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dean23 08-09-07 09:58 PM

one more.... attempting to fit my hood in the back of my car because my e-fan died on me and i was about 50 miles from home... it did keep it from over-heating though.. stayed right at 88C. its a good thing the local McDonalds had a 10mm wrench.. haaha

dial8 08-09-07 10:00 PM

I decided to change the plugs after getting an oil change on my first seven. I had never touched a single bolt on any of my cars before, but I had the trusty Haynes manual by my side. Slapped four in, started it up and took it around the block. I was expecting it to have a noticable increase in something, power, response, ???. I didn't know, but instead it felt slower. I pulled back into my driveway and popped the hood, leaving the car running. "Thats the problem," I think, eye balling a trailing spark plug wire I didn't plug in. I reached down to plug it in, completely ignorant that I left the car running, and proceded to sail backwards through the air a few feet. Its something I'll never forget. Kind of like putting in a new battery in the same car and connecting the POS terminal to the NEG and vice versa... Kids:rolleyes:

10AEturboII 08-09-07 10:10 PM

When my motor shit the bed, I swapped in a jspec and forget to put the pin in for the rod for the oil injection. I meant to get one the morning after the swap but I forgot. So a couple of days later when that motor died, I realized that a 10 cent cotter pin cost me 1000$

Now I premix, LOL

FC Zach 08-09-07 10:16 PM

Stupid choke!!!!
Last summer i went to the drag strip to see what my car would do, I have a mildly modded 13B with the Holly 650. Well after a few practice runs i decided to bring the car in and check everything and let it cool down. I took the breather off the carburator and checked it. Well i guess in the process of puttung it back on I accidentally engauged the choke. After starting it and allowing it to warm back up again it suddenly started sputtering and then eventually cut off. Now I keep extra sparkplugs with me at all times, so I changed them. Still didnt work, so i changed them again, and again. On my last set it still didnt work and no i still didnt realize my choke was on. Two hours later i finally realized what i did and wanted to kick myself. I thought i had blown it up!! I will never hear the last of that.

WrEcK-LeSs 08-09-07 11:03 PM

Trans Fluid
Finished doing a full tune up on a truck. You know belts, hoses, fluids, etc. We finish the tranny fluid change and button everything back up. The truck was on ramps, the kind you just place and drive right up onto. Did I mention I use a big 10 or 15 gallon storage bin for doing fluid changes and empty it only once every 2 months or so? WEll...My friend decided its time to back this truck off the ramps and you just hear the crazy crunching sound and a wave of oil, tranny fluid, coolant, and brake fluid goes fuckin everywhere! I'm talking 360 degrees of tidal waving ooze all over the middle of my backyard. Lucky we wernt in the garage.

wiL87 08-09-07 11:31 PM

Passed Smog
So I got my rx7 that was DAMAGED for free. It sat for many many years and I took it off my uncle's friend's hands. I picked up a new hood and installed that sucker and damn did it look nice. Because the front was a little bent up the hood latch didn't lock in the hood, so the hood is sitting on top of the latch. My friend and I go to smog the car to see if it's worth fixing and to our surprise it PASSED. I've never felt the power of the rx7 everyone was talking about, I thought that damn hood was heavy as hell so I decided to push it a little in 3rd. note that this gas station is only about 6 blocks from my house and I'm 2 blocks away from home. The hood flys up onto my windshield and me and my friend are scared to shit. Get out of the car and push the hood back down and slowly drive the rest of the way home. $40 wasted on a damn steel hood =(. then I picked up another one for $40. =D

lesson - even though the steel hood is heavy, it will still fly up -_-

svs 08-10-07 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by 10AEturboII (Post 7221484)
When my motor shit the bed, I swapped in a jspec and forget to put the pin in for the rod for the oil injection. I meant to get one the morning after the swap but I forgot. So a couple of days later when that motor died, I realized that a 10 cent cotter pin cost me 1000$

Now I premix, LOL

Thanks. You just reminded me check mine.

helghast7 08-10-07 01:11 AM

my car is "saphire blue" aka "ive been in the sun to freaking long, kill me" so its raining so i have my lights on(disclaimer, if you forgot rx7s have rear side markers) and i stop because there was a red light.

now im behind a bunch of cars and because of it, im sticking my butt out in another intersection by only about 6 inches so im waiting for the light, when suddenly i see this white car is turning so im like...ok this person is gona take a nice wide turn around me because as you all know i am easy to see becasue of RED side markers on a BLUE car.

next thing i know i hear a bang and huge grinding noise......dumb bitch took the turn sharp anyway and ran into the back of my car...the noise is so loud im like...fuck i just lost my whole bumper!!!! so i get out of the car and curse like crazy......then this piece of garbage honks at me because im in the way so i get back in do a wet burnout to the side of the road and call the cops.....moral of the story.....people cant tell the diference between red and blue

helghast7 08-10-07 01:16 AM

oh yea heres to show you how dumb insurrance companies are:
this is from the same accident....

i go to my body shop buddy and get an estemate for the damage which was like 400 because i always get a discount....so i take it to her insurance company and they said to get it check out by there quoting person(warning!!! major dumbass mistake) so i go to the guy and he looks at the car..then looks at the quote....he looks at me smiles and says the greatest thing i have ever heard: "i did a rebuild on an rx7 once for a guy....these things are amazing"

next thing i know he quotes me for 650 and im on my merry way with 200 extra bucks in my pocket.....

just goes to show you how insurrances companies try to screw you so hard they end up fucking themselves

Syncro 08-10-07 01:45 AM

I did some engine bay work and forgot to secure the POSI battery cable. It got caught in the PS pump and got chewed through. This happened on a Friday night. My GF and I were going to drive to Tampa (Bush Gardens) first thing Saturday Morning. 4 hour drive - one way.

Asked a friend to meet me at my place at 8am sharp to help me replace it. Drove to Adv. Auto Parts and bought a generic replacement. Swapped it (from Bat. to Starter) and he left to go back to bed. I left to go pick up my GF at 9:15 and before heading out we head back to my place 'cause I forgot something needed for the long weekend trip. Pulling into my house the car shudders and dies.

We forgot to tie down the new cable - exact same thing happened.

We drove to Tampa with her car.

texFCturboII 08-10-07 01:48 AM

Ha! Nice! When I got hit and ran it messed up the front end pretty badly. It should have been totaled for sure! The insurance guy came out to quote it and like an angel he says "I used to have an FD. I always wanted an FC though. I'm going to do everything I can to keep this in one piece!" Gotta love Rotorheads!!!

Spectator 08-10-07 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by Syncro (Post 7222045)
I did some engine bay work and forgot to secure the POSI battery cable. It got caught in the PS pump and got chewed through. This happened on a Friday night. My GF and I were going to drive to Tampa (Bush Gardens) first thing Saturday Morning. 4 hour drive - one way.

Asked a friend to meet me at my place at 8am sharp to help me replace it. Drove to Adv. Auto Parts and bought a generic replacement. Swapped it (from Bat. to Starter) and he left to go back to bed. I left to go pick up my GF at 9:15 and before heading out we head back to my place 'cause I forgot something needed for the long weekend trip. Pulling into my house the car shudders and dies.

We forgot to tie down the new cable - exact same thing happened.

We drove to Tampa with her car.

HAHAHAHA! Your gf must have been so poud of you. :)

SureShot 08-10-07 09:38 AM

Lessons learned the hard way:
Always pull the ground off the battery. (zap - pow)
Use a magnetic bolt trays. (spent more time finding the bolts than doing actual repairs)
Always double check the primary ground to the starter. (smoked the firewall ground)

This one I screwed up on twice:
Always double check the jack contact spot on the front crossmember. (One drop on the radiator, one on the pan.)

Spectator 08-10-07 11:26 AM

Better yet, do not use the cross member to jack the car, buy a second one. :)

lnlycrpr 08-10-07 11:34 AM

I was sooooooo damn stoked when i bought my FC, b/c it was just repaintd and was immaculate!!! i wanted to check if it had lsd or not. so i jacked up the rear end of my car to take a look.... what i "thought" was the rear jack up point was in fact the spare tire storage... needless to say it caved in while i was under the car taking a look. thank god the spare tire was there.... pretty fuckin stupid!!!! so now i'm missing that little V that everyone has on the rear of their FC. hahaha i'm an IDIOT!!!

V8slayer 08-10-07 11:56 AM

tii swap in wisconsin outside in winter......, mistake in its own

stylEmon 08-10-07 02:43 PM

On my first 7, I had my stereo hooked up for about a year, but did some work on my car and had to re-install my power-cable fuse for the amp.

I had it coming through the rubber boot for the brake pedal, and up around the steering wheel shaft.

Apperently I didn't tighten the battery-side of the fuse holder and the wire wiggled loose. It was leaning against the accelorator cable and burned right through the cable while i was drving!

I remember smelling burning electronics (you know the smell) and started to slow down... After a second, I tried to step on the gas and the pedal when right to the floor with NO response. I immedietly turned the car off, jumped out and then began to slowly inspect the car. Once I found the fuse housing and cable, I started laughing at my self. I took the car to Alamo Rotary, and they got a good laugh at my expense.

I was able to drive the car home (standard trans) withOUT the gas pedal and actually got up to 3rd gear... try it some time.

cpubugs 08-11-07 02:00 AM

Originally Posted by demontwig (Post 7221159)
Not going into detail here cause it's off topic, but that's usually a bad idea.

I live in Florida, My car appreciated it.. You couldn't convince me of it other wise...I have had too many after markets fail me and cause bigger issues.. Full flow is better than stopped up

Copeland 08-22-07 08:42 PM

Changed my fuel filter on my FD in 15F with 30MPH wind. I was a ice block after I finished 3 and a half hours later.

BTW: This has got to be the greatest thread ever.

Spectator 08-23-07 09:30 AM

Ummm, what were you doing changing the filkter in winter? :lol:

SpeedOfLife 08-23-07 09:44 AM

Just this week I was polishing up my fuel pump and mount in the hopes that my low gas light sensor would be fixed in the process. Nope, and I ended up breaking off half the in-tank bolt that supplies power to the pump. CRAP. There was enough to secure the nut back on, but without lock washers and such so I really should fix that soon or else I could have a time bomb behind me...

SpeedOfLife 08-23-07 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by psychotic7 (Post 7221387)
Man this thread reminded me of a few years back, i had a 88 GXL i sold to this guy for $2000.....he couldnt drive a stick if his life depended on it. he was out racing one night and messed up on a shift. well he called me crying that he thinks he blew the engine, so i go to where the car was parked and the engine cranks right up but i hear a clanking noise and he showed me a piece of metal that he thought came out of the exhaust. he thought it was a piece of one of the rotors. i was like damn you messed this car up. well, i told him i would buy the car back for 300 he gladly signed the title back over to me. i went to the junk yard and got another drive shaft for $40 and drove it straight home.....now this is possibly the stupidest short term FC owner on the planet. how is a blown engine going to crank right up. oh well i was $1640 richer that had his baby back!!!

hey, this is the stupid choices thread, not the FTW thread :P

AeRx7Dallas 08-23-07 10:05 AM

Dunno if this counts...
Well I was swearing up a storm and pulling and tugging and kicking trying to get the banjo bolt off of my oil cooler line coming from the back of the block when...
*Poof* It magically comes loose... So I'm looking up at it and swearing and yelling at it not to ever f*#& with me again... (Yeah I swear at my cars, makes them cooperate more in my experience...) The bolt comes loose juuuuussst enought and oil drips right in my damned EYE! Lol which startles the piss outta me and for some reason in my head I thought I had room to sit up suddenly... WRONG!!! Damn near knocked myself out sitting up under that car.... Which has my buddy in a hysterical laughing fit... I do believe that was DUMB....

Spectator 08-23-07 10:24 AM

Yea, it counts. :lol:

4WDrift 08-23-07 10:36 AM

Not too many stupid FC stories but i have an AWD turbo 323 and i was going to installed some springs and then do an autox in maryland (bout 3 hours away) and then i am sitting at a stop light and the radio turns off... a light bulb turned on and i new it was the alt cause its happened before and i am a tech.

I decieded i could do it in the drive way no problem it just an alternator. so several hours of hurricane weather and a bottle of captain morgan i get the frozen bolts broken loose with limited tools and amount of space. start trying to pull the alt. out and find that it will not come out unless you jack the car up and pull the axle and sutb shaft or you pull half the IM and "carefully" bend some ac and ps lines and i dont know anyone who is careful after a bottle of the captain!

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