14-07 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7235675)
Why dont you address your statements? Why are you still whining and crying about me? IS THIS THE BEST WAY YOU HAVE TO HANDLE A LEGITIMATE CUSTOMER COMPLAINT??

still waiting....are you gonna be a punk ass bitch your whole life or are you gonna step up and handle your business?

John64 08-14-07 07:06 PM

How did this get so out of hand? I've prucahsed several items from him and they all can fine. When someone quotes an item as "shipped", that what it means, shipped. If you want insurance you tell them to put it on. Pleasse do not assume that its included. How many EBay items have you purchased wherei tincludes it? You always need to ask for it if you want it.

Gonzz is a good guy in my book!

gonzz 08-14-07 07:07 PM

First of all.. I don't have to answer SHIT to a dirtbag like you.. YOU ARE A PIECE OF DOG SHIT>> And I just put it nicely...

Originally Posted by rx7roller02 (Post 7235706)
still waiting....are you gonna be a punk ass bitch your whole life or are you gonna step up and handle your business?

gonzz 08-14-07 07:09 PM

Still Waiting On The Pics????? Inch high private eye. (rxroller) "that's all you own and your HUFFY"
call your buddy and tell him to post pics...

rx7roller02 08-14-07 07:35 PM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by John64 (Post 7235712)
How did this get so out of hand? I've prucahsed several items from him and they all can fine. When someone quotes an item as "shipped", that what it means, shipped. If you want insurance you tell them to put it on. Pleasse do not assume that its included. How many EBay items have you purchased wherei tincludes it? You always need to ask for it if you want it.

Gonzz is a good guy in my book!

First, the buyer's assumption is not what led to this. As already stated, insurance will not honor a claim when the reason for the claim is inadequate packaging. So, insurance or not, makes no difference.

Second, while gonzz has some good feedback, the fact remains that in this transaction he has changed his story. First, he claimed that he doesnt bring insurance up---that he leaves it to the buyer to ask about it. And then, he changed his tune, and claimed that he offered it but the buyer refused it. There is no excuse for lying no matter what the outcome.

I am glad to see that he did right by you. But that doesnt change the fact that in this sale he has been caught lying about his actions. That is at the very least suspect, I think that any reasonable person can see why.

First of all.. I don't have to answer SHIT to a dirtbag like you.. YOU ARE A PIECE OF DOG SHIT>> And I just put it nicely...
Well, ok, thats your problem then. you just showed yourself to be dishonest to one of yoru buyers, in front of the entire forum, and now you refuse to address the fact that you were caught in a lie. Fair enough--the members here have seen your behavior and your refusal to be honest for themselves--from then on, if they deal with you, its their risk....

Then again, if you REALLY were such a great seller, you would have no problem answering....instead, you think that insulting my parents and lying about me is the way to go. WOW, I can see the people just lining up to send you money for parts now, knowing that this is how you treat fellow forum members. Good call, Mr. Wizard. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, youre still thinking you won something over teh intarweb, all because you think you made a funny. A huffy?? You have absolutely no class. Then again, we didnt need that last attack on me to know that....

Still Waiting On The Pics?????
Who the hell ever lied to you and told you that you dictate who can post what on here? THIS IS A THREAD ABOUT YOU AND YOUR LYING--how are pics of my cars relevant in any way, shape, or form? What--you think youve got a gigantic e-wee-wee or something?? Well, dumbass, just because youre gonna harp on this for the rest of your pathetic life, here are pics of my cars.

First, the 95 Supercoupe, the black one...pushing over 300 hp at the wheels with more to come

Next, the 89 supercoupe, red, all stock....the 7 can be seen behind it

Then, there is the 4x4 supercab Ranger, which basically doesnt get driven very much anymore.

That takes care of that....now, your turn....address the lie you got caught in.

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