FC wings and spoilers...
this whole down-force thing reminds me of something.
The back of the car, after the glass, but before the spoiler even, is a high pressure zone.
dunno why i bothered with saying that....im sure most knew it.
The back of the car, after the glass, but before the spoiler even, is a high pressure zone.
dunno why i bothered with saying that....im sure most knew it.
http://www.knightsports.co.jp/catalo...FC3S-R-002.jpg in my opinion the knighsports wing is the best...just costs a grand though
http://www.knightsports.co.jp/catalo...type-I-001.jpg another nice wing by knightsports
or the re-amemiya fc2000 gt wing http://store2.yimg.com/I/rotorworks_1756_10036575
Mazdatrix carries a Racing Beat wing (see attached pic) that in my opinion is the best union between an upgraded look from stock, but still stock looking. I don't think Racing Beat makes it anymore (not sure why), but it looks like Mazdatrix has some stock left over.
or the re-amemiya GT2 wing http://www.rotaryextreme.com/reamemiya/regtwingfc.jpg
this mazdatrix wing doesn't look bad http://www.mazdatrix.com/pictures/kfg/2wingsqr.jpg
sankou wing http://www.sankouauto.com/gtwing/img/04.jpg
the knight sport wing is pure rice with a price thats insain. all thies wings are rice but the mazda trix one thats just a bigger stock one.
the re gt2 wing is laughable, we dont need that kinda downforce on thies cars make some wings that use the current flows.
the re gt2 wing is laughable, we dont need that kinda downforce on thies cars make some wings that use the current flows.
For one thing, the car looks damn good without a wing. That being said, the best wing is the sport wing (which I have and will install someday). The only other one id put on my car, is the 2 pedastool one shown above.