motor mount question
motor mount question
I am pretty sure my FD's motor mounts are shot. Excessive vibration/jerking upon startup, inability to maintain a good seal from turbo to downpipe. Hell, I can move my engine with one hand a fairly significant amount. Has anyone been running a set of Polyurethane mounts and think they're worthwhile, or should I pick up a set of the stock steel/rubber mounts? Any input in either direction would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I have a set of these and am real happy...but they're hard to come by now...
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I have a set of these and am real happy...but they're hard to come by now...
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I have the NOLTEC mounts too and love them! They are more forgiving than the solid ones and the bolts are NOT connected so there is no vibration and the engine is solid. It works so well I took off the torque brace. I would recommend them highly.