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MaxDuo 02-20-04 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Nick86
It's not like a vaccuum!:D

Ahhh, I was assuming that whenever you opened it it had maybe a small handful or so, not one or two, hehe.

Small woodland creatures? Perhaps someday you could have a groundhog end up in the car... And then he could drive just like in the movie "Groundhog Day"! Heh heh...

Very cool though.... After I get my FC, I'll look into some cool way of making a custom cool air intake ;) Maybe something similar... Maybe not... I dunno, my mind changes many times heh heh.

Big D drifter 02-20-04 10:38 PM

Lookin' good! Much better that the stock tubes cut with panty hose as the filter :P

shiftnmadkwik 02-21-04 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Nick86
I had to resort to a chemical solvant and a lot of scraping!
yeah i cleaned off one of my strut towers using laquer thinner, but it was taking off some of the metallic... my mechanic said try using undiluted simple green but i have yet to try it.

totallimmortal 03-19-04 01:57 PM

Any word on the AFM upside down being bad? I put mine on like that once and got a really messed up idle, turned it bad over and idle went back to rock solid. Hows yours working like that?

Parastie 03-19-04 02:19 PM

Okay, how come everyone has a metal AFM and mine is plastic? Should i try to find one of the metal ones?

sirx7 03-19-04 03:21 PM

the s5 series have round style afm not the crappy s4 type box.....s4 typ has to always be mounted right side up from what i have been told casue of the way the door opens and closes..

the s5 type has only one hinge and can not be mousted sideways..either it willbe open all the time or close prematurely..due to garvity on the door..but up side down does n't make a difference

Parastie 03-19-04 07:13 PM

Umm...mine doesn't have a hinge. It has a round cone that's floating on a spring in the center (from what i can see) it wouldn't matter how it's mounted.

Nick86 03-19-04 08:59 PM

Originally posted by totallimmortal
Any word on the AFM upside down being bad? I put mine on like that once and got a really messed up idle, turned it bad over and idle went back to rock solid. Hows yours working like that?

From the research I did before - and now from experience, having the AFM upside down has no ill-effects. Putting the AFM on it's side however is a No-No. The flapper door works identically upside down or right side up, but when it is on it's side, gravity will effect it's performance.

Peruvianrx7 04-11-04 08:31 AM


Kenteth 04-11-04 09:53 AM

grave diggers...

TwEaK 04-11-04 10:12 AM

yea i would like to see the pics also or email them to me please luis_aps727@hotmail.com


YearsOfDecay 04-11-04 10:22 AM

I must have soap poisoning cause:
i can't see shit

Nick86 04-13-04 07:41 AM

Pics work fine gentlemen!

But they do not appear in my first post!

I was unable to host them so SureShot hosted them for me. Scroll down to about the 10th post on the first page, and the pics and write up will be there - under SureShot's name.

Nick86 05-03-04 09:58 AM


Ok, I have recieved a number of PM's about my box ( :eek: ) and a number of people can't see the pics any more. For those of you who don't want to wait, I'll post the writeup again. The pictures in this post will probably only be able to be seen for a few weeks, but SureShots was nice enough to host them for me the first time, and his server will be back up and running by the time these pics will no longer be viewable.


Please read the entire thread before asking a question! Many questions were answered in the text already. (C'mon, it's only 3 pages long!) Any new questions and comments are welcomed however!

Well, this was a project that I've been half-heartedly working on while my car was in storage. Once it came out - I got to work. I wanted to have a true cold air system, so I came up with a way to draw cold air in from in front of the wheel - while still retaining my windshield washer system (more on that in a bit).

First thing was to remove the washer bottle, and cut a 3.5" hole in the metal under the stock air box. In that hole I put a 3" - 4" ID PVC reducer, and siliconed it in place:


I then put a 45 degree bend on the other side, and extended the tube down beside the brake ducting. Here's a shot from the wheel well. You can see where the washer used to be (I'll explain in a bit).


Now, to the engine bay. Using cardboard as a template, I constructed a box out of aluminium, and welded it all up. Once it was secured to the car I was able to properly cut out the AFM hole, as well as the inlet for the new cold air ducting. Once the AFM adapter was fitted with the K&N, it all lined up very nicely. Take a look:




Here you can see down the tubing and actually see daylight at the end!


In this pic the filter isn't actually where it is supposed to be - it's sticking up a bit more than it should. I will be putting some foam rubber on the hood to completely seal the box.


Now, for the washer situation. I didn't want a ghetto install of the washer bottle, so I did some creative wiring. Because the car is a GXL, it came with headlight washers - and the reservoir was on the drivers side. Now, since I've used them a grand total of 3 times in 5 years, I decided that I could do without them. I rewired the pump (you can see the old connector in the second pic - the green wires are the new ones) so that the reservoir that used to be for the headlight washers now does the windshield. The only visual difference is that the washer tubes now go up the drivers side of the car instead of the passenger's side.

So in all, I have a new cold air intake, and all I had to give up was my seldom used headlight washers - I think I made the right choice.:) I hope you guys like it!

eViLRotor 05-03-04 10:21 AM


Nick86 05-03-04 10:30 AM

Originally posted by eViLRotor
Smart Ass;)

greenchili 05-03-04 12:54 PM

Looks Nice!

JKM 05-03-04 01:01 PM

I want that :p

I just got my cone filter (as in..UPS dropped it by 5 min ago) and plan on making a ghetto air box for it tomorrow. One of these days I'll get someone to make a good one for me so I don't get laughed at when I pop open my hood :D

SirCygnus 05-03-04 03:24 PM

so dont pop it.

gentlejax2 05-10-04 07:15 AM

Good job! I made Plexiglass heat shield boxe set-up for T-Birds when I had mine. I still have a ton of them made up for the T-Bird but I am going to modify them for the RX soon after I finish getting the protoype done. Then I think I will try out your PVC set up.
It doesnt look like the water will be a problem due to the angle. I had way less of an angle on my Tbird but I also avoided water.

I wouldnt suggest anyone put their filter under the fender cause it can get water and screw up the motor.

I was going to due this anyhow and now I have a idea thanks to you. Looks like it will draw plenty of air.

When I had my Bird I alway found stuff in the "box". found a corndog stick in it once and I had not eaten any corndogs.


rxcyprus7 05-11-04 03:25 PM


The Spyder 05-11-04 03:55 PM

Thats the stock MAF correct?
Does k&n sell the adapter to connect it or what??

Nick86 05-11-04 06:26 PM

Originally posted by The Spyder
Thats the stock MAF correct?
Does k&n sell the adapter to connect it or what??

Yup, stock S4 AFM. It's just mounted upside down. You can get the adaptors from ebay for about $10, but the consensus is that they are pretty poor flowing.

The one I got was HKS. I got it from Rx7store.net for $20, and it's a nice piece.


chumma7 05-27-04 11:56 PM

this is an old post/project, but i was wondering if anybody has the pics of it?... doesnt look like they are still being hosted.
thanks in advance

chumma7 05-27-04 11:57 PM

doh nm. i refreshed and noticed they finally came up on the third page =D

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