is this the WR intake?
I put those intake pipes on, and yes they are from WR. I did not use their filter because they suck, but the piping is good. And as for the ricer comment, you guys need to be seriously educated. Ever heard of the phrase "judging a book by the cover"?
I do not believe any of that ricer crap, I do my own tests and use the products that meet my specs, not some multi million dollar advertisment (not saying u do). But here are the facts, the integrated heat shield works (I tested the temperature difference useing an IR pyrometer with laser sight, 26 deg F difference), you can spend acouple of hundred dollors and by a piece of alluminum from m2 but that's your choice. I put the filter on a vacuum test bench and the airflow is within 3% of the best filters out there (Apexi, K&N, HKS, it's actually better than the HKS). So functionally, it is the best bang for the buck. It is rice just because of the name?? I hope u never buy stuff from Walmart or Kmart, god forbid what will people think of u. Class dismissed.
I do not believe any of that ricer crap, I do my own tests and use the products that meet my specs, not some multi million dollar advertisment (not saying u do). But here are the facts, the integrated heat shield works (I tested the temperature difference useing an IR pyrometer with laser sight, 26 deg F difference), you can spend acouple of hundred dollors and by a piece of alluminum from m2 but that's your choice. I put the filter on a vacuum test bench and the airflow is within 3% of the best filters out there (Apexi, K&N, HKS, it's actually better than the HKS). So functionally, it is the best bang for the buck. It is rice just because of the name?? I hope u never buy stuff from Walmart or Kmart, god forbid what will people think of u. Class dismissed.