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-   -   SuperCharger for RX-7's based on the Tesla Bladeless Disk Turbine (https://www.rx7club.com/2nd-generation-specific-1986-1992-17/supercharger-rx-7s-based-tesla-bladeless-disk-turbine-125445/)

Cwrx-7 racing 12-01-02 05:15 PM

if u need it tested contact me at my email and i'll put it on my Cwrx-7 racing car

OC_ 12-01-02 06:17 PM

im just glad to see Frank is still alive :)

Taipan 12-02-02 01:57 AM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool: Kristopher d You are right, the Magna Charger system for the Harley or car for that matter is positive displacement with the twin rotor system. Works like a dream, as it is driven by an internal sprocket and chain sitting in engine oil. Virtually Zero spool up time as it delivers a constant volume of 140% the air required. As fast as you can twist the throttle you are banging on the door of the rev limiter and shifting.

I can tell you that system did not require any million dollars, or a year of R and D to roll out a working prototype, and all the parts are machined out of billet aluminum using a computerized system.

Believe me, I will be the first to buy Franks system when it is running. I like the idea of it driving itself off of waste gasses as postulated by an earlier poster, or drive it off of a constant source of rotation, i.e. an extra pulley and belt off of the power steering or A/C or fan. Anything but the pump. What is really attractive to the separate tiny engine or turbine driven off of waste gasses is that an existing source of inefficiency is used to provide efficiency. The electrical resources of the car are just too weak to take seriously.

Come on Frank, you say you don't really need anyone’s money, so show us yours by getting the supercharger up and running. I can guarantee that there are a lot more models that are non-turbo that would buy, and add a reliable supercharger, than there are owners wanting to add and modify for a turbo installation, or turbo model owners waiting with baited breath for a new turbo to spend their money on upgrading. Sheer manufacturing numbers make that an exercise for marketing 101. Just a thought Frank, Superchargers in the price range you first mentioned would be snapped up as fast as you could make them, in a quality machine shop. l would pay up to $1000, so would every enthusiast I know, and as every true enthusiast knows the system would only work well with a complete re-do of the exhaust system from pre-cat on back to keep the flow moving. That is why I suggested to you much earlier in the thread to make sure that your system includes a K&N style of free flow filter that is breathing cool air from out front of the radiator, not inside the engine compartment.

Keep it going Frank, show us the product and RX-7 enthusiasts will show you the money! However, a quick check of the math says that $28000 X 12 months = $336,000 / $800 per supercharger = 420 sales to break even. You offered units at cost, or minimally above, at various time to the members of this list and forum. That could be your angel. Get one working, without the benched engine using electrical power as its source, demo it as reliable, and Walla, you are in business. I can tell you that when I first read your posts it sounded like you were testing it in your car and refining your design for imminent delivery. Well, you are obviously some distance from that point but armed with a great idea. Follow it through, and remember, most of your target market are budget focused enthusiasts who will sing your praises if it works and be brutally frank, no pun intended, if your device does not perform as advertised. Carry on the good work, and please, hurry, the supercharger is worthy of focused effort. :D

Cheers, and contact me off list if you want to discuss performance numbers. There are some seriously modified and performance enhanced cars in my club.:cool:

RotaryMiata 12-03-02 09:08 AM

Tesla: Not just an 80's rock band...
All the hype and theoretics aside, like few: I'm a BIG Tesla fan. Like most: I'm interested. Like all: I want to see proof of this thing in action!

Frank: you said that you've gotten 200+ hp out of your NA on the dyno with the TT running? If you want funding for development, etc, then you must know that you absolutely have show proof of this thing working! Doubly so if you plan on selling it to anyone.

There may be thousands of RX-7 drivers interested here, and many more elsewhere - but I'm doubting that you're going to find many buyers without repeatable, proven results.

Show us a video, give us dyno slips, take still pictures - just don't expect people to cough up money on mere Internet claims!!!


Taipan 12-03-02 10:29 AM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool: Precisely!! Show us your stuff, and stand behind your word to sell it at or near cost, and you're a hero, a man of your word. Frank, we want to believe so, please give us a close encounter of the third kind. Converted enthusiasts are your best source of buyers and your ultimate fan club.

Don't be afraid to share, after all, you did make the offer in the first place.

Cheers, and Good Luck,

Phu5ion 12-03-02 12:27 PM

amen, that's what i've been saying since the beginning.

Taipan 12-03-02 10:22 PM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool: I've loved the little Wankle since the RX-2 model. I would be, and am the first to cheer the progress in anything that improves and makes the rotory engine more efficient and powerful. I've also spent a lifetime in big-ticket marketing. Frank; now is the time to stand tall and make it happen by being honest, open, and forthright. Either this baby is ready to go or not. I hope for the former, and await your demonstration and delivery on your promises to this list. Good Luck!!:D


Contact me by email anytime you want to talk.;)

CrackHeadMel 12-15-02 07:50 AM

any news, any more dyno's of the TT?

kristopher_d 12-15-02 10:39 AM

Frank already said he would let us know after the holidays. Practice a little bit of patience.

Taipan 12-15-02 09:22 PM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool: Checking back, the last post I see from Frank is pre-Thanksgiving. Which Holiday are we awaiting the passing of?:D

Personally, I am anxious to see positive results. I want it to work, I just don't want to be worked.:cool:

Cheers, and, Merry Christmas to all! Come on Santa, all we want for Christmas is a working Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger!!;)

kristopher_d 12-16-02 07:23 PM

I expect we'll hear from Frank the first week in January. Remember two things guys: 1st, he's still in the prototyping phase, which always takes longer than the engineer expects, because he always thinks the next little tweak will solve all the problems. 2nd, all projects slow down in proportion to the quantity of eggnog and buttered rum you down.

filraen 12-29-02 01:22 AM

I think we may have a winner for forced induction if Frank can pull this off. Me, I'm wondering how easily this unit could bolt up to the RX-8??

jacobcartmill 12-29-02 03:53 AM

Originally posted by Jimmy325i

I want to see this work because it follows the wankel tradition of going against the grain and making serious power out of tiny packages. I'd just hate to see it become a $4K upgrade from add on parts needed to get it running. Didn't Frank say the original idea was to offer the supercharger at $300? Now we're seeing 800+ Why don't we all wait and see what this thing performs like before trying to "sell" it. Frank is a man on a mission to make it work for his own lusting. If he can mass produce them in the future I think we'd all benefit from it, but untill such a time as the design is drivable I think we should all lay off the business end of this endevor.

hey jimmy, i think this contraption could get you to 13 seconds in the quarter mile.

Jimmy325i 12-29-02 01:13 PM

Funny Jacob, I'm already there....

CrackHeadMel 12-29-02 04:31 PM

i feel lost not being able to read up on this project every day, come back frank!

Phu5ion 01-03-03 12:01 PM


Thought i would give this a bump considering it's the new year and all. Frank, how are things going? Do you have any new information?

pianoprodigy 01-03-03 08:52 PM

Eyes hurt...just read every post...
WOW! This is some amazing stuff. I hope Frank doesn't give up on this idea. Let's give Frank the moral (if not financial) support he deserves for pouring his life into this project. Keep it alive guys...

ZoomZoom2ndGen 01-03-03 09:39 PM

Old Thread ???
hasn't this (origional )same thread been on many times already ?? same letter,subject , content .. Is This an advertisement ?? :cool:

Troy Semsch 01-04-03 06:28 AM

I am very interested in this. I've been looking for a supercharger system but have read all the high rev problems and lack of proper mounting hard ware of paxton and other brands. If your system can come up with some thing or need a Q/A person here is my experience. I have a 87 auto nonturbo that I'm trying to upgrade to a supercharged system but have not seen anything that does not over rev or has good mounting hardware.

kristopher_d 01-04-03 10:17 AM

I guess it's time to bug Frank at his other board. From what I've been reading lately, he's been working on a combustor for a turbine project (greater commercial viability, so who can blame him) and may just need a reminder that we are all waiting.

pianoprodigy 01-04-03 11:51 AM

I'd buy this if I knew it worked for sure...
So Lets "bug" him on his other board. I think this idea is ingenious. I spent 3 hours reading all about it. If someone posts his other board url I'll post on that one.

kristopher_d 01-05-03 02:00 AM

I've already posted to it. It's a yahoo groups mailing list. Give him until monday. The last thing we want is to piss Frank off.

Taipan 01-07-03 03:31 AM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool: The question is not whether "bugging" Frank about something he brought up and offered will annoy him, but rather, whether or not Frank has any real intent, or product to display. Frank has become conspicuously absent since it became obvious no one is going to just give him money without a demonstrable product. :eek:

I, for one, hope he is real,:) so, all I can say is, Frank, are you out there?:cool:

patman 01-13-03 11:26 AM

c'mon Frank lets have an update!

Taipan 01-13-03 11:36 PM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool:Frank; Are you out there? We are waiting to hear from you:), we are anxious to know how you are progressing.:D Is there anything we should know?:cool:

Turbocharged2 01-14-03 12:52 AM

Frank i love the idea so far have been reading thrue these posts forever with the money isue i fell the others are right its hard to put money into somthing you cant see or we have no exact proof of yet. However, if you were to complete this project i am sure you would make a nice chunk of cash back selling it to us na-er's as far as i can tell there are tonz of us who would love to have one so let us know show us somthing we can sink our teeth in and you wont be let down.

Phu5ion 01-14-03 08:17 AM

Frank made a post on the yahoo TT list and i thought i would forward this to this group. He is still out there, he just isn't posting to this group. He might have his email alerts off. So without futher a due:

From: "frank_d_germano <frank@g...>" <frank@g...>
Date: Sun Jan 5, 2003 11:48 am
Subject: Answers to recent posts

1.) to post a file for the list to view, go to the "files" section
of the Tesla Turbine List (initial page where you sign on to the
list; look for the link - FILES) and upload the file - you will
have to allow cookies, and access to your system to locate and
upload your file. A message will then be sent as a post to the list,
allowing access for viewing)

2.) I am still working on the supercharger, although, as time
permitts, with the extreme weather we have had up here in north east
PA - another 20" of snow hit us yesterday. The Bahamas are looking
pretty darn nice right about now! Anyway, the unit is simply a Tesla
Pump - the only thing that is proving difficult is integrating it
into the existing control structure of the RX-7's onboard systems -
i.e. making it all work together without over-boosting the rotary
engine. It is not at all difficult to ram air donw the throat of an
engine - it's timing everything to make it all operate efficiently.
We have to finish several projects that were in process already, and
then some time will be allocated for this project, whcih will then
move down to our machine shop in Austin.

3.) I will upload as many photos of Alpha, Beta, Charlie and Delta
turbines and the CMP pump system in the next week as possible- only
limited by my storage limit on my host website. This will give a
definative narration of all of our work to date, including the
fabrication of the propane combustor, which does not use a
compressor. This "should" wake TEBA up. This should give everyone
quite allot to talk about. Building a TT is pretty straight forward.
Fabrication of the parts and making it all work together at the
(normal) high speed of operation is another thing, entirely. This
should show everyone (in picture format) where we have been, as well
as where we are now headed in our research. Many people just love

to "talk" about ideas with the Tesla Turbine and Pumo - we've (ITP)
talked, designed, scratched our heads, tested and retested, BUILT
the units, taken them appart and rebuilt them.

Hope everyone had some very happy holidays. 2003 looks as if it will
be ITP's year. I will send a post when the pictures have been
uploaded to the site.


he also has some pics here.

Turbocharged2 01-14-03 03:36 PM

Keep this in the for front so he can find it and post when he needs to

Taipan 01-14-03 09:29 PM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool: That's great that Frank is talking about the project, now to get to the completion part. Frank is right, a picture is worth a thousand words words.:D. The work displayed so far looks rough, quite frankly, no pun intended,:) so I look forward to the imminent demonstration promised last summer, along with the availability.


chrispapas 01-14-03 11:43 PM

Im in for one frank . Thanks for the intrest good luck !

pianoprodigy 01-17-03 10:28 PM

Keep the dream alive....

mintrx7 01-19-03 12:19 AM

bump again...

kristopher_d 01-19-03 11:16 AM

Well, I've waited long enough. It's time to figure out how to build my own.

Taipan 02-21-03 12:45 AM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool: Whoa, what happened to Frank? He really needs to post and either 'fess up, or bring the group up to date. Frank, are you out there? Are you listening? Are you wanting to acknowledge where you are, on multilple levels? Frank, we want you to be what you claimed, but it is difficult to believe when there is no communication.:D Give it some thought, let us know what you are doing, maybe we can help.

Good luck Frank:cool:

Phu5ion 02-21-03 11:47 AM

I was just wondering what happened to this thread.

He might still be having trouble getting funding. :(

fcfdfan 02-23-03 08:31 PM

I'll bet my left nut we never hear from him again.

Taipan 02-23-03 09:10 PM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool: Would that be the one you would have used to tighten up the SuperCharger mount? Unfortunately, for the group, I have to agree with you. As soon as there were no pre-order checks forthcoming the story switched from, I'm testing this baby live on my own car to, "I've got a million dollars invested in R&D and I need another million to get working protypes ready to test and deliver". And we thought the Hustle went out with disco. Surprise!! :confused:

I wish I were wrong, and, I invite Frank to prove me so. I want to eat my words and thoughts, but, my intuition tells me otherwise. Bummer, I love SuperChargers, and I would still be a buyer if it arrived tomorrow or sometime in the future, tomorrow. :D Frank, this is your credibility we are talking about. Don't treat it like an easy come, easy go auction:eek: Going, Going ...:cool:



Blitz0309 02-24-03 01:56 PM

Nothing has happened in here for a good few weeks has it?

yearrgh 02-24-03 02:55 PM

One of the major problems with this whole idea is that he keeps going on and on about efficiency. efficiency is the opposite of performance. my rex gets about 14 miles per gallon. a prius gets 3 or 4 times that. it's much more efficient, but not nearly as powerful. or fun.

Taipan 02-25-03 12:23 AM

Tesla bladeless disk type Supercharger
:cool: Efficiency is good, if it is coupled with performance, which is exactly why the SuperCharger in and of itself was and is such a great idea. That is precisely why we all jumped on the idea of a reasonably priced SuperCharger for our cars. Frank became an instant cause celeb. However, Frank may find himself more infamous than famous at the rate he is ...going;)

Frank appears to have been little more than a charlatan, prancing around like the King and his new clothes, nakedly presenting himself as the disciple of Tesla, about to right the injustices of the unbelievers by showing the world how simplistically applicable the concepts and designs are to the enlightened. Cool, Frank, way too cool...:cool: It's difficult to support someone who refuses to respond or honestly state their real objectives. You came to this group claiming to be an enthusiast, offering "at cost" Superchargers to the list. Any pre-orders? Then you suddenly need money to develop the working prototype. Anyone care to help out a brother with a donation. Then, you blast out a tirade about how easy it is to sit back and critique while you are "investing millions", but you don't really need the money, you say, and you postulate the position that why should you put out all the money yourself, comments about venture capital, and when no money miraculously appears, POOF!! Frank's....Gone. What was my earlier allusion to an auction? going...going.... :cool:

Blitz0309 02-25-03 12:38 AM

Now that you mention it.... that seems to be the case.

I was hoping for a cost effective way to give my 85 gsl a little kick, but it looks like this thread died a while ago.

Oh well, onto the search for the SE.

skyypilot 04-10-03 09:04 PM

Send me an email when the first kits are ready. I will buy one if it is less than $400.



fcfdfan 04-15-03 08:42 PM


Originally posted by skyypilot
Send me an email when the first kits are ready. I will buy one if it is less than $400.



I got yer Tesla Supercharger Kit right here for...$300. Yeah. That's it. Send me $300 cash...and I'll send you the kit. Yeah...That's the ticket!

CrackHeadMel 04-15-03 09:57 PM

how bout 3 easy payments of 29.95

projekt 04-15-03 09:58 PM

so is it decided that this doesnt' exist?

mwatson184 04-15-03 11:00 PM

About a week ago I read this entire post (all 16 pages) and I am extremely dissapointed that nothing ever happened with this. Maybe i'll try making it myself, can't be that hard.

OC_ 04-16-03 01:21 AM

i think this technology would be better applied to a turbo.

but i dont think we will be seeing anything anytime soon.

j200pruf 04-16-03 02:34 AM

Has anyone gone to franks site and emailed him directly?

Phu5ion 04-16-03 11:15 AM

I've been periodically checking his yahoo group and he's still working, but i don't think it's on RX-7 supercharger project. If he's still having trouble getting funds for his research then the it could be a while.

If he gets a contract for an industry purpose then we could see the RX-7 project ramping up again after that because of the revenue he would have generated.

But like others have said, don't expect anything soon.

skyypilot 04-16-03 08:55 PM


Originally posted by fcfdfan
I got yer Tesla Supercharger Kit right here for...$300. Yeah. That's it. Send me $300 cash...and I'll send you the kit. Yeah...That's the ticket!

I know this is a stretch for you, but try not to be such a dick. You are so brave on here, hiding behind your anonymity, so brave indeed. I am sure you are a scrawny, pimple-faced, friendless geek, and with your attitude you are sure to remain friendless.

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