brass washers for banjo bolts.
brass washers for banjo bolts.
Started my car and oil is pouring out of the banjo bolt off my oil filter. Can i get new washers from auto or hardware store that will work? It leaks from the one closest to the oil filter.
Last edited by suprfast93; 07-18-04 at 07:10 PM.
It shouldn't leak much at all - the copper crush washers, even when they're old, should seal very well.
You can re-anneal copper crush washers. Remove them, hold them with some needle nose pliers, and heat them to red hot with a propane torch. This makes them soft again so they'll crush properly. Also make sure the sealing surface is nice and clean.
You can re-anneal copper crush washers. Remove them, hold them with some needle nose pliers, and heat them to red hot with a propane torch. This makes them soft again so they'll crush properly. Also make sure the sealing surface is nice and clean.