Racing beat strut brace and intake question..........
Racing beat strut brace and intake question..........
I got a question for ya guys about the racing beat intake system and racing beat strut brace. I already have a racing beat intake and holley carb on my car an i'm getting the racing beat strut brace that attaches to the strut towers and to the fire wall. After buying it I got to thinking, will the brace fit wth this intake system????? I thought it might look a bit close. Or am I gonna have to do some changing to the aircleaner assembly!!! Either way that brace is going on there. Also do you guys possibly have any pics of this setup together????? Thanks for all the help guys!!!
That what I was thinking........... It just looked from the pics like it would be close!! Heres another question, I never put a bigger fuel pump in the car after I put the racing beat intake system like they sugested and it doesn't seem to be a problem. No bogging or anything. Is this normal?????
Probably very little difference. The stock pump is up to the job, barely, if everything in the system is in good shape. But if the fuel filter is bit plugged, or the pump is older and weaker, or things like that, then it does not deliver quite enough fuel at WOT and high speed.