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MRGSL-SE 08-23-04 04:08 PM

check out ebay they got cheap stuff 85MarkRx7..

my name's MARQUES (pronounced like MARCUS).. my 85 GSL-SE was given to me about 2 years ago by my brother's marine buddy before he was re-assigned to forth worth texas. It's around that time too when I joined this forum... 1st person I really talked to in this forum was LONG DUCK.. he really helped out with some problems I had back then... I'm about to put a car cover on GSL-SE when I buy a YAMAHA R6, so I can finally work on it without driving my SE. Right now the SE needs things like a new ball joint and the whole bushing kit.. but I'm 20 yrs old full time student and work for COUNTRYWIDE part time. My GSL-SE is my 1st car with my name on the title. I've seen BERN'S car and its bad ass, I've been to ROBERT'S shop (ROTARY SHACK) in chatsworth, CA and its also bad ass. TRI-POINT engineering is just a mile down from my house and its not as bad ass. anyways thanks for making this a sticky thread

OnlyOnThurs 08-28-04 01:38 PM

Hey everyone my name is Marcello (pronounced Marcello..hehe) and i own a 1982 Mazda Rx-7. I bought it this past april from a freind of the family for 1000 bucks...its in GREAT condition and has 87,000 miles on her. Its a stock GS (i think..I'm new to this rotary scene so im learning new stuff everyday!). This car is a BLAST to drive...im in love with her (my GF doesn't mind). I do have plans for her in the near future but i gotta take it one thing at a time (money is no that easy to come by)...I wish there were more of these cars around where i live here in San Antonio,TX but oh well at least i got this Forum....anyways PM me anytime you guys like for anything, Laters!

cpa7man 08-30-04 06:53 PM

Ok, I'm probably the old guy here. Anyway......My name is Paul. I got my first RX in 1979 then a gs. My 1st wife got it in the divorce. Then I got me a 1981 GSL. I did all my own work on the cars. Sold my 81 to get a mini van. My son Nik wanted a RX when he turned 18. We found him a 94 MB Touring. I got the fever back and got myself a 94 SS Touring. We been doing track days and stuff like that togeather. Since, I've gotten a 83 ITA car and last month I purchased an E-Prod 83 model.

I'm an accountant so not much time to work on the cars. I do my own maintenance on the first gen's. I try to let Gotham Racing do most of the time consuming stuff.

My current projects are to put new front end sheet metal on the ITA car. I have a donor car and a friend owes me a paint job. My other project is being partly done by Gotham Racing and myself. That project is putting a motor in the e-prod car and than I've got a lot of work to do to get it track ready. Were trying to decide if we should do a 13b conversion or stay with the 12a. Both can be streetported in e-prod.

I have to say, every dealing I've had buying parts from a 1st gen guy/gal has gone very smoothly. I can't say the same for the 3rd gen crew.

That's all fellow rotor heads. :)

Cussewago3@msn.com 08-30-04 08:20 PM

Ok, then I'm probably the old lady. I bought my '85 in June and have had a blast driving her this summer. Her debut is tomorrow, meaning that she's going to school to be shown off although she's a bit like me, a little worn around the edges. School teachers have a way of keeping the good things around a long time and that's what will happen to her. I bought her from a teacher(he bought himself a new Beamer) and have her scheduled for a new paint job this winter. She also needs a tune up and a new exhaust but I love her anyway

Pele 08-31-04 01:12 AM

Wow. This thread's old... Cant believe I missed it till it was stickied.

Welp. I guess I'll take a crack at this...

My real name's Theo. See my profile for my age. 22 as of this writing. I've been a tinkerer all my life. When I was 7, my parents bought me a toolkit including screwdrivers, pliers, and a soldering iron... I was dismantling shit when I shoulda been playing with GI Joes... Also my father is an electrical engineer... So I think it's safe to say my expertise is in electronics and electrical systems.

Being a tinkerer, I've always been drawn to car nuts. I'd listen to their conversations and absorb as much info as I could. Occasionally I'd hear of the strange Mazda engine with no cylinders... Weird... All the books I've read explained the piston engine and said every car has one...

One day, my senior year in high school, my mother called and said she had a graduation present for me. A car... A fairly well worn 1985 Mazda RX-7 GSL...

Cool... It's kinda sporty... It idles high. Maybe I gotta check it... Popped the hood and instantly fell in love. It's one of THEM! The weird Mazda no cylinder engine!

Eventually, I searched the internet and found you guys and fixed the problem. (Bad shutter valve, misadjusted carb. Someone compensated by tightening the throttle cable.)

I wrecked it the following year. :( She's still in project state because I've found other daily beaters...

Over time, I've had several occupations, including being an apprentice electrician, mechanic, and network technician... I'm always ready to solve a problem and am fairly decently experienced in general automotive mechanics...

I also do a good job of explaining things to people who don't understand, so I should be fairly good at editing write-ups.

DriftFB 09-01-04 01:41 AM

Hia my name is Derek and I live in Reno, as in Reno 911. Im 18 and I own a 1982 RX-7 GSL, and I love it. The speedometer only goes to 85mph though. Don't pay attention to my name I dont drift any more. I love the RX-7, all models, and I consider the FD the most pure sports car ever made. I also love this site, it has helped me grow from some one that was scared to work on my own car to someone that now cant put down a wrench. I even help my brother with his suckermobile Frontwheel drive CRX. Thats how excited I am about cars now. Alright, Excellent.

jays83gsl 09-01-04 02:23 AM

Time for me to put down mine, I guess :D

Hi, I'm JJ, and I'm a rotorholic. . . . .

I'm 19, and just bought my first RX 7 a few months ago. She's in crappy condition, but all she needs is a little TLC. Oh, and some armor if she doesn't start working, because someday I'm gonna wear shoes instead of flipflops out there, and start kickin her! No, I'm kidding, she's had enough of that.

Been addicted to sevens for quite some time, and the addiction rose when my friend in High School got a first gen from his grandpa. It led me on a two year search to find mine, the only one for sale in a two year, three city radius.

This is the first car I've ever actually physically worked on, and wouldn't have any other car as my first 'project.' Hell, I still don't even bother working on my truck to improve it, I'll save ALL my energy for my rex.

I live in Las Cruces, NM, where rotary cars seem to be all but extinct. Well, there's a ton of FC, but those don't count.

I've now babbled on long enough. Peace

yellow7 09-05-04 12:01 AM

Hey! Tony here from Oregon.

I've been a lurker for quite some time now, I finally decided to sign up. Anywho-

I have a yellow '79 RX-7, I bought it off of a Veterinarian one of my daughters used to work for. The car is in original condition, and I'm trying to keep it that way. I've had it for about four years now, I totally love it, and so does my other daughter [[who's 16]] and accompanies me to car shows. We call it the "pocket rocket" it's just something that has always stuck since I bought it. My daughter, [[being the teen of the house]] is intent on driving it someday. And that someday will be never :rlaugh: . I love this car, I've been told I'm a bit obsessed, buying books and magazines, anything I can get my hands on. I had to put in a new fuel pump [[after the OTHER new one died...but that's okay. Nothing wrong in that.]] I look forward to chatting it up with you all, learning a few things and swapping information.


Bad Mojo 09-05-04 01:23 PM

New guy reporting in!

My name is Chris. I live in Providence just outside of Denton, Texas.

I have a 1983 Limited Edition. It's in really bad shape. It was at some point stripped of its motor and tranny and left to rot in a back yard. I picked it up for only $50. The interior is completely trashed and the engine and transmission are gone. I happened to have a Chevy 350 engine and TH350 transmission at home that I am rebuilding and was looking for a donor car to put them into. :eek:
A friend told me about this car and I went and looked at it.
My heart broke. To see such a beautiful car just left there to rot... :(
Even though I'm a fan of domestic muscle cars I have always liked the styling of the RX-7 lineup. So instead of leaving this little beauty there I decided to take her home and try to give her a new life.
Here is what I am doing for this car:
DISASSEMBLY - My wife and I are doing a complete teardown of the car. When we are finished with the teardown it will literally be in pieces in our garage down to the last bolt.
REFURBISHING - Once the car is completely torn down we will be going over every part, piece by piece, and either reconditioning or replacing parts as needed.
RESTORATION - This car is getting everything! New glass, rubber, seals, carpet, dash, seats, gauges, paint, suspension, brake system, lines, fuel cell, I mean everything! This baby is going to be better than new when it's finished!

Some people may ask why we are even bothering. Some would say we are bastardizing this precious vehicle by putting a V8 in it instead of a rotory engine.
Here's why - We bought the car for $50 and we got the engine for free. It's what we have to work with.
Plus, as an added benefit, we're looking at some sweet power to weight ratios here! That equals some potential killer time slips!
And here's how I look at it - Which is better? Leave the car to rot away or save it however I can? I say save it! These are beautiful cars that need to be on the road regardless of what powerplant is under the hood.
Let's keep these babies running and out there for everyone to see and appreciate! :bigthumb:

TReX7 09-14-04 08:29 AM

Hey all, what's up...just the newbie in town....not new to RX though had three of them 79 (WONDERFUL piece of machinery!!), 83 (POS with potential) and my newest addition to the family....85 w/ 13b carb'd. I previously had a Mitsu Eclipse, and loved it, it was extremely fast and I built the whole thing by myself! Anyway, Last Saturday I rolled it twice, and smashed into a power transformer...she's toast. So if you need parts ( :eek: ) let me know. Anyway I bought the RX-& and at first I didn't like it......two hours later I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!! and I will never stray again!!!!! So what's up e-1....see you in the funnies!


djmtsu 09-26-04 02:47 PM

Hey guys, new to the 1st gens so I thought I'd chime in.
Darrel Bollinger (DJ), professional student, Advance Auto Parts Commercial Parts Pro. I just turned 27 (shit) and have had a few RX-7's in my short life. Started with a '91 Brave Blue Coupe N/A that I absolutely loved, sold it for the dumbest reasons (can always buy it back, I know where they live...hehe). Had a few other cars, then picked up a '90 GXL with a popped rotor. Kept it for a while then sold it to Mr. Gadget on this forum. He needed it more than I did at the time. Bought a 2000 Honda VFR Interceptor and thought my wife would never allow me to buy anything fun ever again. Got lucky last week and picked up a very nice '81 from Garfinkle and am in the process of working out a few minor kinks. My uncle had owned several 1st gens throughout his life and turned me on to RX-7's. He even bought his stepson an 89 TII for his 16th birthday back in '94. I am lucky to be in Tennessee where there is quite an active RX-7 community, but it will be better when I move back to Chicago next year. That's it, now I have to go fix my car.

'78 Savanna 09-27-04 01:21 PM

Hey all... here's my lil shpeal

My name is Ryu, I'm 21 and am 3rd generation 1st owner(my dad's dad bought the car new, gave it to my dad, who gave it to me) of my '78 Savanna Limited RX-7 imported from Japan. She only has 33k on her and runs great. I love this car, my new baby. As for mods, she's completely bone stock, everything original... but I do have a full RB exhaust sitting in my garage in the box, waiting to be put on.

I plan to keep the car as Original as possible appearance wise, since I beleive my car is about as rare as an RX-7 gets 'round these parts :) Though I will mod the engine (exhaust, intake, street port, and a carb.. that's about it), I'll keep all the original stuff so I can go all original at my leisure :)

I'm here to learn, and have learned a lot already from reading up on the site.. see ya 'round the board.

DAVID GRIMES 09-28-04 02:26 PM

Life is hard. Then we refurbish.
Hi, everyone. I'm David Grimes ( obviously ) from Albany, Georgia. I thoroughly enjoy this forum. Thanks to all that made it happen and keep it going. I'm 44, married with 4 kids, and have worked for Cooper Tire for 20 years. ( Check the Zeons out !!! ) I have worked in Technical, Product Assurance, Planning, and Production Supervision. I also build large custom houses as a sideline.

I bought a new Red GS in 1985 and my ex-wife wrapped it around a telephone pole 2 years later. She didn't get hurt, but I HAD to give her the ultimate punishment. Like all battered women, she just did not know how to shut up and listen ( just kidding ). :rlaugh:

I bought my white with brown interior one owner 1981 RX7 GS in 1987 with 90,000 miles on it. It had a ragged drivers seat, ( the rest of the interior was mint ), dull paint, an ugly brown stripe down each side, had rust on the back hatch bottom lip holes, and some of the black side moulding pieces were half attached. I removed the strip with pressure, acetone, and elbow grease. I got both seats recovered to match. I glazed and waxed. I reglued the mouldings and buffed them smooth again. I treated the rust and put some white cream hardener over the rust spots. I painted the silver wheels white. etc. etc. I drove it for 6 years and got to 130,000 miles with no problems.

I had seen Mariah Mode One's in Rotary Rocket magazine that Mazda sent to all owners. I thought ( and still do ) that it adds side curves to the beautiful top curves to make one pretty ride. So, in 1993, I ordered the entire kit and had it installed and painted BMW Alpine white ( IMO not quite as stark as the Mazda white ). Still everything stock except the kit, the recovered seats, a performance clutch and pressure plate, a prima flow exhaust ( no cat ) and the stereo system.

In 1994, the "500 year flood" came to town while I was on vacation. I saw my street sign on CNN inches out of the water. The RX7 sat underwater for 3 days !!! I had a house to rebuild that had 7 feet up the walls for 3 days ( that's what got me back into house building ). I had the car hauled to the Mazda dealer, told them to drain and kerosene everything and I'd decide later what to do with it. So, it was either junk the perfect body, paint, etc. or do a complete strip and refurbish.

Thanks to a Mazda mechanic that loved RX7's more than he loved the almighty dollar, we decided to refurb. John "Colorado" Conlin became my good friend over the months that we stripped the car and either replaced new or refurbed better than new every piece of that car. Sunshine Mazda let me have the use of the microfiche machine and even let me order my own parts over many months. The deal we worked out was 10% over cost. I couldn't have done that without them, either.

I ordered the engine with its peripheral mods from Design Energy. We had the radiator recored and painted, etc. etc. Got the ENTIRE interior new from mazda. Every switch, button, panel, headliner, on and on NEW. New instrument cluster w/ speedo refaced to 160 mph, etc. I mean every single damn thing. Spent over 10,000 on the refurb. Got 95% finished in 1996. John left with wife and daughter Molly to Alaska. ( John, If you read this... call me. I can't get your number anymore ). Have I got something to tell John ( please keep reading ).

That was 8 years ago and I've only put 3500 miles on it. Starting it only monthly and washed, covered, and garaged. Why, you ask ? Because it ran like shit. We always blamed the Mikuni and with John gone, I put it on the back burner. But, WE WERE WRONG !!! While trying to tune it ( I'm not the mechanic, remember ), my brother Chris ( in Memphis and VERY knowledgable about all things piston ) realized that the distributor was installed 180 degrees out !!! :rlaugh: John, man I love you, but you ARE the professional mechanic and the one that did it !!! That could ruin your career if word got out !

That explained all the years of DOUBLY SERIOUS FUCKING COLOGNE saying rich, the bogging past idle saying lean, and the plugs saying flooded !!! But the damned thing would crank right up, idled super and would run decent 0-60, but NOTHING over 60mph. :mad:

That was only a few weeks ago. When we put it in right, reset timing, changed plugs, and finally quit laughing at the situation, it was like 1 and 1/2 12A's in that bad boy !!! The next 2 hours was the wife, brother, teenage kids and several of their friends begging to ride or drive. We terrorized the neighborhood with a 1998 outdated tag !!! :eek:

So, I'm finishing what I started but probably going to go farther in every way ( thanks in part to this wonderful forum ). Thanks for all the advice so far ( and entertainment... I'm so easily amused ) ! :) I'll be around.

i_piss_on_hondas 09-29-04 04:01 AM

Well my name is Jim... I am 20 years old and have been playing with rx7s since I was 16... I have worked for atkins rotary, hyperformance located in puyallup wa (now out of business) and now work with my dad operating a auto repair/towing/locksmithing business in castle rock wa...

I have owned 3 rx7's 1 79 with a ported 74 4 port 13b built by atkins rb intake holly carb race header ect... In process of outfitting car with a carbed turbo setup on 76 motor but since lost intrest... another 79 parts car/ spare body... and a 91 na fc with a j spec turbo 2 swap with a exaughst system and a few other mods... blew that up in about a month after installing new jspec motor for stupid reason (dont ask) and since sold the car... right now I am looking for a 3rd gen for a daily driver... and I am going to pick up another 1st gen on thurs...

I always like haveing a quick good looking daily driver and another street racer... I am pretty heavy into the scene... I also have a 02 yam r6 but found out I am alot better rider on the dirt then I am on the street and one HELL of a better driver ;) ... I pretty much like anything that goes fast and I also enjoy aviation but I havent gotten my private pilots license yet... I figure in time I will...

Final_Rev_RX7 10-03-04 11:45 PM

Hey peoples, you guys seem like a very friendly bunch. Good to know that theres still friendly people out there. Anyway My name is

REUBEN, Im 17 years old. Born in South America, and have lived in St. Louis with my family for about 6 years. And i am currently a senior in High school

I like my 7 very much. It's a funny story of how i got her. Brandon,One of my closest friends and i went to visit his parents in another state. And while we were Barbecueing in the backyard, The neighbor came over to say hi. He seemed like a very nice guy, so we went over to his house to show him the Autocross video that i had just taped. my friend brandon Drives a highly Modified Honda Accord, with an H22A swap from the Japenese Prelude, if anyone knows what im talking about its no JOKE, its the most ridiculously fun, double sunroof car you will ever see PICS LATER. To make a very, very, long story, short and sweet. I met the 7 under a car cover, the the neigbors driveway, fell in love, wanted to find out what the heck a freakin' rotary was, AFTER all i was only introduced to the ignorance of CYLINDERS< BAHHHH. And took that 1984 GSL-SE that ran like a dream. DROPPED 800 cash on it. The RX7 with a 13B RE-EGI rotary was my first car ever. I felt like a KING at 16, just got my liscence, I had only driven a manual once before, and for a year now i have enjoyed the many learning experiences, and just having plain old fun experiences with the 7. U put it together cops, teenager, loud 7, and nuttin buttaught drifting lessons.

1984 GSL-SE
150,000 miles
Dialy Driver/ Fun Car/ "Da Distorber"
Pace Setter Exhaust/ MONZA
2 month old paintjob From Black to Red
New Slave and Master Cylinder
2 good junkyard rims, because the other ones got kinda bent up (DRIFTING)

I HAVE ALOT OF FUTURE PLANS FOR THIS CAR, the reason i wanted to be a part of this club is to find out things such as HOW do i go about putting a Turbo in my 1st gen 13B. without much effort.

So i leave my questions, and stories with you rotary GENIUSES, and ROTAHOLICS, to assist me in the quest for St louis, MOs' scariest, Loudest, fire breating, Mustand RAPER, drift king 7.

I hope u guys are excited as i am.

Final_Rev_RX7 10-04-04 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by fatboy7
Well, my name is Brandon, I'm 22, and in my third year as an electrical engineering major. I plan on going the distance in my schooling (MS for sure PhD is still a strong canidate, if I can last that long) I'm single, and with this hobby probably will be for quite some time ;)

My nickname came about as my friends jokingly gave me the nickname fatty, at the time I was 15, 5'10" and 135lbs. far from fat, but for some reason I liked it and it stuck. I like to learn, and so this forum is a godsend when it comes to rotary info. I am sometimes a know-it-all, but I'm always willing to learn.... I just grew up with a lawyer as a father, that means I learned fast to think logically, and defend myslef when I feel like I know what I'm talking about.

I have had an interest in rotaries for a couple of years, The nature of the rotary is interesting. A bout a year ago, after living two years in russia, I came home to find that my parents hadn't sold my 85 Bronco II that I had rebuilt, lifted and painted when I was 17, even though I was tired of it ,well most of it... I regret having not droped a big V8 into it, and after 6g's It made me I'll that It struggled with 70mph on the highway up hill.

Anyway, I started looking into cars that I could buy and modify. I started looking at SN95 mustang GTs and Cobras, but the cost combined with unoriginality and crapy feel, I broadened my search for a smaller, tigher car, that was cheaper, but still had lots of potential. AAfter peeking into getting a Neon, and turbocharging it, and a civic and dropping a b18 into it, I was at a loss, neons weren't very fun to drive. At high revs the engine sounded like it was stressed, and Civics around here are way overpriced and rare, I was about to abandon the hopes of finding my next project when I ran into a clean sunrise-red 85 GS. It was love at first drive.... I knew the moment I downshifted into third on a winding mountain road, That I was sold. As for potential,I could easily afford, not only this sweet and unique car, but that for the 8-9k that I planned on the car+project, I could give this thing the power and suspension it so deserves. My TII swap is building up, but I still have a long way to go. I love this car, it has timeless lines, and a great personality. This forum is great, I've learned alot, thanks

Hey man, we seem to be on the same page in life. Im 16 Foreign, and want to become an electrical engineer after highschool. I will be the youngest senior to ever graduate from My high school in St. Louis, MO.
Any advice on college or Electrical Engineering would be very much welcomed
My buddy drives an H22A japenese honda PRELUDE, he helped me get my 1984 SE when i had just turned 16, KEEP in touch and HELP me on my quest for a 13BT or Twin Turbo. LOL . It seems so far away but very much possible

jramosrx7 10-05-04 09:13 PM

New Old Guy

Some of you may recognize the name as a long-standing member of the rotary community. I started with an '84 GSL-SE back in '86. I took that car from its stock 135 hp to about 170 hp by installing an '88 engine, and opening up the intake and exhaust. Cosmetically, it was essentially stock.

I sold the -SE in late '92 after I bought a '93 RX-7. The FD was my baby until May of this year. In the intervening years, I took it from its stock 255 hp to about 380 hp with all the usual hang-off parts and the Apexi PowerFC running 13 psi. I sold the FD to Fritz who now has it for sale. If you're looking for a solid FD, consider it. At his price, it's a great deal, IMO.

I now have two Porsches, a '96 911 Turbo (993) and a '99 911 Carrera 2 (996), which is for sale. However, my heart has always been with the rotary community, so as good fortune would have it, I have just bought back my old -SE!!!

I am retired, but considering going back to work just to keep busy. I have had a military career of 11 years on active duty and 24 years in the reserves. My active duty time was primarily in Special Forces (Green Berets), while my reserve time was in Special Operations Commands throughout the world. I am retired from that now.

Since '76, I worked primarily in corporate finance with some marketing in the mix. I am also retired from that.

Glad to be back!!

partsguy74 10-05-04 10:23 PM

This is the best idea ever.

My name is Dave Kent. I am a 30 year old Project Manager with and Architectural firm in Erie, PA. I am married, no children. I have been interested in cars all my life. I spent most of my time growing up, under the hood with my dad. I learned many great lessons from him. After graduating high school, I drifted from job to job, not knowing what to do with my life. I mostly worked for auto parts companies (Western Auto/Parts America, Napa, Pep Boys, Advance Auto, Forest City, just about everyone but Zone). Deciding I wanted a better pay and better schedule, I went to school for architecture.
My love of rotary engines was buried in the mystique of the wankel engine. Growing up, I heard many of the rumors about how the wankel engine was so opposed by government and big Auto, that they had disappeared from junkyards. I researched the engine in high school and always dreamed of finding one of the elusive, outlaw engines. After learning the truth about the mazda, the dream sort of faded, until I got the opportunity to buy a totalled 84 GS with a brand new wankel in it. I jumped on it (much to the chagrin of my wife), I jumped on this forum to find a body for my new toy.. Adam Fortier sold me his 83 GSL and I have been spending happy evenings in my garage, bringing life to my dream. Thanks to everyone in this forum for their words of wisdom and support.

(steps down from the soapbox)

Phillip Rusciano 10-06-04 10:02 PM

All About Me,Because everyone else posted
As you can See my name is Filippo Faustino Rusciano. I have lusted for an RX-7 since I saw the 1st picture in a Popular Mechanics about 1974 or 75. Been married longer than most members of this forum have been alive. $0 years to my highschool sweetheart.

I am 62 and 80 days away from retiring. I am Director of Sales & Marketing for my youngest son's ServiceMaster company. 45 Employees. This is my second career after 2 weeks of retirement and threats of bodily harm from my wife when I was 50. My 1st career was a study in insanity. I was in the restaurant biddness for 40 yrs. Ended up owing 5 at different times. Also spent 3 yrs selling Mazda's and 3 yrs managing food service in a 320 bed hotel in Rochester Mn. Onone block from the Mayo Clinic. I have a degree in business administration.

I own an '85 GSL-SE that I call Cinnimon 7. My Uncle Red, 80 yr old Greyhound Driver and I just returned from a 3120 mile trip to the East Coast. Stayed with relatives in Burke Virginia. Visited with David Lane and George Samuels(Atilla the Fun) Drove David's car and Rode in the RXXX7 of Georges.

Raised 4 Children and just one year before last graduated from College I found my 7. She was tucked away in a dusty old warehouse. The owner wanted to sell an '84 and I wanted to buy this '85. Six months of talking and finally he agreed to sell '85.

I have put about $7k in this car. Rebuilt 13b, tranny custom exhaust all smog gear removed. I installed a ferrari Muffler. Cost $426.00 plus installation. Wheels are Mille Miglia and Tires are one size over Khumo's. Replaced all Bushings and installed carbon brake pads. Sparco steering wheel RB down pipe and tower brace. Black Nite Elec Fan 100 Amp Alternator. Off road 80/100 Amp head lites and fog lights. Found a pair OEM leather seats in perfect condition. Will have old ones rebuilt with cloth inserts and added bolster. I am 6ft. 280 pounds and Unk Red is 6'2" and 240 so we need bolster.

She dyno's at 160 HP. I am having one of 2 spare engines rebuilt this Winter. Street port 89/91 intake and throttle body. I have a Wolf 3D wirth update chip that I will install.

I am looking for 200/225 RWHP and some open twisting roads. Unk Red and I found a lot of good roads to go fast on in Maryland and Virginia. Just old roads in New Jersey. We are heading East again next year.

After that we are heading to Mexican boarder and will drive the Pacific highway all the way to Canada and trans Canada back to Minnesota.

That was 2nd trip East and the car was flawless both times. Now at 140,000 miles. 40 on rebuilt engine.

Well out of breath and Vodka also sore fingers, so I will leave you now. Forgive long post or don't, this is America and you are free to choose, When I meet you I will just step on your toes.

Take Care;


jamfan10 10-09-04 11:25 AM

Great Idea!
Hello everyone! My name Mike Baxter and I live just outside of Minneapolis in Wisconsin. I have a white 84 GSL-Se Which I bought off a guy on this forum for 200 Bucks! I wouldnt say i bought it, he had some outside issues which interfered with his ownership, ie girlfriend got pregnant!. The car is totally rust free and has only a few minor dents. The interior looks great except the drivers seat is torn somewhat. It has been indercoated, new brakes, wheels, driveshaft, tranny rebuilt, new fan, and a ton of other stuff done to it. The only problemn is it has a bad rotor( which I have a spare 13b to rebuild already).

I am looking for some other 7 owners around this area to get together with, swap ideas etc. etc. I need help with this car and I just moved to the area and have no idea if there are any good shops around to do some work on my baby. If anyone is near me feel free to contact me. Grumpy752000@yahoo send me a message on here. Take care everyone

Bob Holton 10-10-04 09:22 AM

Well Kids, here I am . Bob Holton 7/11/1931 Yeah I know the old fart pops up again. My first car was a 1931 Chrysler 70V made in July 1930 . after that it is hard to keep them in order. I raced 1935 Ford flat head v8's on dirt . Have been a cop and other law enforcement jobs all my life.my first rotary ws a 1974 rotary wagon, those will blow the doors off most anything. then finally a 1985 RX7 GS with only 50 K on it, totaled. My wife about hit me. its up and running very well , thank you. also have a 65 VW to restore this winter, a 74 Rotary wagon from Alaska, and a red 1985 Rx7 to restore if I dont pick it to death for parts. I do tend to gripe at you kids , when you unload on old people,but remember you are on your way to being one. Word of the day, you gotta grow old, but you don't gotta grow up. Is Frank from Wales still out there? the other older than I am , old fart ?? Hope I didnt bore you. Bob Holton

Another82 10-31-04 04:57 AM

I'm Jeremy, age 35 and I live in Hawaii. My third '82 RX-7 goes on the boat next week. It should be here in about 3 weeks. I'm excited. It's a white GSL, clean with 114k. My first
RX-7 I purchased from the original owner in 1990--a 1982 S, silver over black (my fave color combo) with 52k original miles. It was cherry and all original. How it left my possession is a sad story. I drove it until early '94. I bought my second 1982 S, also silver over black in '97. It wasn't as clean as the first. I bought it out of emotion because it looked like the first and I wanted a replacement. I didn't have the money to fix the laundry list of problems it had so I sold it. Now 7 years later I'm getting a THIRD '82 RX-7. I can't wait for it to get here. I've had all kinds of cars, many "fancier" than my rotaries but they were my favorites. I've been putting off buying another one, now I can't think of one single reason not to.

mazda6guy 11-08-04 06:54 PM

My name is James and yes I love the rotary powered cars. My first love was and still is the FD. Last November I purchased my first rotary powered car. A 1985 RX-7 GSL. I do not drive it at the moment because it needs a little maintenance on her. Been doing some things to her like fixing the intake gaskets and the carb. The engine is fine but would like to still get a fresh rebuild for it. I am also trying to find a Rotary Head that I can learn from in the Maryland area. If you are out there just PM me and I will come and learn from ya. One day I will own all 3 gens of the RX-7. One down 2 to go!

rmarkc 11-13-04 01:46 PM

I finally feel like a real member of the club....
Today I took delivery of my new (to me) 85 RX-7.
I'm not really sure if I should call it a GSL w/ 13b FI or GSL-SE w/ GSL suspension. The P.O. built a GRM challenge vehicle out of a GSL and swapped the suspension from this car to that one.

Anyway, it's mine now!
I have wanted a 1st gen RX-7 since I took a test drive in a used one way back in the late 80's.
This is my first rotary car so I'm new to the engine but I swear I'll search the board before asking any questions.

jezek301 11-17-04 05:03 PM

New as well
I just recently joined the website as well. My name is Jeff and have been in the army 21 and some odd years. I bought my first RX7 (1985 GSL) in the 1990's and really loved it. I took it to Germany and the engine siezed on the autobahn due to a blown water hose.
Just last fall I bought a 1983 GSL on ebay and the guy misrepresented himself, but since I flew all the way to Cleveland, I felt that I would go ahead and buy it. I have put much time and money into it, and I am going to take the loss by selling it. However, just last week, I bought a 1985 GSL-SE (which I have always wanted) and am working out a few minor bugs. Such things as rough idle, muffler replacement, etc.
My wife can't understand my love for the 1st gen RX7's and probably never will. She does love our RX8 though.

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