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sunburn 11-15-08 07:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by helghast7 (Post 8723733)
lmfao!!! that makes it even funnier!!!! holy crap, i would have been sooooo pissed

what was really funny was the look on the face of the assclown in a mustang after I killed him :lol: I miss that car :icon_no2:


Spectator 12-13-08 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by sunburn (Post 8723394)
I had just done a custom turbo on my 91 prelude then after a few test drives, tuning and checking everything out it was time for a WOT run to see this bitch had!

forgot to latch the hood... flew off at about 110mph and must have went 100ft in the air... landed on the HWY then was instantly ran over by an 18 wheeler, the timing was amazing. I drove home with no hood :wallbash:

Samething happenned to me...only it was my gf's 91 rusted Tercel and the latch broke while on the HWY. The hood never flew away, it snapped open and became one with the roof and windsheild...leaving me with no vision of the road at 120km/h on the far left lane...Good times. I pissed myself.


epic 12-13-08 08:43 PM

wow some good things here. now on to mine. well i was changing the oil in my fc n/a. so after like 20mins i got hungry. so i go inside and make a few pb&j sandwiches. now i eat two of while waiting for the oil to drain. i put the 3rd on top of the engine and go under the car to make sure it was done draining. now i refilled the oil and changed the oil filter and closed the hood (i wanted to drive so bad) i start the car and drive for like 20mins..next thing i know..im like whats that smell??? smells sweet...(DUH!!!) i open the hood and saw my sandwich allover the engine. but a good part of it was still good. ate it and drove to the closest car wash i could find to clean the engine.

helghast7 12-13-08 09:15 PM

lmao!!! wow man...thats crazy

ArtOfRuin 12-13-08 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by epic (Post 8797757)
wow some good things here. now on to mine. well i was changing the oil in my fc n/a. so after like 20mins i got hungry. so i go inside and make a few pb&j sandwiches. now i eat two of while waiting for the oil to drain. i put the 3rd on top of the engine and go under the car to make sure it was done draining. now i refilled the oil and changed the oil filter and closed the hood (i wanted to drive so bad) i start the car and drive for like 20mins..next thing i know..im like whats that smell??? smells sweet...(DUH!!!) i open the hood and saw my sandwich allover the engine. but a good part of it was still good. ate it and drove to the closest car wash i could find to clean the engine.

[Homer Simpson]Mmmmm... grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich... :drool: [/Homer]

Speaking of food-related stories: A few nights ago, I was very hungry and didn't have much to eat at the house. It was close to midnight, so none of the supermarkets were open. I decided to go get some fast food and took my RX-7 for a spin instead of my Subaru. When I got my meal, I found out they ran out of normal sized cups, so they gave me the bladder-buster size instead, filled to the brim with Coke. As I pulled out, I realized I forgot to ask them for a cup holder! And the FC has none! And it's a mile to my house on some steep hills!

I opened the glove box, put the cup in that shallow excuse for a cup holder, and drove home very, very carefully, only taking my hand from the cup to shift. I felt like a limo driver in training. I was sweating bullets, and it got tense on the steeper hills and tighter corners, but I made it home, not a drop spilled. Until I pulled into the driveway, that is. SPLASH! All over my passenger seat and carpet. At first I was doing one of these :wallbash: onto my steering wheel, but the way it was turned had me hitting the horn button! I grabbed some paper towels I had in the car and sopped up most of the mess. The seat didn't stain, but the carpet was blacker than before (I need an interior detailing...). And worst of all, my food got cold.

epic 12-14-08 02:31 AM

lol!!! i know the feeling. but i will say that sandwich is good!

danegerous 12-24-08 12:49 PM

I tried to use an NA throttle cable just for a test run on my fresh turbo swap...like 2 streets away from my house the cable comes off. I ended up sitting on the bottom right of the windshield bracing my self against the strut tower to operate the throttle by hand while a friend clutched and guided us home. Thank god we didn't have a hood on. Some of the look on the peoples faces we passed were priceless too

RealityX7 12-24-08 01:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
stupid is an understatement...

Bought my second fc off a guy across the country. I was a pretty big newb at the time and didn't know nearly as much as I know now about rotaries. Little did I know, he had removed the OMP (I didn't really know it existed, let alone its function at the time.) Well, I drive for about 6 months until I learn about the OMP and what it does. I check the motor just to see what its all about, and its not there?

Well built motor, it just didn't belong in my hands at the time. streetoprted, fmic, haltech, the whole nine yards. Well damn, I've been running this badass motor with no lubrication in there for awhile, lets check compression. ~80 across the board :(. Quite a noticable loss of power from when I got it to this point. So I started premixing after that, and it ran well for another year and a half or so... until I had to pull it apart and find the piece of apex seal that was lodged in the rotor.

Scott, if you're out there, I'm sorry :lol:

Luckily, this car will never have to worry about any of those problems again.

w00t 12-24-08 03:35 PM

Forgot the T2 harness in my car is low impedance. I pulled my old harness and put my T2 one in to use and I realized it when I was trying to figure out why my injector clips were different, hahaha. That was a waste of time.

need RX7 12-24-08 03:39 PM

I didn't notice the screwdriver on top of one of the rear speakers, when I shut the hatch it demolished the cover. :dunce:

sunburn 12-26-08 06:21 AM

Slammed my hood on my cell phone a few weeks back...:icon_no2:

jamest16748500 12-26-08 07:24 PM

while doing a tune up i decided to take m 6 port actuators off and clean and paint them, got in my car the next morning warmed it up and started to drive. god my car seems slow, and where is the 5k torque???? oh ya i left them at home. yes i'm a little complacent.:wallbash:

revox7 12-26-08 08:50 PM

funny stuff guys heres my story

i was at work one time( I USED TO WORK AT A CAR SHOP) flushing out my cooling system, well i needed to use the rest room so i asked a friend to pour the coolant in, big mstake, i get out the RR and see that the hood is closed and he gives me an all done nod, i dont check it cuz hes pretty reliable, another big mistake, so im driving home from work and about 15 min. later i start seeing smoke behind me i figure its just the coolant that had spilled onto the manifold..... i keep going about 2 mies when i start seeing my temp needle going skyward.. i look back again and the smoke had turned black and the closest exit was still 2 miles away.. i get off the freeway and find the first gas station.. i pop the hood and my engine bay is on FIRE Fuck i grab the water hose and put that shit out it turned out that my buddy forgot to put the radiator cap back on luckily it didnt damage too much just some hoses that were slightly burned.... after that ive never trusted NE ONE with my RX7s

Pinfield357 12-27-08 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by revox7 (Post 8827449)
funny stuff guys heres my story

i pop the hood and my engine bay is on FIRE Fuck i grab the water hose and put that shit out it turned out that my buddy forgot to put the radiator cap back on luckily it didnt damage too much just some hoses that were slightly burned.... after that ive never trusted NE ONE with my RX7s

How did the leaking coolant catch fire?

13bRotaryBori 12-27-08 10:42 PM

i swapping my open to a GTUs diff and i was putting the rear ball joint back (next to the gas line) and lol i accidently pushed my prying bar a little to hard and cracked my gas line, gas was leaking everywhere but we ended up fixing it the next morning with some fuel injection hoses and hylomar.. came out great!! lol

rx-7 obsessed 12-28-08 01:41 AM

me and my dad oicked up our turbo motor from a guy we knew brand new with 36k on it. we spent 2 weeks replacing all the gaskets, upper, lower , everything. guess who dropped a bolt down the lower intake just before we where getting ready to start it :)

moral of the story always make sure u have a magnet tapped to a piece of copper wire(think) with u guessed it ducktape

boog 12-28-08 11:40 PM

I was changing the oil in my fb when i was 17 with a friend of mine on a lazy sunday afternoon. I use to poke holes in the oil filter to make sure it drained out down through to the drain bucket instead of ending up all in my dad's garbage can. I did the entire oil change except for replacing the old oil filter and i started her up to cycle the new oil through the motor....I ended up with three geysers of oil about two to three foot tall splashing all over my windshield and engine bay...haha, the oil change took twice as long as normal due to clean up ; )

KompressorLOgic 12-29-08 04:48 PM

so back in my ricer phase, i turned the ashtray into a secret switch panel, u flip it up and it had 5 iluminated switches, for interior neons, under glow, fog lamps and ect....

After much work putting this together, i even created a " quick disconect plug" i hook it up and 1 ground wire waas backwards it proceded to melt very fast, and even unpluging it fast, it still melted the insulation and melted through wires next to it also, esentially runing half the wiring!

So after fixing it CORRECTLY, i drop the damn thing, and it breaks the ashtray flip up cover in 2!!! SOB. So i get a new cover, and it all works gravy... but boy was it a pain!!

KompressorLOgic 12-29-08 04:52 PM

heres another one I replaced a faulty injector in a na my dad was driving around with a " new " used one, with old orings, and the orings apeared fine, I start car up, smell all around no leaks, my dad drives it for 2 days, it runs great, then has a fuel fire!! SOB, not sure if it was a conincident PD failure, or those old injector orings. Either way i was kicking my self!

1987RX7guy 12-29-08 04:52 PM

I think it was your FC conspiring against your self proclaimed 'ricer phase' lol

lonetlan 02-05-09 11:07 PM

bringing this back...

I was working on my 7 today. I left my phone on top of the car. I decided to go get gas, and forgot my phone was still on top of my car! I was going down the road and hear BING! BANG! BANG! I look in my rear view mirror, and see my phone go into the ditch! I made a dumb decision to get gas instead of immediately stopping and beginning my search.:( I've been looking for it for 6 hours. I'll look again tomorrow.

OutCold 02-06-09 12:51 AM

Struggling too get the rear calipers off for bout one hour/ hour and a half until i realize the handbrake is on.

herrafass 02-06-09 05:18 PM

Thank heaven this was NOT my fc. Had a buddy come over to help me with oil/coolant change. So we drain everything, go pick up a 12 pack, oil and coolant. Go home and proceed to drink 12 pack, then add coolant....into the oil spout. 17 years old + beer + camaro= epic fail.
Now I'm older, I make much more educated mistakes. Lol.

KompressorLOgic 02-06-09 06:48 PM

lol im getting into this thread too much...

This one isnt really me doing something dumb for say..... but it made me want to kick my self in the head.

SO couple weeks back i deside to check my coolent for the hell of it cars hot. i pop hood, and steam is coming from the driver side top of radiator! DOH radatior has sprung a leak! where the plastic end tank conects tot he metal core.

So i pull out that radiator, i grab a "used" one off the shelf i got from a parts car a while ago.
i install it fill it with coolent and ...

so i installed a 3rd radiator, from an s5, and it works flawlessly, but its odd having 2 radiator caps, one on radiator, one on filler neck....

JerryLH3 02-07-09 04:18 PM

I had to replace my leaky oil cooler lines. So I ordered a set of SS lines and replaced them. I start the car up with the intention of checking for leaks once it is started. I start the car, take a quick peak underneath, and no oil. I bring the revs up to about 2500 RPM and hear a loud bang.

I instantly realized the problem.

When I put everything back together I had only put on two of the nuts that hold the fan to the waterpump before the phone rang (only hand tight at that). When I revved the engine, all four studs on the waterpump sheered off and the fan almost flung itself outside of the engine bay.

I went to the junkyard the next day to buy a Fiero fan before I eventually replaced it with a nice Perma-Cool setup.

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