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s-thetikz 04-28-04 04:12 PM

haha great story , n good after thought with the pennies.

Fatman0203 04-28-04 04:41 PM

Re: Almost another FD total....

“the Lincoln Bath”. [/B]

Ive been wondering for a name for that move =P

novadan67 04-28-04 04:50 PM

Originally posted by skunks
I wonder how many fd owners have been saved by their abs systems, i know i have been saved a 1/2 a dozen times at least. something to think about when weight reductioning and pulling your abs system...
ABS brakes have definitely saved my FD several times. Once I was coming down a hill on a 4-lane road (with turn lane). This chick was stopped in the turn lane with her blinker on wanting to merge into 45 mph traffic. She saw about 3 car lengths between me and the car in front of me and gunned it to squeeze in. Well she killed the car and was stopped right in front of me! I got hard on the brakes to let the traffic in the right lane clear and then switched over to the right lane just missing her by inches. Thank you ABS! It is just a good thing there was not much traffic in the right lane or behind me, or I'd be starting another "I just wrecked the FD" post. If I had been driving ANY other car it would have been a wreck for sure.

InsaneGideon 04-28-04 04:59 PM

Best $.32 you ever spent, eh? ;) Hope you didn't waste any Sacagaweas on the mofo.

As much as I loved the story, the fact that you and your FD are OK (minus worn tires), and that you got sweet sweet revenge: You don't have any personally identifying info on the forum do you? I'd hate for the kid to find anything on you here and follow legal action. Might be a lawyer's kid... ya never know. :eek:

Toadman 04-28-04 05:28 PM

Not a chance. He'd have to provide evidence or get witnesses. Pennies are like pebbles and unrecoverable from a highway. A snapple bottle could shatter the windshield, cause a major pileup and may be recoverable. That's assault w/deadly weapon. Plinking with pennies may be considered littering.

I'm not worried about revenge. Being a new car his comprehensive would cover it with no rate hike if he claims it was road debris. A 12-cent and maybe a nickel or two lesson learned, at least in courtesy if not driving ability.

P.S. The FD is the older 3-channel ABS system right? Both rears activate ABS if one wheel loses traction, correct? That would explain the skittering rear end even after ABS kicked in. I'll break out the shop manual.

InsaneGideon 04-28-04 05:51 PM

[a police investigator picks up and sniffs glass shard on a highway among burning hulks of metal] "Yup... Kiwi Teawi... Book 'em Dano!"

I guess it could be stretched to "Defacement a currency"... nah :D

Regardless, :bigthumb:

Yea, we have 4w 3ch ABS.

Toadman 04-28-04 05:56 PM

Nice site I don't have Gideon. Would make a great garage poster.

wReX 04-28-04 06:05 PM

Great work! Keep a set of old lug nuts close by incase someone really pisses you off. :)

Fatman0203 04-28-04 06:58 PM

Originally posted by wReX
Great work! Keep a set of old lug nuts close by incase someone really pisses you off. :)
Oh man that would have to be REALLY piss you off LoL. I should take them off my dads classic cars (the rusted ones since 1957 =P)

Kento 04-28-04 07:20 PM

Heh...the spare change I keep in my ash tray is for parking, so in my case it would be the "Washington bath"... :D

the_glass_man 04-28-04 07:50 PM

Well I do applaud your effort and you skill to avoid the accident as a whole. I think your response is rather immature and foolish.

Toadman 04-28-04 08:10 PM

Thanks for your opin Glass(luv ya, mah man), but when you're faced with a fight-or-flight situation and an un-remorseful(keyword) driver you may resort to retaliation, non-lethal in this case. Let's not get into moral shoulda/coulda/woulda's. In retrospect I probably would have done otherwise(like follow him to school and have a "little talk".) Twas a pure heart-pounding adrenaline post this am.

RotorMotor 04-28-04 08:49 PM

great story. now one detail that came to mind was how much impact those pennies could have made. now remember when there is gravel on the road and you are in back of a truck (say you are both going 70) the truck should kick that pebble back at 70mph, and you are traveling forward at 70... so that equals a 140mph impact... pebble 1, windshield 0.

now in your penny example you two were traveling at roughly the same speeds correct? and the pennies were never accelerated backwards from under your wheels. so lets say you were both going 70... the pennies in your hand before you threw them were traveling at +70MPH... you threw them back at say -10mph and maybe they were slowed down by the air resistance another -10MPH. so now they are going +50MPH when they hit the ******* in back of you (who is going lets say 70MPH). thats a difference of 20MPH. if im thinking about this correctly you might as well have been at a stoplight and chucked some pennies backwards at his car. im not sure you did any significant damage to his car, but at least he got the message.

one thing is for sure, this guy was a douche-cannon! glad to hear your FD is ok though. same thing happend to me in my daily driver miata the other month... someone pulled in front of me, i had to stomp the brakes... but my miata does not have ABS. good bye 1 month old toyo t1's... all 4 tires are BADLY flatspotted and the fronts are down to the threads. maybe the rears can be shaved down but id rather just get all new ones. that was a $500 oops, but at least my car didnt get distroyed. give your ABS unit a high 5 next time you are in the engine compartment. -heath

RotorMotor 04-28-04 09:39 PM

hmmm the mods are doing a little editing apparantly... i cant say a$$hole but i CAN say douche-cannon? well, rules are rules :wink: -heath

iceman4357 04-28-04 09:44 PM

you have a mild temper, if that happened to me i would have followed him and stomped his ass into the ground. I have VERY bad road rage. It comes from my fathers side. I still remember him kicking 2 guys asses, when i was 10 years old, for cutting him off. :)

nickpapagiorgio 04-28-04 09:52 PM

See below

nickpapagiorgio 04-28-04 10:04 PM

Two Points:

1.) I'm glad at least one person was paying attention and I'm glad that you didn't sustain any damage to your car or yourself.

2.) What is up with left lane drivers?? I mean was there any reason for him to get over?? I love it when you see a driver merge onto the highway then dart directly over to the left lane and do 50mph (or what ever speed the guy in the right land is doing). The left lane is for passing and left turns only. Why do people feel the need to go the exact same speed as the guy in the right lane (usually about 50mph)?? This is the source of my road rage every day on my commute, I'm driving in the left lane doing between 60 and 70 and have to slow down to 50mph because some d**kh**d is in the left lane holding me and 8 other cars behind him up. It really pisses me off. Although I usually just end up passing them on them on the right, cutting them off, giving them the finger, then signaling them to get over, I've never thrown anything at them, although I may start.

:flipoff:F**K LEFT LANE DRIVERS:flipoff:

BLKTOPTRVL 04-28-04 10:51 PM

Pennies hurled toward windshild...

Dumb shit who has already demonstrated that he is a bad driver, panics and shifts lanes...

Plows into Soccer mom van full of kids...

Kills all...

Just because he was a dumb shit doesn't mean you have to be one.

Raziel 04-28-04 10:56 PM

i gotta remember to do that if something like that happense to me.

mini-x 04-28-04 11:05 PM

note to self carry coins in cup holder..lol

Toadman 04-28-04 11:38 PM

Dumb shit who has already demonstrated that he is a bad driver, panics and shifts lanes...
Panic? He was late for class and dove over into the fast lane to bypass others before the on-ramp ended. And a rock or debris doesnt need to spit out reverse velocity to cause damage anymore than hail would.

Sonny 04-28-04 11:40 PM

What if Toadman did nothing and this dumbass does the same thing tomorrow and takes out a bus full of school kids?

You guys and your ****in' high horse moral "what ifs" make me sick. :bash:0 If someone damn near puts you in the guardrail AND shows no remorse (worse yet, they laugh at you), they deserve what they get.

It's one thing to make a stupid mistake. It's another thing to do it and act like you don't give a shit.


RotorMotor 04-29-04 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Toadman
Panic? He was late for class and dove over into the fast lane to bypass others before the on-ramp ended. And a rock or debris doesnt need to spit out reverse velocity to cause damage anymore than hail would.
but remember that hail has fallen a long way so it has very high velocity. if i threw a handful of hail at your car at 20mph, i guarantee you nothing would happen. same with the pennies... im sure you pissed him off, but i seriously doubt it did any more damage to his car then you getting out a a light and throwing the pennies at him :wink: . the only damage you may have caused is damage to the people's windshield behind the next car that runs over those pennies. seems as you bombed the wrong people :cool:

baadakku 04-29-04 12:36 AM

That's awesome man. Way to put the little shit in his place.

InsaneGideon 04-29-04 01:11 AM

Originally posted by RotorMotor

one thing is for sure, this guy was a douche-cannon! glad to hear your FD is ok though. same thing happend to me in my daily driver miata the other month... someone pulled in front of me, i had to stomp the brakes... but my miata does not have ABS. good bye 1 month old toyo t1's... all 4 tires are BADLY flatspotted and the fronts are down to the threads. maybe the rears can be shaved down but id rather just get all new ones. that was a $500 oops, but at least my car didnt get distroyed. give your ABS unit a high 5 next time you are in the engine compartment. -heath

"douche-cannon" :hah: Maybe it's from a filtering script of some sort. ;)

I drive a Miata daily too. You may as well be invisible in that car. Oh well, having the top down gives you a better angle to toss things, give hand gestures, etc. ;) Seriously, I'm not one to actually act on road rage, but thoughtless parkinglot pedestrians really piss me off. It's tough to subdue that knee-jerk reaction of yelling obscenities with the top down. I get lots of funny looks.

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